
Feb 28, 2007 21:20

so i was driving home from west palm the day after valentine's after a most wonderful time with raena lynn when disaster struck. i was 190 miles into the 200 mile trip home when i began to smell peculiar fumes. i checked my gauges and nothing seemed out of the ordinary except for the orange engine light that is always on was now blinking. my car ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

coeur_de_lion March 1 2007, 14:25:18 UTC
1. these pictures are really cool. if they had been taken with a better camera, they would be AWESOME!! i really like that light though. that might make for some cool photos. i'm feeling inspired.

2. maybe you SHOULD get that corolla. you know, it's a toyota . .

3. this weekend . . i wish i could come there. you will be busy working on the car anyway, i suppose. i will busy myself with finishing projects and getting my room together for your next visit.

4. next weekend, gainesville? maybe?

p.s. did you see the fixed-gear-haters on my last entry? :/

p.p.s. i miss you. a LOT.


krackaryme March 1 2007, 20:39:26 UTC
1. a better camera would be nice. i'm thinking of trading in my 35mm for a digi. maybe. my first self portrait assignment in my photo I class i used a work light and took some photos of me working on my cutlass. i'll have to show them to you. they are horrible but funny. the work light was the only light source i used so it was pretty good at the time i thought ( ... )


coeur_de_lion March 2 2007, 03:57:43 UTC
you know how we do math? i just thought of a new equation:

you + me = getting. it. on.

just thought i would throw that out there. i just wrote you a big long message elsewhere and those words are just for you and me, not for everyone else to see . . but i must reiterate how much i miss you. how i wish, when i finish typing this and hit that "post comment" button, that i could turn and walk away from this computer and climb into bed and have you be waiting there for me.




krackaryme March 5 2007, 00:32:13 UTC
haha...you're amazing and i miss you too. very much. so much so that even when i'm keeping myself busy around the house cracking up patios and hauling concrete and still find myself daydreaming about you and what you are doing and how i wish i was there and what we would be doing if we were together and how much ice we will need along with the gatorade. next weekend though and then NO MORE MISSING WEEKENDS!


(The comment has been removed)

krackaryme March 4 2007, 23:38:03 UTC
want me to give you a call next time we work on the car. i don't do much but learn, get beer for metha, and get in the way. it's still fun though. how can it not be when there is a full engine rebuild under way. let me know dude.


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