Title: Closer
http://janescott.livejournal.com/Pairing: Adam/Kris
Rating: PG13, I guess
Word count: 730
Summary: Later the same night of
http://community.livejournal.com/kradam_ai/382733.html Just a wee piece of .... something. I'm not even sure. It's not angsty though.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. None of the characters belong to me. Sigh.
Note: Title this time from Nine Inch Nails - Closer. Um. I lied. I think this is the last part.
Adam wakes up and stares blearily at the alarm clock on the nightstand. It reads 12:10. Sighing, he rolls out of bed, and out of habit, goes to check Kris' room. Sure enough, the bed is empty; unslept in.
Grumbling, muttering and half asleep, Adam pulls on the trousers he discarded at the end of his bed; a shirt, and contemplates shoes before giving that up as too complicated. He heads downstairs, and out the back, where he knows Kris has fallen asleep _ again _ on the lawn.
The security lights flood the pool area as he steps outside, and he blinks in the sudden glare, stopping for a moment. He's not worried about Danny waking up; Adam is pretty sure Danny would sleep through the apocalypse.
He stands by the pool for a moment, the air and the slightly restless night breeze feel good on his skin.
His eyes adjusted, he heads out on to the lawn, savouring for a moment the cool tickle of the grass under his bare feet.
He searches for the familiar shape on the grass, spotting him quickly as Kris has fallen asleep in the same spot they were talking earlier. Adam sits down quietly beside him and watches him for a moment in the moonlight. Something shivers through Adam as he watches Kris sleep - he's lying on his front, his arms flung out and his face turned to the side. Like Lucifer, just fallen out of the heavens. Beautiful but somehow … the word he wants won't come to him.
As he watches, Adam remembers all the other nights he's come out here and woken Kris up to go to sleep in his bed like a normal person. Nearly every night, he thinks to himself in the darkness.
The thought that these nights are soon coming to an end as the competition winds down makes his guts twist for a minute. Then he shakes his head, mutters “Cheesy, Lambert,” and carefully places one hand on the small of Kris' back, over his shirt; studiously ignoring the small slice of skin he can see shining in the moonlight between the shirt and Kris' jeans.
“Kris,” he whispers, “wake up.”
Kris blinks, and opens his eyes without moving. The security lights have gone off, and it takes his eyes a moment to adapt. “Adam?” he asks; still half asleep.
“Yeah, it's me. Come on Kris, get up; you can't sleep out here.” Adam rubs the small of Kris' back for a moment, before taking his hand away. Kris shivers at the loss of contact, and sits up reluctantly, rubbing his eyes.
He blinks again, and settles cross-legged, facing Adam. “Can we sit out here for a bit? Please?” Adam opens his mouth to protest, but realises he's just going to do what Kris wants anyway. “Fine,” he says, “but not for long. It's rehearsal day … er …. today.”
Kris laughs softly at this and asks “what time is it?”
“It's after midnight. You've been out here for hours - aren't you cold?”
Kris shakes his head. “Feels like I'm never cold here,” he says, before a shiver betrays his words.
Sighing, and slightly exasperated with both of them, Adam moves to sit behind Kris, who gratefully leans into his body; his back tucking into Adam's chest as he stretches his legs out in front of him. After a moment, Adam's longer legs uncurl beside him, warming Kris through. Adam puts an arm around Kris' waist, resting his hand on Kris' thigh.
“Better?” he whispers into Kris' ear.
Suddenly, Kris realises he doesn't have enough air in his lungs to form words, but he swallows, and nods silently; Adam's breath on his ear making his mind spin a little.
Slowly he traces the shape of Adam's fingers on his leg, like a kid tracing his hand on paper with a pencil. He can feel Adam's heart beating against his back; speeding up with the contact.
So slowly, that at first Adam doesn't realise what's happening, Kris traces two words in to the back of Adam's hand. To Adam it feels like the day he got his tattoo. Like a needle imprinting his hand forever.
It takes Adam a second to work out what Kris is saying to him.
I know.