толпы детишек с ноября по март имели одну из баз данных LexisNexis во все дыры - почти полгода. теперь некоторых из них поймали и будут дрючить. детишкам, конечно, причитается положенное атата, но не в этом дело: разломанная база использовалсь полицией и прочими "спецслужбами".
Null said he ran only a few searches himself then closed the accounts he created when he saw things getting out of hand. In a separate incident, he hacked into a gay website called Manhunt.net, broke into the site's instant messaging server and got caught by the website. The experiences convinced him he was wasting his life, he said.
там же, ниже по тексту:Santa Clara County Deputy District Attorney Jim Sibley, project director of REACT, didn't discount that the California arrests were related to the hacker investigation, but said, "To my knowledge the hacker situation in the news has no tie to what we're investigating here." He suggested, however, that the California arrests might involve a separate investigation of LexisNexis breaches, since the scope of the problem was so great."You start looking at an account that's been logged into 500 times and generated 9,000 reports, for example, that's a lot of information (to examine)," Sibley said. "I'm just saying it's not one group that's compromised LexisNexis. Their security is really bad. This isn't a situation where you're talking about needing an überhacker to compromise (the system). Their passwords weren't as secure as your average porn site. I think it didn't take a genius to break them. Although I think the way the hackers did it was creative. We'll give them style points."
на открытом рынке такие разъебаи просто не выжили бы. в условиях государственной бюрократии, примазавшись к кормушке, они процветают и даже хранят наши личные данные. fuck this shit!