(no subject)

Aug 21, 2005 00:03

1. Have you ever punched a wall? nope
2.Does it bother you when fingernails scrape a chalkboard? a little.
3.Do you have a landscaped yard? what?
4.Do you meditate? yes.
5.Do you always have to be right?  nope, but i like to think i am:).
6.What would you do if you had only 1 hour left to live? i donno, probably whatever i could.
8.Have you ever milked a cow? nope.
9.Do you have any full spectrum lightbulbs? yes;)
10.What is your favorite gemstone? umm ?
11.Have you danced by the light of the moon? haha probly?
12.Do you think of age 50 as being old? nope
13.Do you like almonds or cashews the best? none.
14.Would you buy an iMac computer? nope.
15.Have you gone on many blind dates? none.
16.Do you think same-sex marriage should be legal? yes
17.Are you analytical? don't know what it means.
18.Do you tend to go with the flow, or wade upstream all by yourself? wade up stream
19.When a stranger drops something, do you attempt to pick it up? yeap
20.Has someone done something extra nice for you today? yea
21.Are you a private person? well, since sara is like my other half - then yes;p
22.Name one thing you would never eat? lima beans:p
23.Did/do you have a crush on any of your teachers? mr long:).
24.Do you think having sex in a car is uncomfortable? wouldnt know...
25.Do you have any friends you are embarassed to be seen with? haha probbly
26.Do you get excited easily? yeep
27.Do you think Winnie the Pooh is a stupid name? no..
28.Do you drink and drive? newp.
29.Do you like to gamble? i don't know.
30.Do you allow animals on your furniture? yes,.
31.Have you ever been lost in a bad part of a city? no.?
32.Do you live near your birthplace? yes.
33.Would you rather have mint ot fruit flavored gum? fruit
34.Do you use petroleum jelly? eeww?
35.Do you have road rage? haha, of course
36.Who is more passive, your mother or father? i don't know. .
37.Do you watch TOO MUCH football? no.. lmao
38.Do you ever feel braindead? yess..
39.Are you more decisive or indecisive? if only i knew what that meant.
40.Have you ever eaten grass? probably.
41.When you hear the song "Puff the Magic Dragon" what do you think of? haha geting high off a magic dragon:).
42.Are more of a conservative or a liberal? ahaha neither;p
43.Do you ever eat food right out of cans and jars instead of using plates or bowls? haha yeah
44.Are you desperate for attention? nope
45.Does your mind ever go blank? newp.
46.Have you ever gone swimming in a golf course pond? no, sorry.
47.Have you ever trespassed on private property? oh yes
48.Do you know anyone who lives under a bridge? sure..
49.What smells worse than skunk spray? yeah, what ange said:P
50.Do you have a washer and dryer? yesm
51.Have you ever met anyone interesting at a laundrymat? i was never at a laundrymat..
52.Do you have any recurring dreams? nope
53.Are you kind? yep
54.Are you fair? depends
55.Would you give a needy person the shirt off your back? probably.
56.Do you ever ride a bike instead of taking a car? hahah - no:D
57.Does the sight of blood make you feel queasy? depends.
58.Would you rather be a plumber or a circus freak? probably a plumber.
59.Do animals have emotional lives? sureee.
60.Have you ever been slashed with a knife ... If so who did it? i don't think
61.Do you notice cracks in the pavement? yes. lol i
62.Does injustice of any kind infuriate you? . yes
63.Do you know someone who has Alzheimers? yes.
64.Do you think it is acceptable to live with someone before marrying them? no
65.Do you have shelves full of many books? what are books?.
66.Would you rather have lots of acquaintences, or a few really close friends? a few really close friends.
67.What is your favorite diary here? yogurts a dairy? what?<- haha im sonfused! lmao
68.Do you like the smell after it rains? yes.
69.Are you more attracted to oceans, rivers, or lakes? lakes
70.Do you volunteer your time to any good causes? sometimes.
71.Do you know any skinheads? haahahah nope
72.Have you spent time in a log cabin? nope
73.Are you uptight? nope.
74.Do you have dirt under your fingernails? haha i dont have fingernails;\
75.Did you have a good day? why or why not? sure

+ what real name would you hate to be called? dorothy - nasty.
+ if you died, which place would you hate to be buried at? the middle of the ocean, fish eating my body - gosh
+ which skittle tastes the worst? all of the, except blue& pink
+ where is the worst place to go on a date? oh God, i dont even know
+ what's the most obnoxious clique out there, why? cliques suck|
+ what's your least favorite outfit that you still wear to this day? dont even know.
+ what is the wierdest book you've read recently & why? i donno.
+ who is your biggest enemy? no comment.
+ what's your favorite fast food meal? deli from sunbway
+ what color is your most loved hair brush? sliver& black
+ what's the age range of your tv/movie crush? 14 -35
+ what is your favorite type of dinosaur? none..
+ what is your favorite animal? cant choose
+ what color is your most loved pair of underwear? i dont have a loved pair of underwear.
+ favorite time to go outside? like 7
+ what color/brand is the ugliest pair of shoes you own? oh god, dont even know
+ what's the most obnoxious thing you've ever done in a store? haha put stuff in some old ladys cart.
+ what's the worst thing you've ever done in a resurant? mom and dad took me to a chinese resturaunt that had pizza too one time, and before we went in mom said do not touch anything. so as soon as we got in the resturaunt i touched this big huge black bowel thing way bigger than me, and it collapsed and made this huge noise, everyone in the resturaunt looked and laughed.   << - HAHAH I LOVE YOU ANGE!!
+ what is your worst habit? i dont know.
+ what's the weirdest turn-on you have? i don't know.
+ who do you think is the sexiest cartoon character? johnny bravo.;)

+ what is the meanest thing you have ever said to a friend? haha, you're a stuck up bitch who only cares about herself;D -- dont have that friend anymore& am i ever glad:D
+ what is your favorite food to gorge out on? anything.
+ what is the worst thing you've ever done in school and got away with? umm, cheating on a test?
+ what is the worst item of clothing you got away with wearing at school? haulter top haha
+ how long was the longest time you've ever taken a shower/bath? hour
+ what item do you waste the most money on? hahah stupid stuff
+ what is the funniest thing a friend has ever done? god knows.
+ what's the best thing you've ever thrown out of a car? my brother? haha i wish;p
+ what's your favorite movie to roar at ? HAHAH GELN COCOA! [[ mean girls\\
+ what's the worst thing you've done in your job/community service? lol, if i hadda job;(.
+ a time when you peed your pants from laughing so hard? when cleo attacked someones crotch ahahhahah
+ what's the stupidest thing you've done to insult someone? aha, probly just said something like " takes one to know one"
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