1)Name the Last Four Things You Have Bought: Ticket to Be Cool, Donnie Darko Directors cut, dodgeball, bruce almighty i guess movie stuff?
2)Name Four Drinks You Regularly Drink: mt dew, cherry pepsi, water, milk
3)Last time you Cried: a week ago maybe
4)What's In Your CD Player? new greenday cd
5)What's Under Your Bed? nothing
6)What Time Did You Wake Up Today? 7:50
7)Current Hair? hair? normal
8)Current Clothes? jeans and red senate shirt
9)Current Desktop Picture? me.... so what!
10)Current Worry? life
11)Current Hate? >:O
12)Favorite Place To Be? anywhere with someone that makes nowhere turn into somewhere special
13)Least Favorite Place? under that damn boulder crushing my chest
14)If You Could Play An Instrument? drums or guitar
15)Favorite Colors? red... dumb question
16)How Tall Are You?: 5'9"ish
17)Favorite expression? hihihihihi
18)One Person From Your Past You Wish You Could Go Back And Talk To? no clue
19)Favorite Day(s)? the ones i do something
20)Where Would You Like To Go? out
21)Where do you want to live when you get married? wherever works.. nowhere that i'll experience 10 natural disasters ina week or get robbed each month
22)Favorite food? i eat a lot of pizza
23)Color of most clothes you own? red... shocked?
24)Number of pillows you sleep with? varies
25)What do you wear when you go to sleep? usually just the undergarments, sometimes sweatpants too and a tshirt when its cold in the room
26)what were you doing at 12AM last night? watching blue collar comedy tour at stevies
27)How old will you be in 10 yrs? 28
28)What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years? lets hope not throwing away the rest of my life :-D
First self purchased album: Counting Crows - August and everything after
First funeral: dunno
First pets: chalky!!!! my favoritest kitty in the world :-D chalky cause she was black and white so it was like a chalkboard
First true love: Malin, duh
First enemy: damn you chuck norris... ummm i didnt really have any enemies but i recall getting punched in the face by justin watkins at one point.. grrrr
First big trip: toronto a few years ago
First music you remember hearing in your house: Beatles :-D
Last car ride: tonight driving back from ncg
Last kiss: holy shit... and i'm sad
Last good cry: about a week ago
Last movie seen: Be Cool
Last beverage: Root Beer
Last food consumed: Cinnastix? i'm hungry
Last phone call: made: calling dave about movie, received: call from work
Last time showered: 7:30, and its midnight now
Last shoes worn: my new fallen shoes
Last item bought: ... i already said i got donnie darko directors cut
Who are your very best friends? mike and stacey
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? negatron
Fashion Stuff
Where is your favorite place to shop? i dont really shop much
Any tattoos or piercings? nope
Do you do drugs?: nope
What kind of shampoo do you use?: suave "ocean breeze" sad... but its whats there
What are you most scared of?:dying alone is a big one....
What are you listening to right now?: nothing.. wow its quiet head pounding from headache i guess
Where do you want to get married?: someplace pretty, let the wife pick :-D
How many buddies are online right now?: 34 not offline 14 actually there
What would you change about yourself? whatever it is that makes me keep screwing up
Color: red... again...
Food: holy... moly... i eat a lot of pizza
Subjects in school:computers are fun not takin classes though i'm best at math
Animals: cat or tiger, feline feline
Sports: ultimate, skating, ping pong
Perfume: ?
Cologne: ?
Have You Ever
Smoked? one puff a million years ago, ewwwwwwwwww why did i dod that... damn peer pressure
Made yourself throw up?: yeah but i was sick
Skinny dipped?: cant say i have
Been in love?: yeah
Cried when someone died?: probably
Lied?: i try not to? OH LOOK I DID IT AGAIN! ;)
Fallen for your best friend?: ... me? never!!!!
Been rejected?: yah
Rejected someone?: i dont know
Used someone?: dont think so.. probably without thinking about it.. oh wait.. yeah i have..oops, i regret doing it too
Done something you regret?: woah i was just talkin about that...
Clothes: wtf repeated questions
Music: still nothing.... head hurts
Make-up: guys dont wear make up
Annoyance: headache drivin me crazy
Smell: nothin i'm stuffed up
Favorite Artist: iuno, 'tsall good
DVD in player: dodgeball
Last Person
Hugged: i dont know.. i forget.. its been a whiel.. wait no, alissa gave mea hug last night, yay dutch girls ;)
You IMed: Stacey
Are You
Open Minded: yes but people are stupid and think i'm not
Arrogant: i think the last question might kinda settle that argument
Interesting: uhhh.. weird?
Moody: not really
Hardworking: i bust my ass off for my dollaz with a z cause its cooler that way
Organized: sometimes
Healthy: i try to be more than i am
Attractive?: people give sympathy sometimes and say i'm "cute" which means "you're cute compared to that pitbull starin at me"
Bored: all the time
Responsible: probably
Obsessed: all the time
Angry: nah, maybe a little.. not too often
Sad: emo steve
Disappointed: emo steve
Hyper: ...
Trusting: enough
Talkative: only until people put me in my place
Legal: legal enough for what i do
Who Do You Wanna
Kill: not my job
Slap: coopers a bitch
Look Like: i'm satisfied with 'good enough'
Talk to Online: not really my mom, she likes to talk to me a lot online lol
Which Is Better
Coke or Pepsi: can = coke, bottle = pepsi
Flowers or Candy? i'm a boy, so i like candy
Tall or Short: middle
Thick or Thin: middle
Long or Short: middle
in the morning i am: still asleep or at work
all i need is: a hug and kiss goodnight
what do you notice on a person first: smile
last person you danced with: ... dunno
worst question to ask to a crying person: geeze whats your deal? or who died? or suck it up you big baby!
who makes you laugh the most: i laugh at myself being stupid.. mike makes me chuckle sometimes
who makes you smile? dork!
who gives you a funny feeling when you see them? whoever had that feather
Do You Ever
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you? yeah
wait to see if i don't IM someone first if they will IM me? i try to do that but always give up
wish you were a member of the opposite sex: iuno..
wish you were younger: at times
of times i have had my heart broken: what heart
of hearts i have broken: dont know
of guys i've kissed: i kissed kent on the ear one time.. on accident
of girls i've kissed: 5?
of continents i have lived in: one
of tight friends: couple
of cds i own: duno