В Москве 4 ноября состоялась официальная церемония открытия памятника князю Владимиру на Боровицкой площади. С речью в честь открытия монумента выступил президент России Владимир Путин.
Не старайтесь воспитать у нас украину.slomonoNovember 4 2016, 23:57:42 UTC
"Заявление Натальи Поклонской, которая назвала Ленина и Троцкого ..... " плюс к этому ваши заявления в этой статье - это эмоциональный взгляд на события 100-летней давности. Это ненормальность восприятия тех событий с высоты 2016 года. Пусть Поклонская делает такие заявления у себя на кухне. Людей воспитывают на положительных примерах. На отрицательных воспитывают Украину. Политики легко на этом делают себе карьеру. Только простым смертным от этого горько. Думайте, ведь вы же тоже, кажется, у руля стоите.
Sorry if I use english tongue, Kristineext_3884686November 7 2016, 18:59:01 UTC
but as for my Russian tongue I'm just a beginner. I am here just to say I'm really fascinating by "planet Russia". Also because I understand very little of your discussions, they sound to me very strange. Anyway it seems to me that part of Russian are still watching the past, and you are criticizing them for this or maybe you have nostalgia of a different past. The question is which past are they looking at? and which past are you looking at? Perhaps I am wrong but it looks like you despise the "communist" past of Russia and and have a nostalgia of Zarist period, am I wrong? I understand that you are a Putin supporter and maybe for different reasons, I am also. This one of the motivation for which I appreciate you. Also because you seems interested to many different cultural field, even though I didn't see anything about the Russian foreign policy in your posts, on which instead, I'm very interested. I consider Russia to be an hope for the entire mankind.
Comments 6
Ой мля. Я ж в жж не отписался от этой тп. Спасибо напомнила.
Perhaps I am wrong but it looks like you despise the "communist" past of Russia and and have a nostalgia of Zarist period, am I wrong?
I understand that you are a Putin supporter and maybe for different reasons, I am also. This one of the motivation for which I appreciate you. Also because you seems interested to many different cultural field, even though I didn't see anything about the Russian foreign policy in your posts, on which instead, I'm very interested. I consider Russia to be an hope for the entire mankind.
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