You Rise Only to Fall

Dec 02, 2009 16:16

Wednesday, December 2, 2009 3:24 p.m.

I have overcome. That is the first part of my entry today.
I learned the basic content of an entire three-month class in a week and a half. I would love to proposition that I get credit for Texture I at this point, because I’ve been doing it for my 3D Animation class, my Computer Modeling II class, AND my Designing Interior Spaces and Worlds class for the past six weeks or so. That’s 18 weeks total, which just so happens to be the whole length of the Texture I class. Of course, this won’t happen, so whatever, but at least when I’m forced to take the class I’ll be able to be bored to tears instead of crying in frustration for a change.

I’m still behind in everything. My room for Designing Interior Spaces and Worlds is due tonight, completely textured. My room is completely UV-mapped, but not yet textured. I essentially finished last week’s assignment yesterday, since that’s when the room was actually due UV-mapped. But it’s progress, right? Yeah. In Intro to 3D Animation, I’m supposed to have an idea for a short, expressive 3D Animation ready for tomorrow, and I don’t. I’m supposed to have my “Exploding Object” project completed and ready to throw in the drop-off by 8 a.m. tomorrow. But I don’t. It’s UV-mapped, though. Not textured. Not animated in action. Not animated exploding. Certainly not rendered out and ready to compile into a video file. But it’s UV-mapped. And in Computer Modeling II, I’m supposed to have a spline cage, or other basic structural equivalent of my vehicle choice. I don’t even have a blank file started with my name on it. Plus, I’m supposed to make it with moving parts, as opposed to everyone else, so I can get some extra credit, which I desperately need.

In general, things aren’t shaping up too well.

And this is not for lack of trying. Far from it. I literally spent thirteen and a half hours, continuous, with only two bathroom breaks and a short walk as interruptions, in front of a computer in the open lab at school, working on homework. Modeling, modeling, unwrapping, mapping, more modeling, a quick break with a text edit, back to modeling, and unwrapping, and you will never understand why checkers will give me headaches for the rest of my life (unless, of course, you share my pain).

Now, in case I haven’t been stressed out enough about this crap, there’s apparently trouble at home. Jeni is moving out on Thursday, which I already knew was coming. She has more friends at Grande Oasis and never spent too much time at the apartment anyway, so it makes sense that she’d pick Grande Oasis at this point. That leaves just me and Shelby. I’ve been trying my damnedest to do everything in my power to keep everyone happy and without treading on anyone’s toes, but it’s all one-sided between us, it seems. I don’t know what the problem is, because I respect the crap out of her stuff, and her space, and everything I can imagine, and no matter what I do, or don’t do, or try to do, there’s ALWAYS something to complain about. Now, when I have a problem with someone, and it can be resolved, I will, 90% of the time, just talk it out. Easy, fast, fixed. DONE. Not her. She, as I’ve heard through Richard, would rather “run away” than deal with something that’s bothering her. And apparently I’m bothering her. Richard reports that Shelby complains that I have overnight guests, and too many people over too late. I find this quite amusing, considering the only person who’s over with any regularity is Daniel, and he doesn’t even interact with Daniel unless she comes out of her room (which is HIGHLY infrequent). On that note, I don’t see why she’d complain about guests at all, because her music is usually louder than anyone I’ve brought over for any length of time in the past three weeks. And god forbid she be talking about Thanksgiving, when she wasn’t even there, because that would just be the purest bullshit ever. It’s not like I don’t clean up after my guests, or myself, unlike other people I could mention. Oh, I just did. My bad, so sad. Grow the fuck up, you’re not in highschool any more, your mommy isn’t going to fix all your problems, and you should learn to talk things out before stirring up more trouble. Simply addressing something that bothers you is usually enough to get it resolved, or at least to get it brought to the attention of the people who can get it resolved. Why ignore it and then only seek out bigger drama, when you profess to hate drama to begin with?

I’ll leave that rant alone for now. I’ll be getting a new roommate at long last in three weeks or so, when Karinza moves in. I had a small scare when I thought Shelby was moving out, because Richard would close out the Essex girls’ apartment if there were only 2 girls in it, and that would force me into Grande Oasis, which would quite effectively ruin way too many things for me. But, even still, if she did move out, I found out that Anna has been waiting to move into Essex for a long time, but never heard of an opening (we’re the ONLY girls’ apartment in Essex) and Taco has been thinking about going into housing, too, but ONLY if Essex was open for her. One way or another, I’m pretty sure Anna is going to move in, and I have a pretty strong hunch that she and Shelby won’t get along, and one of them will end up at Grande Oasis. I’m also inclined to believe it wont be Anna, since I don’t foresee any problems in that field. So I guess this is a storm I just have to ride out and ignore to the best of my ability, since I have far more pressing things on my plate than catering to a spoiled, anti-confrontational, incommunicative, disillusioned individual with far too many skewed priorities and make-believe views of the world.

On a happy note, I’ve been with Luke for 2 months. I won’t be traveling for the holidays like I wanted, but I get to spend some much-needed time doing absolutely nothing (which means practicing digital painting and 3D modeling and other things), and my mom sent me my Christmas present early. It’s an Intuos4 Small, and it’s absolutely beautiful! I also got to send in my verification paperwork for my food stamps with the help of a lot of the ladies at school. So I’ll be able to eat more than spaghetti and sparse planned meals and fast food, which I’m quite thrilled about.

I wish I carried cash with me, because I just got friggin’ THIRSTY.
Oh, and that’s the end. For now. I’ll bitch at ya later.
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