I skipped class today as it bores me. Surveys are a really addictive piece of the intraweb.
modernromantic6's Untitled Created by
modernromantic6 and taken 42 times on
bzoink!Are there any mispronounciations/typos that people do w/ your name?my full name, actually. Ryan/Naydu/Nadeo...sigh...not enough people know my middle name to fuck that up,
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Comments 2
go to a foam party
hop into a car with people you dont know and drive across the boarder to test out that spanish you have been trying to learn
date you TA just because you need a passing grade
chunck a glass of ice water over someone showering and scream GOTCHA while running away with their towel
go to a party where you know absolutely no one and pretend you know everybody
sleep in a campus library
call the psychich hotline from your cell phone and ask if they know what floor you are on
take HUMAN SEXUALITY. its says sex in the tittle, how cool is that?
two words TO_GA
go to class witha bad hangover, this will prepare you for going to work with a really bad hangover
file an intent to graduate form already, you worthless sack of crap
two chicks at the same time. < suggested by every frat guy on campus ( ... )
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