Title: Sometimes, I wonder
Warnings: None.
Rating: PG-13
Authors Notes: Inspired by a icon and a song. "Fireworks" by Katy Perry and "Can you feel me falling?"
She stood at the top of her world. It seemed to go on forever and ever. She loved it. She wind was pure and the air was clean.
Her wild and untamed hair whipped about, sometimes blinding her but really, she had already closed her eyes. Her smile was pure and she felt it. The pure utter happiness of freedom.
Her clothes were tattered, and her mind was gone but she didn't care. Her feet were bare, and she had cuts everywhere, not caring she lifted her arms up and let the thin air blow right through them.
Her grin was forever planted on her face and she fell. She let herself go, falling down for the greatest height that exists in her world. The wind is falling rapidly beside her, making her grin even more.
About halfway down, she decides that it is time. Ripping off what was left of her shirt, her white and gray wings shoot out, stopping her free fall to a glide. She grins crazy, and laughs hysterically. The feathers fall out, but new ones replace them.
She lands on the ground gently. She grinning, and still glowing.
"You are so pretty."
"Like an array of colours."
"Like fireworks."
She laughs, ignoring the voices and spreads her wings once again. Her excitement and pure ecstasy was fading away and she didn't like it.
"You can't fly forever."
She turns, her wings still spread, and still grinning.
"Watch me."
And she took off. And they did.
Her hair, the colour of nothing and everything shined in the glowing sun. Her skin kissed by the sun sparkled like gemstones and her wings, seemed like little storm clouds of happiness. The sun rose high and she faded, disappearing in to the sunlight.
"Don't you wish it was real?"
"What was real?"
"People with wings?"
"I suppose so. Though, I don't know how I would live?"
"What do you mean? You would live by flying. Duh."
"No. Well yes, but, I would never land."
"Because I would lose the feeling."
"The feeling of what?"
Some strange places indeed.
In a place like this one, people fight dragons and save princesses.
In a place like this one, people can fly on machines.
In a place like this one, fireworks mean death of a loved one.
In a place like this, people live forever.
In a place like this, people have wings.
In a place like this, disease doesn't exist anymore.
In a place, people love
In a place, there is no war
In a place, there is hope
I want to live in a place like that,
Don't you?
"Because I have you. And that's all I need."
Give a smile to those that you love and cherish. Never forget them, and tell them at every chance that you love them. You don't know what the future holds. No one does.
If you have a problem, stand up for yourself. If you can't, get a friend and try again. Never give up and never forget.
We are here.
Forever at the side of you.
Though you might not know us yet,
We are there
Just don't forget to look for us.
Because we are always looking for you
An after thought: This is for every person who had ever meant anything to me, and still does. This to every person who ever hurt me, and to those that still do. I am me, and this is my thought process. If anyone has ever wanted to really understand what goes on inside my head, this is a really good example. I hope you enjoyed it. I know I did.