Title: The Falcon (4)
Author: Kris S.
Fandom: Tennis RPS
Players: eventual Novak Djokovic/Andy Murray, David Ferrer/Juan Carlos Ferrero, Marcel Granollers, Marat Safin
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: This did not happen.
Summary: AU. Novak goes to Spain to look for inspiration to create the Next Great Superhero. This chapter: Novak develops the villain role while Juan Carlos’ plan to make David jealous backfires.
Author's Note: Sorry it's taking me so long to update this. Never thought it'd be so tough to write. Also, still taking requests for
Previous Chapters Novak is thankful for David at this point. David may be a bit of a grouch but he is genuinely interested in getting the vision for the story correct. Each time David has a drawing, the two of them go back and forth on what works and what doesn’t.
“Ever figure out what to do about the villain?” Juan Carlos asks after one especially long - and, to him, annoying - session.
Novak glances to Juan Carlos, realizing that is a rather significant problem. “I have no idea why but I think he should be French. Definitely refined so somewhat similar to Pablo but utilizes that for evil purposes.”
Juan Carlos does not seem impressed with the idea. “Yeah, not as if that’s a stereotype - to have a Spaniard and a Brit against the French. How about something unexpected?”
“Like what? The Swiss?”
While David takes it for the joke Novak meant it to be, Juan Carlos seriously ponders that. “Actually, why not? You could still utilize French but Swiss are supposed to be neutral. The tennis tour is currently led by a Swiss guy who has a bad habit of being perfect. That could be the angle.”
“Okay. Swiss. Blond and maybe kind of like a Ken doll. Except with wavy hair. Too damn good looking for his own good.” Novak glances to David, who is already writing down notes on a clean sheet of paper. “Swiss flag is red and white so the suit should make him seem patriotic. No, not a suit since that’s Pablo and Charlie’s thing. Maybe it looks like he got off a yacht or the golf course. Red polo shirt and white pants. He’d be easy for others to disregard as a bad guy. Maybe instead of good-looking, he just looks too young to be the villain. Actually he could be both. So he’s kind of like Roger Federer but not quite.”
David turns back to the last drawing of the Charlie character, then nods along. “That can work. I think that might fix the Charlie problem, now that I know how he’s supposed to differ from other characters.”
Novak shrugs off the comment, then grumbles, “Charlie can stay a clown for all I care.”
“The Brits won their tie - and Andy was a real part of it! He did doubles and they were against one of the best teams in the world on their turf and the Brits won. Yet has he said a word about it to anybody? No. I had looked up the result and got all these news articles about this great achievement. I didn’t even know he was rehabbing and that’s why I was a good hitting partner.”
David has started on a new page for the villain sketch. He grumbles, “But you’re not upset about it.”
Juan Carlos snorts at the comment but Novak glares sharply at his reaction. Upon realizing Novak really doesn’t get it, Juan Carlos points out, “Ever notice how the Brits get about tennis? Every year, the whole country makes a big deal over even a little achievement. Andy’s goal is to win a major, not to win some match. You’re right, nobody at the academy other than us even know he was in Israel for that Davis Cup tie. That’s exactly the way he wants to be treated and he gets that playing here.”
Novak nods along, wishing Juan Carlos wasn’t right. “I get that but… it’s different what he says and what reality is. It’s lying by omission.”
“Just let it go for now. He’s going to be travelling, no matter what. That’s what being a professional tennis player entails.”
David holds up the sketchpad. Novak is thankful, both for the distraction from Juan Carlos’ very valid arguments and to see that this character has worked better than the sidekick. “That is perfect!”
* * * * *
Novak had assumed he would be angry once he finally saw Andy again on the practice court. Instead, it feels like any other time - even if he’s now fighting this feeling gnawing inside that cannot be put into words. They go about practice like any other. Nothing that would indicate to an observant practice partner anything unusual happened this past weekend.
“Practices have been going well,” Andy says when they’re sitting down on the bench afterwards. “I’m scheduled to play challengers in Italy the next few weeks. I hope I won’t be around so much and will be winning matches instead.”
“Sounds wonderful,” Novak says with as much enthusiasm as he can muster.
“How’s the story coming?”
“Better. I actually got the villain. Finally.”
