Title: The Falcon (3)
Author: Kris S.
Fandom: Tennis RPS
Players: eventual Novak Djokovic/Andy Murray, David Ferrer/Juan Carlos Ferrero, Marcel Granollers
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: This did not happen.
Summary: AU. Novak goes to Spain to look for inspiration to create the Next Great Superhero. This chapter: Novak begins to worry about the development of the story and he realizes Andy has been withholding information.
Link to all Chapters Pablo doesn’t fear the bad guys. Money helps when it comes to dealing with the exact gadget necessary for the job. Whether it’s needing a tracking device in an innocent pen or knowing how to find the landmine, this he can handle.
He does fear being alone.
Novak blinks as he rereads what he wrote just before falling asleep last night. It feels as if he’s making some progress on the novel the more words he writes about the characters. He does need to figure out a villain but right now he’s just trying to flesh out Pablo and Charlie. It is important to get these two in focus first as they are the centerpiece.
After seeing a few sketches from David, Novak realizes he doesn’t want Charlie to be Robin to Pablo’s Batman in this story. Charlie is the brains, not the one necessarily saving the day. Instead of a costume, Novak thinks Charlie should always be in suit and tie. A turquoise business suit and neon green tie, something goofy and unlike the expensive suits Pablo wears outside of costume. Although maybe not that color scheme, too much like the Joker for comfort - but he’ll wait for David’s work to see if that’s right.
Novak tries to focus on classes but it’s a losing battle. University is working out as far as the muses are concerned but his attention is on his own writing, not these exercises. His family is leaving him alone for now but once midterms come, there will need to be decisions made.
* * * * *
David sits down at the bench, shaking his head as he explains to Novak the result. “The colors aren’t working right together. Curly red hair, blue suit, green tie. What you have is a clown. All he needs is a pair of big floppy shoes.”
Juan Carlos takes the sketchpad from Novak’s view and looks carefully at it, then at Novak before blurting out, “You really are having Andy as a sidekick! I am truly amazed.”
Novak yelps, “This is a clown! Andy is not a clown!”
David says, “So I am supposed to draw him?”
Juan Carlos shakes his head then says solemnly, “Of course it’s not Andy. He’s not skinny enough.”
Novak sighs loudly, then mutters, “He is not a joke.”
Juan Carlos asks, “Charlie or Andy?”
“Either!” Novak groans loudly, causing the Spaniards laugh at his outburst.
Juan Carlos groans in frustration. “Come on. You are so melodramatic. Are all Serbs like that or are we just lucky?” At Novak’s hurt reaction, Juan Carlos backs off. “Andy’s game is no joke. I’m fully aware of that, thanks to Marat grumbling. Emilio actually thinks Andy is the one at the academy most likely to win a major.”
Novak’s eyes widen, appearing as if Juan Carlos said something horrifying, which confuses David. “Exactly what do you mean by that?”
“Do you have any idea who you became friends with?”
“If I go by most of the people at the academy, Andy is a grouch who gets on the coaches’ nerves and thinks above everyone else.”
“I will admit that Andy sees the world differently from most of the other students. But he can also back it up. He’s probably packing right now for a flight to Israel to play Davis Cup this weekend.”
Novak yelps, “What?” David covers his ears, not expecting that ear-piecing a screech. “Are you kidding? I thought he was playing futures and challengers!”
“He is. There’s not much depth in British tennis. Either that or he’s a sacrifice.”
“That simply cannot be!” Novak continues, trying to calm the inexplicable panic inside him. “Andy’s coach told me I was doing a great job as his hitting partner. I mean, I was a decent junior player but if he’s at this level then there’s something wrong with that statement.”
“Not necessarily,” Juan Carlos replies. “He’s been a bit more tolerable since you started hanging around him. No longer a lonely git. Even Marat noticed…”
“Nobody cares what Marat thinks,” David mutters under his breath, already having his pencils out and working on a new sketch.
Juan Carlos frowns at the remark but soldiers on. “Isn’t it a good thing that his coach is actually saying that you’re helpful? He could have realized what I already know, called you a pest or a distraction and to stop messing up his prized student. I have to get to class.”
Novak stays deep in thought, the sounds of pencil on paper all that fills his head. Finally he asks, “Where do the academy students live?”
David narrows his eyes as he looks up at Novak. There’s mischief in those eyes and nothing good can come from this. “You’re going to make a scene, aren’t you?”
“No, David. We are.”
* * * * *
Novak looks up at the building, trying to figure out the best way inside, while David leans against a tree and appears bored with the mission. He needs someone to let him inside so he can properly bombard Andy with a surprise tactic. He also needs to know Andy’s room number but that’s a detail to worry about later.
“What do you think you’re doing?” David asks when Novak doesn’t speak or even move for five minutes. “Scaling the wall? You’re not actually a superhero, only writing about one.”
“Despite what Juan Carlos might think, I’m not delusional. I do need to get into the mindset of a superhero. Pablo would have a gadget to climb the wall. Or maybe a catapult aimed right at that open window…”
David finishes, “...and land in deep trouble for breaking in, not to mention likely shattering a window and definitely hitting your head.”
“This is a fantasy world, David.”
“When you return to reality, you could just do this…” David stands up straight, realizing he’d been leaning against that tree too long, then marches over to the door and lightly taps on it. When the guy walking along the hallway hears, he approaches the door. David waves and, hoping he stumbled upon the right name for the kid who usually hangs around Coach Robredo, says, “Marcel, right? I was hoping you could help me. We’re looking for Andy… the British kid. You wouldn’t happen to know…”
“I saw him leave with suitcases about a half hour ago.”
David glances toward Novak, who just caught up to him, and shakes his head. He turns back to Marcel. “Thank you.” When Marcel walks away, David shrugs. “Sorry, he left already. You’re going to need a new strategy.”
“Pablo would use his jet to fly to Israel and confront the lies. Did you know he’s the most recent boys’ champion of the US Open?” David shakes his head. “He is beyond… he is no sidekick and this whole enterprise is going to fall apart.” Novak pulls out a crumbled sheet of paper. “I was reading this segment on the bus and ripped it off the notepad because I’ve been writing a lot of weird stuff late at night. I couldn’t find a garbage can so I stuffed it in my pocket.”
“Novak, I think you’re making a bigger deal of this than necessary. Probably Andy just wanted to seem like everyone else at the academy… or that laughing at the weird stuff you say actually relaxes him. Why are you so hung up on this?” David then reads the paper and it makes sense:
Pablo outside the costume wears expensive suits. Moves confidently as he leads a meeting with investors. While he can pick up any woman, has trouble being himself.
He will do anything he can to keep Charlie from finally going through on his threat of walking out the door.