Title: The Good Life
whenbuffysmilesFandom: American Idol RPF
Pairing: Kris/Katy, Adam/Drake, Kradam friendship
Rating: PG-13 (language, sexual situations)
Beta: The wonderful
joannacullenSummary: Ficlet. Kris and Katy move into their new apartment with a little help from their friends.
Disclaimer: This didn't happen. They belong only to themselves.
The Good Life
The apartment was everything they'd wanted to find. Kris leaned against the kitchen counter watching his wife with loving amusement as she wandered through the rooms once again. The happiness on her face was enough to wash away some of the guilt he felt for making her leave Arkansas. Yes, they'd made the decision together and it was the best for the future they wanted, but he never forgot that once she'd said she wanted to raise their children in Arkansas.
"Oh Kris," Katy said. "I love this." She glanced back at him before returning to look at the view from their tiny dining room balcony. He knew she was looking down at the garden courtyard with the fountain and not out at the smog-covered city in the background. But that was Katy, always finding the good in everything around her. This was lucky for him because otherwise she never would have chosen him from all the other guys who might have given her more than he had.
He wished he had a camera to take a picture of her framed inside the French doors. The sun glinted off her golden hair, dazzling him with its brilliance. A sudden and intense need for this woman flashed through him and he glanced down at his watch. The movers wouldn't be here with their stuff for at least another hour. Not enough time to truly love her, but enough to take an edge off his ever-burning hunger.
"Katy," he said to get her attention.
Her eyes opened wide when she looked back at him. Yep, she knew what he had in mind as he walked toward her across the shiny wood floors. Katy stepped inside, closing the doors behind her, and then held her hand out to him. It was all the answer he needed to his silent request. She wanted him, too. He took her hand in his, leading her down the hall, through the arched doorways to their bedroom. No furniture yet, but the blankets and comforter they'd bought yesterday were there. It would be enough and he would cushion her from the hard floor.
"Do we have time?" Katy whispered as if someone would hear them.
"Yeah," Kris said, grabbing blankets and throwing them on the floor haphazardly. He didn't care what the pallet looked like; he just wanted to touch her as soon as possible. Katy was kicking off her shoes even as she grabbed the pillows.
Laughing, they fell to their knees, reaching for the other. Both of them were anxious to christen their new home with their love. The first kiss exploded with their excitement over the life they were building together. Katy's hands were under his shirt, kneading the small of his back as he cupped her bottom, pulling her tight against his burgeoning cock. They were going to have plenty of time. They were already half-way there. Kris wrapped his arm around her waist to hold her steady as he lay back on their makeshift bed. She held onto his shoulders as she nipped along his neck.
"Hurry," he urged, reaching for the button on her shorts. "I need you now."
She pushed his shirt over his chest, kissing his stomach as her hands undid the button of his jeans.
Then a sound made them both freeze. There were footsteps coming from the living room. Heavy footsteps of more than one man. Katy stared down into his eyes as he tried to assess the danger. He sat up, pushing her behind him just as a shadow came down the hallway.
"Oh God," Drake shouted, covering his eyes with his hand. "I've been blinded. Breeder sex!"
"What?" Adam asked, stopping behind Drake to stare into the bedroom. He laughed. "Shit man, sorry." He pushed Drake out of the way and pointed him down the hallway. "Uh, we'll leave." Adam was still chuckling as he turned away. "We'll leave the lunch we brought in the kitchen.
"Crap," Kris said. "I forgot we invited them to help us unpack."
The sound of Katy giggling was muffled against his back. "Go get them," she said. "We'll have plenty of time...later." She pushed on his back.
"I love you," Kris mouthed as he back out of the room. He fastened his jeans and pulled his t-shirt down. "Adam, Drake," he called. "Stay."
Halfway through the living room door was the other couple, ready to leave. They were both grinning, but so was Kris by then. It was a moment that would probably be joked about and retold a thousand times over the years, and as embarrassing as it was, Kris didn't care. They were all friends and things happened. He shrugged as Adam closed the front door and came back inside with Drake. They were all smiling a little uncomfortably, replaying the moment in their minds, but it was all good.
"Want a beer?" Kris asked, as they headed into the kitchen. Reaching into the fridge, he pulled out a six-pack.
"Yeah," Drake jumped up to sit on the counter.
"Cool," Adam said.
"What's for lunch?" Katy asked, as she joined them. Her cheeks were pink, but otherwise there was no sign she'd been caught having sex with her husband. She peeked in the paper bag. "All right. Chinese!"
"There's a great place around the corner," Drake said, opening his beer.
Kris leaned against the counter again, wondering how he got so lucky. He watched as Katy and Drake unpacked their lunch, chatting in animated tones about the neighborhood.
Adam nudged Kris with his shoulder. He held out his beer in a toast position. "To the good life, buddy, to the good life."
"And to good friends," Kris added, clinking his bottle against Adam's, but Adam's attention was caught by something Drake said.
"Hey, the beef and broccoli is mine," Adam said, reaching over Drake's shoulder to grab the box out of his hand.
Kris glanced upward. "Thank you," he said. Life was better than he ever thought it could be, and with happy expectation, he went to join the fray that was happening in his kitchen.
…the end