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Sunday, September 05:
-Trade with Mahorka: got riolu20 and pryce14 for chansey14 and bugsy10.
Saturday, September 04:
-Update Freebies (July 31): rayquaza08.
-Donations: magikarp19.
-Got Larvitar out of the Daycare; -500 PD.
-Put Trapinch in the party; -500 PD.
-Sold stuff for 5000 PD. |D
-Berry Trade with Nadyell: got hondewberry, colburberry, hondewberry, hondewberry, and colburberry for rowapberry, rowapberry, cheriberry, cheriberry, and cheriberry.
-Red Rescue Team Group Collect: donated jirachi02, rotom20, chimchar02, monferno01, monferno11, monferno15, monferno16, monferno19, latios10, manaphy02, manaphy11, manaphy16, lapras19, blaziken08, blaziken14, combusken03, combusken08, combusken19, combusken20, torchic06, torchic16, lanturn16, lanturn17, missingno04, mawile05, mawile17, and heracross08.
-Trade with Allie: got drifloon02 and morty10 for flareon18 and spoink12.
-Trade with Jayme: got beldum03 for bulbasaur08; Friend Cards.
-Bulbasaur's Hidden Village: got swablu19.
-Trade with Coco: got lanturn02, leafeon13, skarmory03, skarmory07, skarmory10, elekid05, and nincada12 for giovanni10, brock06, brock11, brock14, brock15, psyduck16, and cubone05; Friend Cards.
-Healed Grovyle for 1500 PD. =\
-Psyduck's Memory: [used giovanni & grovyle] phanpy05, mudkip07, skarmory11, Persim Berry, 192 PD || -19HP
-Piplup's Puzzle: [used giovanni & grovyle] shinx07, cherubi14, Tamato Berry, 134 PD || -9HP
-Who's That Pokemon?: [used giovanni & grovyle] elekid13, cherubi18, Yellow Shard, Chople Berry, 130 PD || -17HP
-Poliwag's Puzzle: [used giovanni & grovyle] grotle17, kirlia17, eevee06, Wiki Berry, Persim Berry, 209 PD || -5HP
-Jubilife TV Lotto: chimchar09; -200PD.
-Unown Unscramble: [used giovanni & grovyle] prinplup19, clefairy15, luxio18, Super Potion, Tanga Berry, 193 PD || -19HP
-Tricky Lock: [used giovanni & gardevoir + Confusion] monferno04, oddish20, chingling04, vulpix14, snorunt18, bellossom07, Nest Ball, Shuca Berry, 170 PD || -14HP
-Princess Training: [used giovanni & gardevoir + Confusion] gold10, gary10, morty01, falkner12, jenny10, Ether, Nomel Berry, 78 PD || -17HP
-Dawn's Dress-Up: [used giovanni & gardevoir + Confusion] pryce04, kris09, blaine03, morty09, chuck05, Rowap Berry, Persim Berry, 215 PD || -24HP
-Pom-Pom Puzzle: [used giovanni & gardevoir + Confusion] kabuto05, weedle18, sudowoodo01, monferno14, heracross10, charizard18, Nomel Berry, Figy Berry, Mago Berry, 206 PD || -9HP
-Upcoming Decks: persian06, mantine18.
-Got eight Safari Balls~
-Voting: leafeon06, empoleon07.
-Update Freebies (August 8 [my birthday. |D]): got vibrava12 and bagon13.
-Card Swap: got blastoise12, lapras06, jolteon20, glaceon06, feraligatr11, celebi07, latias16, ho-oh06, rayquaza11, and latios03 for blissey14, feraligatr05, feraligatr07, gyarados07, roserade06, manaphy01, manaphy02, regirock07, regirock07, and regirock12.
-Trade with Xtine: got vibrava04 and vibrava13 for erika05 and chansey12.
-Trade with Zags: got umbreon07 and rotom05 for glaceon06 and glaceon13; got pinapberry for spelonberry.
