We use an IRC channel at work... ostensibly for work, but from time to time we range further afield. This little gem was an exchange between myself and two of the web guys, Daniel and David. It began with startling news about the Cookie Monster, and then devolved from there...
Daniel: :-O
http://www.cnn.com/2005/SHOWBIZ/TV/04/07/tv.cookie.lessmonster.ap/index.htmlDavid: Dood!
Daniel: :-(
Jeremy: Now I want a cookie.
Daniel: LOL
Jeremy: Of course, when is that not true?
Daniel: when you are in the shower?
Jeremy: No, I want cookies then, too... the shower just presents a certain obstacle
Daniel: ah
Daniel: so you would eat a cookie in the shower if you were reasonably able to do so?
Daniel: I sense a whole new untapped market here...
Jeremy: You imply that I have not already done so.
Daniel: LOL
Daniel: I suppose a thick frosting coating might make it more realistic
Daniel: YUM!
Jeremy: HUZZAH!!!!
Jeremy: I can see it now...
Jeremy: "Rubber ducky, you're the one!
You make bath... COOKIES!! FUCK YEAH!!!"
Daniel: ROFL
Daniel: Winner!