Title: What about Elizabeth?
Author: Kris Russel
Rating: PG
Category: Drama, Angst, Romance
Pairing: John/Elizabeth, Sam/Jack, Ronon/Teyla, minor ref to Teyla/Kanaans
Spoilers: ‘The Last Man’
Beta: Theo and
momm2five Summary: This is a missing scene from ‘The Last Man’. I always wondered why John never asked the digitalized Rodney about Elizabeth, so here’s what would have happened if he did.
Author’s Note: This was also written for the LJ
s4/s5 fix-it challenge. The prompt was: “Last Man - Rodney gives Sheppard some Intel about getting Elizabeth back as well as Teyla and after retrieving Teyla they go after Elizabeth. (UST/RST)” I didn’t really keep to the order they get Elizabeth and Teyla back, but I like my way better ;^)
Disclaimer: Not mine and will never be mine. Otherwise Elizabeth and Carson would still be among the main cast and Sparky would be RST.
Part 01/02 Part 03/04/05 Part 06/07 Part 08/09Part 10/11
Part 12/13
(I'll be updating it asap)