Kradam News FAQ Update

Jun 19, 2011 21:34

This is an update of the kradam_news  FAQ.

No major changes, just a new little bit about linking fic and art crossposted to LJ from other sites.  Also, we have added a reminder that locked posts and locked journals will not be linked on the newsletter.  Please check it out or re-read at your convenience.

Welcome to kradam_news, your resource for all things related to Kris Allen and Adam Lambert. We hope this will serve as a valuable and helpful tool for your fandom experience. Therefore, this FAQ is to help you, as the people creating the various contributions, and us, as the people who bring those contributions to the fandom at large.

Please take a few minutes to review these FAQs. If you have any questions about the newsletter that are not answered here, feel free to drop a comment and we'll do our best to get you an answer as soon as possible. Do not, however, leave any links to submissions here as they will not be gathered and added to an edition. Read the post and find out where they go.

What is kradam_news?

kradam_news is a weekly fandom newsletter for all things related to Kris Allen and Adam Lambert. Here you'll find links to news, communities, video, audio, icons, fanfiction, photos, icons and other fanart. The weekly digest will include all the links to Kradam fannish material that we can find posted since the previous edition. We'll do our best to bring every piece of Kradam news and fannish creation that we can possibly include to the fandom at large.

As the fandom grows and creativity output necessitates, the newsletter will publish more frequently.  For example, when Kris and Adam are touring or putting out new music, posts may increase to bi-weekly.  For now, however, you can expect to see an edition every Sunday.

How do I submit something to the newsletter?

The best way to insure that your fannish creation or news item makes it to kradam_news is to post or crosspost your contribution to one of the many communities being watched by kradam_watcher. That journal is used by the kradam_news editors to watch all of the Kris/Adam related communities and to make sure we don't miss anything that should be linked in the newsletter. If your contribution is posted in any of the communities we watch, we will find it.

When you crosspost links please link to the actual journal entry and not to your whole journal/community/month/day/tag/etc. If we have to look for your contribution, even if it's only a couple entries down in your journal, it won't get linked.

If you don't crosspost to one of the watched communities, you can also comment to our most recent edition and we'll include your contribution in the next newsletter.

Despite our best efforts and our innate awesomeness, we sometimes fall short of perfection. *g* So if you've posted to a watched Kradam community and we've somehow missed your post, just drop a comment in the most recent edition and we'll include your link in the next edition of the newsletter. Please, however, only comment if you posted prior to the most recent edition and we've missed you. For instance, if the newsletter is posted at 7:01 p.m. on Sunday night and you post something at 7:15 p,m. Sunday night, do not comment to make sure we won’t miss you on the next edition. Instead wait until the next edition is posted and if we have missed you in that edition, then comment.

What do I need to do to get linked in an edition?

Do exactly what you're doing now. Continue to be ridiculously smitten with all things Kris and Adam and keep posting your various Kris/Adam fannish creations and contributions!

And also, follow these simple guidelines:

  • Fan Fiction (including podifcs): Your fic MUST include a title, rating and pairing OR the statement of an absence of a pairing ("gen" or "no pairing"). We will NOT link a fic without these three things. The rating must be one found in the MPAA rating guide (G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17) for ease of linking and because they're the most widely understood. We'll also accept the rating of "adult."

    The fic must be behind an lj-cut. Find out how to do one here.

    Drabble fics will not be linked to individually.

    We will remove everything down to the base URL, including cutids and reply links. Therefore readers will be lead directly to the header of a fic so they're aware of what they've clicked and in case there is more information we haven't included in the newsletter (additional warnings, kinks, genderswap, bdsm, etc.).

  • Fanart/Icons: Any icons and fanart must be labeled for potential spoilers (anything that hasn’t aired in North America) and, if there is a pairing or something explicit in the fanart, a note of the rating and pairing must also be included, so that we can list it properly for the newsletter readers. The more information you can give us, the easier our job is.

    In consideration of others' flists, large pictures, fanart, or picspams must be behind a cut.

  • Any fic or art that is locked or is linked to a locked journal will not be posted to the newsletter.

Where do you get the links that make up the weekly newsletter?

We have a journal, kradam_watcher, that we've used to friend people and communities within the Kradam fandom. We collect links from the friends list in that journal every day and from the comments of the previous edition.

I posted something a few months ago that I'm just crossposting to communities now. Can I be linked in kradam_news?

Unfortunately, no. We want this to be a resource for the most current Kradam fannish contributions. We will not link to older contributions both because we aim to stay current with fandom and because there’s a chance the items were already linked when they were originally posted, and we want to avoid redundant links.

I have Kradam fannish contribution that I'd like linked but it's on another journal site like Dreamwidth, JournalFen, InsaneJournal or GreatestJournal. How do I get it linked?

This is an LJ-based fannish newsletter and we'll only link to Kradam fannish contributions found on LJ, Dreamwidth, and other official sites to be determined by the Editors.  The best way to make sure that something of yours gets posted is to crosspost from your external site to a Community on LJ.  For example, if you post a fic to your own personal website (or a profile you have on another journal site) and crosspost the fic to LJ we will link to the LJ post where the link to the offsite fic is.

What's your spoiler policy?

To the extent that it applies to this fandom, if it hasn't aired yet in North America it is a spoiler and MUST be cut and labeled.

I have a journal/community I'd like for kradam_watcher to watch.

Great! Just drop us a comment over at kradam_watcher or on the most recent edition and we'll add you to the watch list.

Please be aware, however, that we prefer watching communities because it reduces the number of personal journals we have to watch and therefore assists in that aforementioned having of a life. *g* But if you have a recs/graphics/fic comm/journal, etc, or if you post exclusively to your own journal/community please let us know either at kradam_watcher or on the most recent edition of the newsletter and we'll gladly add you.

You're a fandom service. Shouldn't you link to whatever people post?

The coders who work on this newsletter do so out of their own free time and out of the goodness of their gleeful fannish hearts. These guidelines are meant to make the coding process as easy as possible so that the fandom can get the best and most complete Kradam related information.

I have a comment/suggestion/criticism/heap of praise for you! Where do I leave my feedback?

Excellent! Feel free to comment to this post. As we've already mentioned, though, please don’t leave links to your submissions here as this only tells us you didn't actually read these FAQs as this isn't where they should be left and we'll likely miss your contribution if it's only linked here.

We will do our best to respond to your comment/suggestion/criticism/heap of praise just as soon as possible.

faq, update

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