[x] You've played a sport.
[x] You've been on a school varsity team.
[ ] You've been on JV
[x] You've been doing some sport for years.
[ ] You know your closest friends from some sport.
[ ] You are physically fit.
[ ] People would not call you "lazy."
[ ] You eat healthy.
[ ] You own at least one nalgene water bottle.
[ ] You want/have already recieved a scholarship for playing that sport.
[ ] You like to work out.
[ ] You are a member of a fitness club.
[ ] You take winning in P.E. class more seriously than others.
[ ] You don't mind getting down and dirty.
[ ] You don't have modesty in the locker room.
[ ] You tend to whip others with wet towels.
[ ] Your shoe collection consists of mostly sneakers.
[ ] You've won an award for a sport's achievement.
[ ] 4 shots of tequila doesn't even phase you.
Total = 3
[ ] You dont have very many friends.
[ ] Often times, teachers forget your name.
[ ] You were always picked last for kickball.
[ ] You dont like to talk a lot.
[ ] You tend to avoid mass social activities (i.e.- dances, ice cream socials, football games, etc.)
[ ] You dont participate in any extracurricular activities.
[x] All you wish for is to move away or get a fresh start.
[x] Your friends have blown you off before.
[x] You sit alone in most of your classes.
[x] You have a feeling that once you leave high school or college, nobody is going to remember you.
[ ] You hold interest in activities that other people find strange.
[ ] People dont find you friendly.
[ ] You hold extreme hate towards another high school stereotype (i.e- jocks, preps, Goths, etc.)
[ ] You eat alone at lunch.
Total = 4
-=-Party Girl/Boy-=-
[ ] Lets face it: you like to party.
[x] You party every other weekend.
[ ] or every weekend?
[ ] You've been going to frat house parties since early high school.
[ ] You're the defending beer pong champion.
[ ] You know the best hook-ups in the state.
[ ] Everybody whos anybody goes to the same parties you go to.
[x] You've hooked up at parties.
[x] You spend time getting ready for parties.
[x] You've partied all night.
[ ] youre pretty much nocturnal.
[x] you like to go clubbing.
[ ] you and your friends always party hop.
[ ] Youve crashed a party before.
[ ] One way or another, youve wound up naked in front of everybody at a party
[x] Youve thrown up from drinking too much.
[ ] Youve done something that you regret at a party.
[x] You can dance.
[ ] Youre friends with a lot of people older than you.
Total = 7
-=-Scene Kid-=-
[x] You know what sXe and hXc actually mean.
[ ] You have a obsession with dinosaurs, robots, or Pokemon.
[ ] You idolize Jeffree Starr.
[xxx, I think that's fair. lol] People have called you scene before.
[x pfffft, I hate myspace! but I love lj :)] You spend at least an hour getting ready to take pictures of yourself for your myspace.
[x] You have a mirror picture.
[x] You listen to bands that most people have never heard of.
[x] You enjoy going to shows.
[ ] You only go to shows for the sake of going to shows, not the music.
[x] Your hair is multicolored.
[x] You accessorize your hair with kiddie barrettes and bows.
[x] Fashion is one of the most important things that define you.
[x] You mosh.
[x] You often mix vintage with modern.
[ ] Your myspace picture captions are sad lyrics to sad songs.
[ ] All of your friends are scene.
[ ] You dont know many of the people on your friends list in person: you just added them because they were hot.
[x] You take angled pictures of yourself.
[x] You enjoy photography.
Total = 15
[x] You pop the collar
[x] You own at least one thing from a designer store.
[ ] You are very clean cut.
[x] You are squeamish.
[x] People have called you preppy before.
[x] You never leave the house without putting on cologne/perfume
[ ] You have a lot of money.
[ ] You know who LC is.
[x] You watch shows like The OC, The Real World, The Hills, and Laguna Beach.
[ ] Your favorite stores are Abercrombie & Fitch or American Eagle Outfitters or Hollister
[ ] Youre afraid to set foot into Hot Topic.
[x] (Girls) You carry a purse wherever you go.
[ ] You will not take alcohol straight up.
[x] You need to wake up at least an hour before school so you can get ready
[x] (Girls) You do not leave the house without make up.
[ ] You are content overall with how your life is going.
[ ] You constantly text message.
Total = 9
-=-Band Geek-=-
[x] You have played an instrument before.
[ ] You still play an instrument.
[ ] You are/were in Jazz Band.
[ ] You are/were in Marching Band
[ ] Youve never dated anybody outside of Band.
[ ] Most of your friends are in band.
[ ] The band room/band hall is/was your second home.
[x] You enjoy listening to classical music on occasion.
[ ] You aspire[d] to be a Drum Major.
[ ] Youve made out with somebody on a band bus or at a band competition.
[ ] You have trouble getting your non-band friends to go near the band room.
[ ] Band is/was your favorite class.
[ ] You have been to band camp.
[ ] You walk in step with all your friends.
[ ] You talk about band constantly.
[ ] You know that American Pie has got it all wrong
[ ] You abhor rap music.
[ ] Marching Season is your favorite time of year.
[ ] When you go to football games, you dont really pay attention to the game itself.
[ ] Your favorite jokes are band jokes.
