so i was driving home from west palm the day after valentine's after a most wonderful time with raena lynn when disaster struck. i was 190 miles into the 200 mile trip home when i began to smell peculiar fumes. i checked my gauges and nothing seemed out of the ordinary except for the orange engine light that is always on was now blinking. my car
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Comments 5
2. maybe you SHOULD get that corolla. you know, it's a toyota . .
3. this weekend . . i wish i could come there. you will be busy working on the car anyway, i suppose. i will busy myself with finishing projects and getting my room together for your next visit.
4. next weekend, gainesville? maybe?
p.s. did you see the fixed-gear-haters on my last entry? :/
p.p.s. i miss you. a LOT.
you + me = getting. it. on.
just thought i would throw that out there. i just wrote you a big long message elsewhere and those words are just for you and me, not for everyone else to see . . but i must reiterate how much i miss you. how i wish, when i finish typing this and hit that "post comment" button, that i could turn and walk away from this computer and climb into bed and have you be waiting there for me.
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