Into this we flow with and down to the limpid desire festering on infectious scabs that run up and down the human condition. How can someone miss you... truely know you in the first place if a vast ocean lies between you and your experiences, your loves,hates, and minds. MINDS! where does the line begin to blurr Judd? When is it that our enemies and friends become one? When the trivial ceases to become God, That's when. Opening. Vulnerable. Wanting. Affirming life. Be mindful of interior distractions. In a good conversation where do your words end and another's begin...It begins with a choice. It never stops. We are not lovers when we love. WE are the loving itself, we become it to know it. We hold conversations through words and each word is a poem used to desribe something in the actual world. Proceed ever upwards, or down, just as long as you spiral our instead of chasing that lovely tail of yours...
Comments 2
Love Donnie Hollingsworth (mary's ville) Missouri
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