Two reviews of the latest issue of the Farscape ongoing series:
The "Things I Like" blog has an entry on this, which is always a good thing, since this blog only does positive reviews. Money quote:
As I've written a few times recently, this comic has gotten very good since it became an on-going series. DeCandido has these characters down pat, and it's cool to see the way he and O'Bannon are working in the series' history to recent events. A good example of that comes in this issue, where the commerce planet they visit is the same one that was visited in the very first episode of the show.
Less enthusiastic is
Brandon Barrows of Cosmic Book News, who continues to hate my scripting. Money quote:
Rockne O’Bannon’s stories are solid enough, but perhaps it’s time to give someone else a chance at scripting? David Alan Mack’s recently-concluded Scorpius limited series was masterful and I’d love to see him give this a shot. Just my two cents.
Of course, the Scorpius series is an ongoing and is still going on, but never mind......