Apparently, Professor Travers was standing in a corridor half naked or something. I haven't heard the whole story so yeah, I'm not really sure what happened. Anyway, we always have the strangest professors here..
Susan and Ernie are dating now which is great. I'm so happy for the two of them. They're adorable together. Apparently, Hermione and Ron are a couple too. It's a shame that Ron and I aren't close like we used to be. We never see each other. I guess people drift apart. But anyway, everyone at this school seems to be with someone. I am just so confused about everything, it kills me. Joe has been saying for the longest time that he was going to change, but he hasn't. He made rude comments to Neville and Helga in Helga's journal. He's the same stubborn, pig-headed person he's always been. I still miss him though.
I had an interesting conversation with Vincent Crabbe the other day. He..well, he chucked a snowball at my face, but after that, we spoke for a few minutes. He told me how he almost drowned in a frozen lake but his father saved him. I feel so horrible about his father dying. I can't imagine losing a parent. Anyway, he told me how Gryffindors usually call him fat and push him and stuff and that's just horrible. I felt so bad when he told me that. He said that I'm "okay," which I suppose is a nice compliment to hear from a Slytherin. Something you don't hear everyday.
Apparently, Joe and Ginny have been talked and stuff. I know they like each other. I could tell at that damn Quidditch meet who knows how long ago. He took a bludger for her. Then, she was hysterically crying in the hospital wing. Maybe the two of them should just...go out or something.
Anyone up for a walk?