Picture of Kris on a golf cart:
Slightly different angle of Kris and BigDaddy on golf cart but got a couple of ppl in the way
http://twitpic.com/5hyu74 The Celebrity Cafe Article:
Kris Allen gained instant fame after winning the eighth season of American Idol. TheCelebrityCafe.com’s Ellen Stodola caught up with him to talk about his recent collaboration with the Berklee City Music Network, as well as his plans for his next album.
TheCelebrityCafe.com: What made you decide to want to get involved with the Berklee City Music Network? And how did this partnership come to happen?
Kris Allen: I have been involved with the Music Empowers Foundation, and I have a good relationship with them. I met some of the people at the Berklee City Music Network, and it was kind of an amazing fit. Those kids are immensely talented. They had a lot of talent both on and off the stage, and there were so many songwriters and singers. And it was just great to be a part of that.
TheCelebrityCafe.com: Since you’re usually a solo artist, what was it like performing with the Berklee City Music All-Star Band?
Kris Allen: It was kind of funny actually. I have an amazing band that tours and plays with me, and it was almost like they were there. The kids were great. I think they practiced really hard. They liked the stuff and enjoyed playing my music. It was just an overall really cool experience.
TheCelebrityCafe.com: What was your overall experience performing in the concerts and working with the program that was in early May? Was it hard since you only spent a limited time preparing?
Kris Allen: We only really had one practice right before we went on. We only practiced for like an hour. Everyone seemed pretty well put together, and the kids had practiced a lot before I got there. It made everything simple for me.
TheCelebrityCafe.com: You’re a big advocate for music education. Why is this so important?
Kris Allen: It’s something that I went through as a student from elementary school to high school. I was in orchestra all my life. I feel like it shaped me into the musician that I am and also the person that I am. There are so many things that it helped me do. It kept me interested in something and kept me learning something really cool. And right now, with the way that things are, music is one of the things that funds aren’t coming in for. It doesn’t seem like people are as concerned about the funds being cut for these music programs, but it’s something that really needs to be looked at and cared about.
TheCelebrityCafe.com: Do you think that your experience on American Idol has played a role in your desire to spread your influence to others?
Kris Allen: I think that it’s a responsibility when you get the exposure that I did and gain as many fans as I have. What I do is weird, but it’s amazing that what I say can inspire people to feel the way that I do. I can tweet or say something and people can get on board with my cause. As someone that has a pull in some way, I feel like it’s my responsibility to speak up.
TheCelebrityCafe.com: You’re working on writing and recording a new album now. Why was now the time to work on your sophomore album?
Kris Allen: I feel like it’s just time for a new album. The last album came out almost two years ago. And it’s time for new music and time to get it out there. I’m a bit tired of playing the old stuff. There are new songs that I really want fans to hear, so I’m excited for the next album.
TheCelebrityCafe.com: Is this next album going to be different from your first?
Kris Allen: I think that there are a lot of good new songs on my next album. The vibe for this album might be more of a fun vibe and just a real feeling. It’s not completely done yet, but I think everything else will hash itself. For this album, there’s more of a thought process going into the songs. And it’s all about making it the best it can be. There wasn’t a lot of time to put into the last album just because we had to get it out there. And I think that every artist wants their next album to be even better than their last, so that’s what I’m going for. Right now, everything on the album is something that I’ve written or written with someone else.
TheCelebrityCafe.com: You also just tried your hand at acting in Gigantic. How did you get involved with this? What made you want to act?
Kris Allen: Well, they asked if I wanted to play myself. And I was happy to do it. I’m not saying that I’m going to be getting into acting or anything, but if more of that stuff comes, I’d think about doing it because it was a fun experience.
TheCelebrityCafe.com: And was it hard to adjust doing multiple takes of stuff when you’re used to performing live?
Kris Allen: Doing that, I realized that it’s such a weird job that actors have. It’s very much like a “hurry up and wait” kind of thing. I would do a line or a take and then it would be like another half an hour before they needed me again because there was so much going on around the set.