Brandon Barrows at Cosmic Book News has been very hard on Farscape of late, so the fact that he really liked issue #13 is especially gratifying. Money quote:
The first issue of the newest Farscape story-arc can be summed up easily enough in one word: suspenseful. It seems my patience over the last year has been rewarded, and I’m glad I stuck with this series.
Brandon liked Scorpius #7, too.....)
Tony Isabella reviews my story arc for the Cars: Adventures of Tow Mater comic, and also likes it. Money quote:
DeCandido does an outstanding job naming every character and doing so in a smooth manner. The story progresses at a good pace and the Hill art is fun and lively. I can’t say I don’t like this sort of thing per se. It was an enjoyable way to pass several minutes and I think the trade paperback would make a nifty gift for a Cars-loving youngster. But it didn’t elevate Cars to a must-read comics series for me. Still, if you like this sort of thing, you’ll like this and that’s a good thing for Boom and the creators who worked on these four issues.