Tuesday, October 13, 2009 10:50 p.m.
Ah, I might just get back into the swing of once-a-week updates! How about that? They’ll be shorter, which I’m sure will make some of you positively squeal with delight. We’ll see.
The past week has brought me a staph infection. Not the best thing in the world, no. Definitely not. At first I thought it was just a bug bite that swelled up a bit. I rode it out for a few days, until it got really bad. Then, when I felt like I would have been a burden to take to the ER or a clinic, I laid down for a while to try to get to sleep and be rid of the pain. It didn’t go away, and nothing got better. While everyone was at Olive Garden Saturday, Luke drove over, picked me up, and took me to the ER, where we spent 4 hours and left with two prescriptions to fill. He spent the night with me and then drove me around to get the prescriptions and to pick up the bike rack and lock that my mom sent me from Walmart.
I had to switch one of my classes, too. Even though I met the technical prerequisites for Character Rigging, Ellen preferred that I have other ones done first, so I got put into Designing Interior Worlds and Spaces instead. The pros? I get to take another class with Luke, and I open up Friday mornings for work. The cons? I haven’t taken Texture I yet, so I’m going to be a little behind the game when it comes to the modeling project…
Beyond that, my classes are pretty swell. The whole ER/infection fiasco really cut into my homework time, so I’m a little behind already (it’s only week two! GAH) but I’m sure I can catch back up. I haven’t finished my 3D animation’s key frames yet, haven’t done (or even started) the blueprints for our “exploding” object, and character drawings for Computer Modeling II. I can easily come up with three story things and type them up between Thursday night and Friday morning, so I’ll be fine for Performance and Story Development on Friday afternoon.
This infection has been ruining my life something fierce, though. Even after getting the prescriptions (some crazy antibiotic and 800 mg Ibuprofen tablets - the biggest dose you can take without OD’ing, and also the largest effective dose) I still have occasional intense bouts of pain between Ibuprofens.
Oh! And that’s right, I have a job. I started work last week, and I’m still going strong into this week. The only interference in that department comes, again, from this stupid infection. Staph is highly contagious, and on one hand I really don’t wanna get anyone infected (this shit SUCKS) but on the other, Viv really wants me in, and I really want to work. In this case, there are two forces working to get me to go to work, and I just have to be very VERY careful of staying antibacterialized and sanitary, and I’m going to need to invest in some gauze and medical tape ASAP for the leaking/oozing deliciousness that’s going on at the bottom of my face right now.
Eh, that’s it. Congratulations.
You can check out photos of my lovely exploding face here