-Berry Trade with Barbar: got pinapberry for starfberry.
-Trade with Nadyell: got lucario09, sneasel09, vibrava06, and glalie09 for misty06, misty15, blaine09, and swablu19.
Wednesday, August 25:
-Trade with AJ: got mantyke04, snorunt18, and swablu07 for magikarp05, misty06, and misty10.
-Trade with Nadyell: got wurmple16, tyrogue20, and rayquaza18 for james05, skitty07, and suicune18; Friend Cards.
-Update Freebies (July 24): got sableye04 and kabuto11.
-Trade with Chikky: got blastoise02 for shinx06.
-Berry Trade with Allie: got pinapberry and pinapberry for grepaberry and grepaberry.
-Psyduck's Memory: [used giovanni & grovyle] dratini09, drowzee08, roselia13, Rawst Berry, 145 PD || -5HP
-Piplup's Puzzle: [used giovanni & grovyle] chansey16, lunatone13, Chople Berry, 77 PD || -13HP
-Got Larvitar out of the Daycare; -3700 PD.
-Unown Unscramble: [used giovanni & larvitar] barry09, zigzagoon06, meowth19, Chople Berry, Jaboca Berry, 144 PD || -25HP
-Healed Larvitar for 1500 PD.
-Who's That Pokemon?: [used giovanni & larvitar] cubone05, drowzee04, Tanga Berry, Pamtre Berry, 196 PD || -13HP
-Jubilife TV Lotto: cyndaquil07, skarmory18; -200PD
-Poliwag's Puzzle: [used giovanni & larvitar] gastly09, bagon04, spoink13, Rare Candy, Wepear Berry, Salac Berry, 244 PD || -20HP
-Misty's Lure: [used giovanni & larvitar] mantine18, feraligatr10, milotic16, || -28HP
-Tic Tac Togepi: [used giovanni & larvitar] natu12, ponyta16, Sitrus Berry, 95 PD || -8HP
-Know-It-All: [used giovanni & larvitar] combusken13, teddiursa14, oddish17, Max Elixir, Persim Berry, 112 PD || -26HP
-Slot Machine: jasmine01, kadabra16, mismagius05, skorupi13.
-Tricky Lock: [used giovanni & gardevoir + Psychic] spoink20, koga09, starmie20, celebi16, lyra15, plusle11, venusaur07, Colbur Berry, Blue Shard, Hondew Berry, 184 PD || -17HP
-Tall Grass: nuffin'.
-Princess Training: [used giovanni & no pkmn] dawn07, ltsurge12, profoak05, Ether, Chesto Berry, 120 PD
-Healed Ruru for 1500 PD as well... x___x'''
-Dawn's Dress-Up: [used giovanni & gardevoir + Psychic] profoak03, erika14, pryce05, bugsy05, sabrina02, jessie09, Blue Shard, Wepear Berry, 297 PD || -15HP
-Pom-Pom Puzzle: [used giovanni & gardevoir] bugsy10, haunter18, azumarill08, regirock12, Yache Berry, Fast Ball, Starf Berry, 206 PD || -23HP
-Upcoming Decks: misty15, sandshrew07.
-Got eight Safari Balls from the Safari Zone~
-Trade with Kahare: got chuck11 for bugsy13.
-Trade with Jchan: got machop11 and pupitar11 for ralts13 and dragonair06.
-Trade with Jannet: got pupitar20 for bayleef18.
Wednesday, August 18:
-Berry Trade with Pasqui: got pinapberry and pinapberry for passhoberry and passhoberry.
-Mastered seadra: silver08, munchlax14, ditto13, dawn08, Spelon Berry, 300 PD.
-Bulbasaur's Hidden Village: got elekid16, ekans13, and magikarp19.
