Round 02 : Challenge 06 : Voting

Dec 14, 2008 19:49

Sorry for the few weeks without posting, I've been busy recently!But finally here is the voting. Please VOTE

+ You must vote for a total of 1 icon
+ Vote for 1 lesser icon.
+ Look at each icon closely.
+ You have to submit a reason for your votes.
+ Your votes must be based on the quality of the icon, not your personal taste.
+ Votes like: 'It looks ugly', 'not very pretty coloring' won't be accepted, cause that are personal reasons.
+ Votes should be like this : 'The icon is blurry', 'Coloring is too bright', etc.
+ Participants MUST vote.
+ Participants can't vote for themselves.
+ be fair with voting! :)
+ good luck everyone!

+ Debeis votar un total de 1 icon.
+ Votad por el peor icon .
+ Tu tienes que subir la razon de tus votos.
+ Tus votos deben estar basados en la cualidad del icon no tu opinión personal.
+ Votos como: : 'It looks ugly', 'not very pretty coloring' no serán aceptados porque eso son razones personales.
+ Los votos deben ser como 'icon is blurry', 'Coloring is too bright', etc.
+ Los participantes DEBEN motar.
+ Los participantes no se pueden votar asimismos.
+ Buena suerte para todos!
using a skip = selenespain, lunita_87 and elena_vlc_15
Eliminated = jhedo, gemuca and manzanitadbk

We only have three icons (I'm so disappointed because of this ): ) so you only have to vote FOR ONE ICON (the lesser) and in the next challenge that icons will have 2 negative votes in the voting. // Solo hay 3 iconos entregados (estoy bastante decepcionada por esto ):) asique solo teneis que votar por un icon (el peor) y en el proximo challenge ese icon tendrá dos votos negativos en la votación.

(I've decided to do this because I think it's unfair eliminate one of these people. //He decidido esto porque creo que es injusto eliminar a alguna de estas personas.)


Lesser icon:
#00 -- reason


round 2, round 2:challenge 06, voting

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