1. you'll grow out of that whole procrastination thing. 2. school's almost over (thank the powers that be) 3. yes, things will always be different with your hs friends. i felt that difference very much my freshman/early sophmore year. but it gets better. the friendships change, but you'll find it gets better too because people get conformtable with their new selves and want to hang out again. -e ps. 4. happy birthdya.
Hey bumpers!!!Im gonna miss ya too,You do fit Kris,dont think that maybe cause ppl there might have changed or some of ur friends who went away to diff colleges might have changed doesnt mean you dont fit in (im just guessin on why you think you dont fit) Everyone fits in somewhere...me for example I dont fit in here but havin you girls around makes me glad im here with ya!!! Its the good ppl that are around that makes ya fit in somewhere. I agree with ya that livin two lives in two places is hard, but thats almost anyone anywhere...Oh one more thing....HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! JUST REMEMBER I MAY BE FAR DRIVING DISTANCE AWAY BUT IM NEVER A PHONE CALL AWAY FOR WHEN YA EVER NEED ME!!! LATER,MUAH!!!! :-)
Comments 3
2. school's almost over (thank the powers that be)
3. yes, things will always be different with your hs friends. i felt that difference very much my freshman/early sophmore year. but it gets better. the friendships change, but you'll find it gets better too because people get conformtable with their new selves and want to hang out again.
ps. 4. happy birthdya.
*Rambling* English major ;)
And What Emily said ;) I'll miss ya this summer girl... that is... until we go to IRELAND!!!!! :)
<3 Meg
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