Title: 80's Tragedy
Author: Kristen
Pairing/Character: Logan/Veronica
Word Count: 1547
Rating: PG-13
Summary: This night is about forgetting everything for at least four minutes and forty-nine seconds.
Spoilers: Knowledge up to Not Pictured helps, but no real spoilers
Warnings: Mild language
Disclaimer: I am in no way associated with the owners,
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Comments 2
Her need to publicly humiliate the piggish guy even though she is in pain, just made me smirk. You conveyed Veronica's nature very well.
Nice touch adding that she doesn't want to be saved, but wanted everything to be normal. By god, that girl just loved to bandy around that word!
Just a gorgeous and painful chapter.
He sighs. “I have no problem picking you up and carrying you over my shoulder.”
Awwww! Logan. That last line really surprised me.
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