“How’d that happen? You were struggling with Charlie last time we talked and were completely clueless about a villain.”
“Sometimes brainstorming sessions work.” Novak pulls out the notepad he folded the sketches in. “I don’t remember if I showed you Pablo and Charlie. Actually, Charlie is still a problem but I like Pablo.” He places the Pablo drawing down, keeps the Charlie drawing folded. He hasn’t told Andy yet that he’s inspiration for the Charlie character and using a clown-like sketch wouldn’t help. “Now, here is our villain. Philippe Roser.”
When Andy looks at the drawing, he gives it a funny look but nods along. “Rather impressive.”
Novak tilts his head, trying to figure out why the mood changed. “What was that about? You don’t like it?”
“No, it’s good. Just… the drawing reminds me of someone.”
“It was developed using Roger Federer as a guide. Does it look like him?”
“Not Federer. It’s… some guy I would run into… at junior events.”
Novak can sense there’s something more to what Andy is saying, as if it’s a lot more than ‘some guy’ in the same way it wasn’t just ‘some match’ he won last weekend. “Well, then that’s nothing to be concerned with.”
“You have to be concerned about actually writing this epic story. That is, if your studies don’t get in the way.” Andy punctuates that sentence with a smirk, practically forcing Novak into pushing him. Not a hard shove as he wanted to do earlier, more playful than that. When they settle down, Andy asks, “Is everything okay with that?”
“It wouldn’t really surprise you that I’m not really into my studies. I found inspiration to write and an artist willing to brainstorm. That makes the stay at university worthwhile.”
“Would your family support that? The cost of study…”
“I need to buy time. I don’t intend to return to Serbia unless I’m a success. I cannot take everyone scoffing at my dreams.”
Andy looks down at the sketch of Philippe Roser in his hands then bites his lip. Novak can sense he has pieces of the puzzle but not the entire set. Finally, Andy says, “If you need to track me down for anything, I’ll give you my schedule and we’ll figure out a way.”
Novak doesn’t quite know why Andy sounds so serious but he might take that offer once his father finds out about how lightly he’s been taking school. “Hopefully I won’t need your help.”
* * * * *
Juan Carlos is relieved that David didn’t join Novak on his trip to the academy today. He’s getting tired of dealing with Marat on a regular basis. Marat doesn’t particularly mind playing the game when it comes to making David jealous but Juan Carlos didn’t count on how stubborn his friend could be on the matter. Juan Carlos would rather be taught by someone who doesn’t insist on turning every phrase into sexual innuendo. Then again, Juan Carlos knows everything is different when you’re the one whose family owns the academy.
There’s always the possibility that Juan Carlos is imagining David’s interest. They’d met when David was hired as a janitor at the academy. Juan Carlos had caught him hanging around when he wasn’t on shift, either running the track or sketching action on the court. It had taken a lot of work to convince David to pursue art because he really was that good.
“Your friend didn’t show today?” Juan Carlos looks up from the bench to find Marcel Granollers having trouble facing him. This is odd since everyone knows Marcel has been crushing on Coach Robredo but he’s nowhere in the vicinity.
“You mean David? I think he was sick of hearing Novak’s fantasy world. I know I am sick of hearing it.”
Marcel nods as if agreeing, even though Juan Carlos doubts the kid has any clue what he means. “I was… wondering if he was seeing anyone.”
Juan Carlos catches himself before making a joke. Marcel appears to be completely serious and a bit of scared of the answer. “David is single.”
“Do you think he might be interested in a date?”
“I don’t know if he’s interested but I know he needs to go on a date.” Juan Carlos has never heard David mention Marcel outside of the Robredo jokes but that’s what blind dates are good for. “I’ll set you two up.”
“Excellent.” Marcel glances over his shoulder, then nods hurriedly before he says, “Okay then. Thanks so much.”
But when Marcel walks away, Juan Carlos is greeted with the bright smile of Marat Safin and everything is making so much more sense. When he’s spotted, Marat saunters over then whispers in Juan Carlos’ ear, “I made the decision since you can’t make the move. Tommy was sick of dealing with Marcel so I opted to help both of you out. He’ll be thanking me tonight in bed because you refuse to be anything more than a tease.”