Snow White:
Do you consider yourself pretty?
Sleeping Beauty:
How many hours do you sleep each night?
4 - 8 hours, depends on my university studies
Do you have a curfew?
Do you like being outside?
Depends on the weather
Little Red Riding Hood:
Do you trust strangers easily?
If you would ask a friend of mine, she will tell you "yes"
The Wolf and the seven little Goats:
Are you easily fooled?
The seven Ravens:
Do you have any siblings? How is your relationship to them?
Yes and i love him.
Beauty and the Beast:
What makes a person beautiful in your eyes?
The Little Mermaid:
What sacrifice would you bring for love?
Nearly everything.
The Frog prince:
What do you find disgusting?
Jack and the Beanstalk:
What plants are in your room?
Puss in Boots:
Do you have a pet? Do you want one?
2 guinea pigs and a last gerbil (who is to old to get a new partner [and didn't wnated the last 2 i presented him])
What is the meaning of your url?
url? what is url?
Name one character flaw!
What is your greatest wish?
Having a my own little family (and more burando XD)
Peter Pan:
What is your (mental) age?
mh... sometimes 50 sometimes 15 and some days 5
The Star Money:
What is your most prized possesion?
My friends and family
Golden Mary and Pitch Mary:
Are you more of a lazy person or do you work hard?
The Snow Queen:
Who is your best friend and what would you do for them?
I have more then one best friend, and i would do nearly everything for them.
Godfather Death:
What qualities do you think make a good parent?
The Twelve Dancing Princesses:
Do you like to go on parties?
Of course
The Emperor's New Clothes:
Do you care much about your clothes?
The Valiant Little Tailor:
Do you think of yourself as brave?
The Princess and the Pea:
Are you a squeamish person?
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