These are probably two of the most popular superheroes to the general public. This fight will be placed in a neutral city and again no one can interfere.
I'm gonna get this started right: Spider-Man!!! cause Batman's a chump, and nothing more than a playboy with too much money! Ha! Spider-Man's a REAL _Super_ Hero!!!
Batman has to win this one. First of all, Batman is always two steps ahead of his opponent and also I think Batman possesses the gaul to take it a bit further than Spiderman does. Spidey is to nice of a guy to take the cake on this one.
That's right! Spiderman doesn't need to be a dark knight or any such and sort. He's a superhero. Let's explore those words: SUPER, and HERO. As opposed to batman.
Comments 48
"The Dark Knight" as opposed to "The Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man." Come on.
I'm not winning this.
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