How It Always Should Have Been Chapter 1/???

Oct 02, 2010 12:44

American Idol 8 RPF:   How It Always Should Have Been Chapter 1/?
Author: glambertgalore 
Pairing: Kradam, who else?
Rating: NC-17 overall
Warnings: angst, cuz that's how I like to roll! Nothing too bad though.
Beta:   The amazingly swift and wonderfully patient, caring and talented laurahellomoto
Summary: How Kradam finally got together and their lives after. 
Disclaimer: I do not know these people, and this was just done for fun, and no profit is being made. If you got here by googling yourself or someone you know, for the love of every deity I don't believe in, leave now.

Author's Notes: This is the domestic fic I promised! the first entry is just an intro, so it is very short. More soon. this will likely be very long, and may wind up going into a second fic detailing their domestic lives. So it'll stretch out for a bit. Hope you enjoy the first installment!

Adding...I in NO WAY think that Adam is some hotshot rock star while Kris is failing or anything like that, nor do I wish it. That insinuation is simply necessary for the fic.

A/N2: As per the warning in my last fic, due to someone posting it elsewhere without permission, I am watching out for that. If I find that it is happening, I'll be forced to comm lock or even f lock. Reccing to other Kradam lovers is fine, but c/ping is unacceptable. Thank you.

Master Post For This Fic:

How It Always Should Have Been Chapter 1/??

Kris Allen trudged uphill on the sidewalk in the pouring rain, drenched and panting under the weight of his luggage, hunting for Adam Lambert’s spacious new home. He should have insisted the cab driver to keep looking for the house; they didn’t call them the Hollywood Hills for nothing. By the time Kris finally found 2215 Wicker Blvd, he was drenched and panting, but somehow, he could not quite bring himself to ring the bell. Adam had no clue he was coming, yet Kris knew that he would be welcome. Kris was always welcome with Adam.

Finally, fearing that he might be ruining his laptop, iPhone, and iPod, Kris walked slowly up the drive to the huge white oak door and rang. He knew Adam was home; all the lights were on and he could see Adam puttering around inside, apparently making dinner, and the black Ford Mustang that Adam had traded for the Hybrids they had both gotten for being the top two for Season Eight of American Idol was in the driveway.

While waiting for Adam to open the door, Kris flashed back to those days while standing there in the pouring rain. He remembered hearing his name being called, telling the world that Adam deserved it, and the next year of the media and the Glamberts telling him what he had known from Hollywood week: that the title was rightfully Adam’s. Kris had done everything he could to fade into the background, to let Adam have his glory, to make things right. He had done a pretty good job too- Adam had been granted the headlining role on his tour, while Kris had opened on his. Adam had sold out stadiums and was working on a second album, while Kris was still an opening act. So, no matter the title, things were just as they were meant to be. Adam’s life and career were soaring, while Kris’s was faltering.

Adam didn’t seem to see it that way though. He always came to Kris’s shows, made sure Kris knew how much he believed in him, and called Kris the American Idol every chance he got, even though technically Lee DeWyze now held that title. To Adam, Kris was just Kris, time had stood still, and they were still the top two that the whole world had loved. Add to that the lackluster nature of the season after theirs, and it wasn’t difficult to pretend that nothing had changed.

Everything had changed though. Back on the show, Kris had been in denial, just as he had his entire life. He and Adam had played up the whole “bromance” for the media and for the Kradam fan girls, and, most importantly, for themselves. If they pretended their relationship was just a very close friendship, nothing would go wrong. They could be in each other’s lives and still remain politically correct and appropriate. Adam had won over the liberals, Kris the conservative religious right. That had never mattered on a personal level, but it was unspoken that this was what kept them from competing with each other, it was what made it possible for there to be room for both of them on the show and in the industry, despite taking the same route and the same season to success.

But now, things had most certainly changed. Kris was divorced, Adam was single, and Kris was certain that the stars had aligned just then because they were meant to be together.

He stood nervously, watching Adam walk toward the door, wiping his hands on a dish towel in his flannel sleep pants, his chest and feet bare. When the door opened, Kris couldn’t help but smile. He had finally, after all this time, come home.

fic: work-in-progress, fic: multi-chaptered, genre: romance, author: glambertgalore, type: futurefic, rating: nc-17, genre: angst

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