Title: Same Old Lang Syne
Author: Kristen
Pairing/Character: Logan/Veronica
Word Count: 1799
Rating: PG
Summary: How did that Dan Fogelberg song go?
Spoilers: Futurefic, knowledge up to Look Who's Stalking
Warnings: Some innuendo and one swear word
Disclaimer: I am in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of Veronica Mars. No
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Comments 7
I think mostly, it's my own notions of what constitutes a "happy ending" and your oft given protestations that you loathe them. Semantics notwithstanding, this is neither an "ending", nor technically overtly "happy". In my emotional lexicon, however, it's as good as.
The beard and the dentistry were also surprising, but oddly enough, well in keeping with Logan's character. In some strange way, they really fit. You really know the psyches of the characters (at least, to my reckoning-- [don't suppose it's as good of a compliment to say "Hey! You think like me! Good job!"]), and your affection for these kids is terribly obvious. It's funny though, that your affection never truly affords them any definitive peace. I suppose one could speculate for quite some time as to what that means, but ultimately, despite any other conclusions one may arrive at, I think it's one of your greatest strengths ( ... )
I've decided my next fic will have more maniacal laughing and mustache twirling so's not to be misconstrued as "tender". This is what I get when I write sans angst.
I kinda thought the whole "tender" thing wouldn't be so appreciated, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to stand by it. I think most of your objection to the term derives from the fact that we kind of have slightly different ideas of what it actually implies. Truth be told, though, I'd probably be hard pressed to define my "tender" in any way that would take the ostensible sting out of its application towards your writing, so I'm not even going to try. Just know that, on my part, it was intended as a compliment and head out from there in any direction you'd care to.
By the by, I thought this one had a fairly reasonable amount of angst, but don't let that dissuade you from writing the other fic you've promised. You've piqued my interest, what with the maniacal laughter and moustache twirling. The thought of Snidely Whiplash visiting Neptune fills me with girlish glee.
OMG. The banter. I've missed them, this, SO MUCH. I love that she can't wait to figure out if he's married, etc. yet gives him nothing. I can only imagine his feelings during this exchange. Makes me all giddy. ;D
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