Drabble Post - What Was His (FMA)

Jun 07, 2021 23:03

This was originally an alternate version of my older drabble, "Greed?" But, after a little re-working, I think it stands on its own even if it's exploring similar ideas.

What Was His

Bullets tore through fabric to ricochet off diamond-hard skin, and Greed swore. He liked this coat.

“Thanks, Boss,” Darius muttered behind him.

“Be more careful,” he snapped back as he lunged to smack the soldier who had surprised them into a wall.

The way now clear, they made a run for the woods outside town. As they went, Greed noted that Darius still had all their supplies in his arms. He smirked. His minions were good. As for the coat... Eh, he’d get his alchemist to fix it when they got back to camp.

Or maybe after moving camp. They’d been spotted, and the minions were good, but they weren’t bulletproof like him.

‘So, you do care,’ the annoying prince’s voice muttered in the back of his mind.

Care? They were his.

‘Like you didn’t ditch the girl when you had Wrath on your tail,’ he sniped back. ‘Gotta keep what’s yours.’


Then, ‘That’s a very interesting way of looking at things.’

Greed snorted. It wasn’t anything deep. It was just who he was.

The prince hmm’d, but Greed ignored it and shouted to the minions back at camp to start packing.

Nobody took what was his. Never again.

drabbles, fullmetal alchemist

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