
Apr 23, 2010 13:53

You toss and you turn because you catch yourself thinking too much again. A sigh passes through your lips because you’ve been trying to get some sleep for some time now.

In frustration, you sit up and stare at the empty space in front of you, pouting the entire time. This won’t get you anywhere at all.

Pushing the covers to the side, you get out of bed and sluggishly left your room. You were planning on going to the kitchen but then you notice that the tv was on.

Your feet drag you to the living room, where two of your friends stay, one of them soundly sleeping, the other watching a show intently.

You sit beside the one watching tv and leaned towards him, resting your head on his shoulder.

He acknowledges your presence with a “Why are you still up, hyung?” as he rests his head on yours.

You stay quiet for a few minutes and let out a breath before you removed your head from his shoulder. “Woo, I want a girlfriend.”

He faces you and just blinks at you before he puts his attention back to the t.v. “Go find one then.” He says as he changes the channel.

Pouting again, you hold onto his thigh and starts shaking it. “Seriously, I want one.”

He doesn’t turn his head but he pats your leg. “Go find one.” He says again.

You want to whine and make a fit but for what you thought. You ended up turning your back at him just so you can rest your head on his crossed legs. “Woo.” You then say.

Your stubbornness gets to him when you find yourself making puppy dog eyes when he lowered his head to look at you.

He lets out a defeated sigh and you smile triumphantly, you’re eyes slowly closing.

“Okay, hyung. I’ll help you look for one. Now, go back to bed.”

To his surprise, you’re already sleeping, just not on your bed.


In the busy streets of Apgujeong, you find yourself a bit overwhelmed, woman here, girl there, ahjumma way over somewhere. You look around you and caught yourself thinking “What the hell am I doing?” This isn’t exactly the best way to go looking for a girlfriend.

“How you doing hyung?” Wooyoung then says out of nowhere.

You look at him a tad bit depressed and he responds by patting your pretty little head.

“Come on. I’ll buy you a crepe.” And he goes toward the little stall to your left.

You find yourself staying still for a second or so just looking at him picking flavors for the both of you.

“I’ll find one another day.”


“This is not my idea of finding a girlfriend.” You thought to yourself as your twentieth date left. You’ve been sitting behind that table for three hours now.

You bit your lower lip as the next woman came walking towards you.

“Dammit Taec.” You mutter under your breath.

“Hi, my name is Han byul. Nice to meet you.” She says as she winked at you.

You barely moved as you stared at her face, make-up practically covering every inch of it. You smiled wryly and nodded. “My name is Nichhun.” And you offered your hand for a shake.

“Wrong idea.” You then thought after a vice grip of a handshake.

Minutes pass and you’re just playing with your ice tea while she talked and talked and wouldn’t stop her yapping. You pretend to listen to everything as you smile and make patterns on your napkin.

“Oh… Uhm… Sorry, but ten minutes is up.” You say in a hurry.

She smiles while you cringe. She hands you her number and you looked at it a little frightened.

“I’ll be expecting a phone call, honey.” She says before she left and blew you a kiss.

Your cheeks just don’t stop twitching.


You almost jump out of your seat.

“Shit. Woo.”

He just smiles at you, his pearly whites practically beaming at you.

“I’ll bust you out of here.”

He hands you his frames and his cap. “Wear those and put your hood on, then we get out.”

You do as you’re told and without any trouble you exit the front door.

“Didn’t know that many girls were looking for a girlfriend.” He says when the both of you were a few blocks away while you were relishing the feeling of properly breathing.

“You owe me an ice cream, hyung.” He then says out of nowhere.

You find yourself smiling and nodding. “I’ll even buy you two.”


You toss and you turn because you catch yourself thinking too much once again.

A sigh passes through your lips in frustration and you find yourself sitting up and staring at the empty space in front of you, pouting.

Pushing the covers to the side, you get out of bed and waltz out of your room.

You went straight to the living room, where two of your friends stay, one of them eating a sandwich, the other busy reading a book.

You sit beside the one reading and just looked at him.

He puts his book down a bit confused and faces you. “What’s up, hyung?”

Without a second of thinking, you pressed your lips against his for a few seconds before pulling away.

“I just wanted to do that.” And you headed back to bed leaving him there flushed while blinking.

For once in past few days, you finally get a night of good sleep because for once you weren’t thinking of finding a girlfriend just thinking of how he’ll end up being your boyfriend. You smile and turn to your side because soon he’ll fill that side up.


Chansung can’t say a word while Wooyoung gets a bit jittery.

“I’m going to bed.” He then says as he fixes his pillow to face Nichkhun’s door. He blushes and finds himself smiling. Finally his hyung sort of gets it.


Wrote this is second person because I’m trying to get a hang off my usage of pronouns.

Sorry it’s short and written in a hurry but that’s all I can think of right now.

BTW, Taec and Jay are behind the whole Khun dating tons of women with a time limit of 10 minutes thing.

I’m supposed to be writing angst but my head tells me to do other stuff. I’m supposed to make the alternate story for Coffee but my head’s in a mess and it’s not working efficiently.

My brain is clashing with angst right now /facepalm.

Anyway, thank you for reading.

pairing: nichkhun/wooyoung, genre: fluff

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