[ ] You know it's not about the bloods and the crips: it's the brass and the woodwinds.
Total = 1
[x] You have seen a school play.
[x] You have seen a Broadway musical (traveling or in NYC)
[ ] You like to act.
[x] You have participated in a school play
[x] You have participated in a play outside of school.
[ ] You have gone to the Thespian Conference (Districts or State or International or all)
[ ] You get pissed off when people make that "thespian, did you say lesbian?" joke.
[x] You have done tech.
[ ] You know that you cannot touch anybody elses props.
[ ] You have played in the pit orchestra for a musical.
[ ] You have been to a cast party.
[ ] You are in a thespian troupe.
[ ] You often sing show tunes at the top of your lungs.
[ ] You know who Idina Menzel and Johnathan Larson are.
[ ] At one point in your life, you were obsessed with RENT.
[ ] You do not have a personal bubble.
[x] You actually understand Shakespeare.
[x] You know how to put on stage make up.
[ ] You have been a lead.
[ ] You met a lot of your better friends through theatre.
Total = 7
[ ] You participate in a lot of extracurricular activities.
[xx] You have a part-time job.
[1/2 x] You have straight As.
[x] You are in mostly honors/IB/AP classes.
[ ] You do not procrastinate....unless it is getting dressed or something
[ ] You have scored a 5 on an AP test.
[x] You do not have very much down time.
[x] You are very organized.
[x] You always have a thousand things going on at once.
[ ] You aspire to get into an Ivy League School.
[ ] In your extracurriculars, you hold leadership positions.
[ ] You are/were on Student Council.
[ ] You are/were the class president.
[ ] You are/were a class officer.
[ ] You are/were the Salutatorian for your class.
[ ] You are/were the Valedictorian for your class.
[x] People have told you that you don't have a life.
[ ] You are getting/have already received the IB Diploma.
[x] You cry hysterically when you get anything lower than an A on anything.
Total = 8.5
[x] your grades are slipping.
[x] You always wait until the last minute to do big projects.
[ ] You do a lot of things half-assed.
[x] You are an overall procrastinator.
[ ] You tend to do your homework when youre watching TV.
[ ] It takes you ages to turn your job applications in.
[ ] You are often late to school/work.
[ ] You dont turn in a lot of your work.
[x] You spend the majority of your time watching TV, the computer or going on Myspace when you could be doing something more productive.
[ ] You sleep in past noon on the weekends and during the summer.
[ ] You do not get out of your pajamas unless you have to leave the house.
[x] You could walk, but you'll just drive.
[x] You have fallen asleep during class before.
[x] Friends have called you lazy.
[ ] Life is hard when you lose the remote & you have to walk a million miles over to the TV and change the channel.
[x] When you hang out with your friends, the majority of your time is spent playing video games or doing something where neither of you have to stand up.
[ ] You have eaten an entire pint of ice cream in one sitting.
[ ] You have sat through an entire running marathon of a show before.
Total = 8
[ ] Your wardrobe consists of mostly black things.
[x] When you have the money, you shop at Hot Topic.
[x] You think tattoos are hot.
[x] You think odd piercings are hot.
[x] You dont get along with your parents.
[xxx] You have/want to dyed/dye your hair an exotic color.
[ ] You've styled your hair in liberty spikes.
[x] Sometimes you ponder the meaning of life and death.
[x] You have written dark poetry.
[ ] You are into S&M.
[ ] You have a pair of oversized black pants.
[ ] At one point in your life, you liked Foamy, Happy Bunny, Emily the Strange, and the Happy Tree Friends.
[ ] You listen to grunge.
[ ] You have a messenger bag with buttons up and down the straps.
[ ] You smoke cigarettes.
[ ] You will only date other Goths.
[x] You dont really give a crap what people think about you.
[ ] Overly happy people scare you.
[x] You like black makeup the best
[x] You like black nail polish the best.
Total = 12
[x] You actually study for tests and quizzes.
[1/2 x] You have straight As.
[ ] You havent had any luck with the opposite sex.
[ ] You are into WOW, Magic Cards, and Halo.
[ ] You overanalyze jokes to the point where they arent funny anymore.
[ ] Your mom buys your clothes for you.
[x] You actually answer the questions in class.
[ ] You sit front row center in all of your classes to get the best learning experience.
[ ] You miss school during the summer.
[ ] You wear your pants at your waist.
[ ] You prefer sweatpants to jeans.
[ ] You have a pocket protector in your shirt with pens and a calculator in it.
Total = 2.5
Winner: Scene (15) Man, I could've told you that! People tell me all the time I'm the most emo friend they have :P
Second place: Goth (12)
Third place: Prep (10)
Wow, those were actually pretty dead on. How craaaaaaaaaazy *rolls eyes* I'm like a combo of all three of those in all honesty. meh, cool.
So I passed my G! I have my full license now :) But on a downer, my friend Paul leaves for Italy tomorrow for a month and who else can I occupy all my time with?? ;) And I feel so incredibly sick. I'm supposed to go for my graduation dinner tonight (a little late, huh?) but I dunno anymore. I feel so dead. I start work at La Senza tomorrow :D And I'll be posting a couple more times soon - grad photos and makeup ones, OF COURSE
<3 Kristen