I don't tarry with the artwork. If it's not done in an hour or so, it wasn't worth doing in the first place. That and I have a really short attention span. :D Glad you likes, though.
She's so great! I nearly died when she was all 'That's well and good," about Mr T's revelation, "But what are we gonna do about 'im?" in reference to dead Borat Pirelli. Eeeheeee. And then she was like "What have you done? Kilt a man ain't done you no 'arm?" And Todd explained that he recognized him and was going to expose him and she was all "Well, that's different. For a second there I thought you'd lost your marbles." Whole exchange = PRICELESS.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Have you seen the movie yet? I've been listening to the soundtrack for months now but it finally all makes sense. Wheee!
Very cool. :) I took my niece brooklynmud to see it when I was home at Christmas. We both watched some of the parts behind our hands. Don't do blood well. Other than that, I did enjoy it.
Thanks! And yeah, I hear you about the blood. I'm usually OK with movie gore and this was especially not realistic because of the milky pink quality thanks to the film they used. BUT. I was still squirming uncomfortably and had a few totally "EW GROSS" moments. Like when they landed on their brains in the basement and the spraying of blood and then...GAH...Toby taking a bite of meat pie and getting a finger. EWW GROSS.
Comments 15
Love the quote you used :D
PS you should make more icons. ICONS! :D
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