-Trade with Pasqui: got aerodactyl17, altaria11, bagon02, bagon17, beldum20, flareon09, glaceon05, glaceon08, hitmonchan04, kirlia04, kirlia17, lanturn16, ledyba13, riolu14, shuckle04, shuckle15, vibrava01, vibrava17, wooper05, wurmple15, bugsy07, rayquaza02, and rayquaza17 for blastoise06, blastoise17, clair10, whitney04, whitney06, joy01, pachirisu14, snorlax05, ekans03, ekans11, ekans13, ekans20, james05, kris07, kris09, pryce08, magikarp04, magikarp19, oddish20, sudowoodo11, scyther04, poliwag14, poliwag16, and zapdos06. |D
Tuesday, August 17:
-Trade with Sunny: got vibrava02 and vibrava14 for misdreavus01 and vulpix13; Friend Cards.
-Trade with AmyK: got bagon09 for cubone06.
Monday, August 16:
-Trade with Kebin: got hitmonlee08 for misty07.
-Trade with Luna: got mantyke01 and scyther06 for blaine06 and blaine08.
-Trade with Barbar: got clair08, clair14, and jasmine01 for whitney06, falkner04, and clair06.
-Took Horsea out of the Daycare; -4900 PD.
-Took Chinchou out of the PC; -500 PD.
-Update Freebies (July 17): got hitmonchan06 and weedle06.
-Got eight Safari Balls from the Safari Zone.
-Upcoming Decks: mawile10, giovanni10.
-Jubilife TV Lotto: chikorita04; -200PD
-Who's That Pokemon?: [used giovanni & grovyle] lyra05, weedle08, Nanab Berry, Timer Ball, 170 PD -5HP
-Poliwag's Puzzle: [used giovanni & grovyle + Fury Cutter] vulpix08, magnemite05, kirlia13, Apicot Berry, Colbur Berry, 146 PD -4HP
-Piplup's Puzzle: [used giovanni & grovyle] igglybuff15, grovyle13, Poke Ball, 174 PD -22HP
-Psyduck's Memory: [used giovanni & grovyle] metapod15, grotle10, pichu12, Passho Berry, 163 PD -12HP
-Pom-Pom Puzzle: [used giovanni & gardevoir + Psychic] riolu12, omanyte17, clair04, regirock07, luxio17, lopunny10, james05, Super Potion, Occa Berry, Tanga Berry, 238 PD -29HP
-Dawn's Dress-Up: [used giovanni & gardevoir + Psychic] erika05, silver07, koga05, brock11, misty10, kris09, Belue Berry, Aguav Berry, 184 PD -13HP
-Tricky Lock: [used giovanni & gardevoir + Psychic] ash11, mawile16, luvdisc12, raikou11, jessie15, empoleon13, oddish09, Aguav Berry, Petaya Berry, Razz Berry, 174 PD -12HP
-Princess Training: [used giovanni & gardevoir + Confusion] joy05, bugsy13, misty06, pryce08, clair06, Occa Berry, Watmel Berry, 100 PD -29HP
-Unown Unscramble: [used giovanni & grovyle + Fury Cutter] elekid07, houndour05, dragonair06, Haban Berry, Repeat Ball, 97 PD -22HP
-Trade with Lethe: got skarmory14 for gloom11.
-Trade with Jchan: got bagon04 and wooper08 for dragonair11 and skorupi12.
-Trade with Jannet: got wurmple10 for pichu07.
-Trade with Mamori: got swablu03, umbreon03, and ledyba05 for clefairy03, mightyena20, and poochyena04.
-Trade with Pokenaut: got wooper07 and pupitar09 for gastly18 and jessie01; Friend Cards.
-Trade with Xtine: got flaaffy05 for chansey12.
-Trade with Icera: got mantyke06, seadra15, seadra18, and swablu20 for dragonair16, drifloon16, metapod14, and aron15.
-Trade with Kahare: got smoochum16 for chimchar12.
Friday, August 13:
-Poke Ball Exchange: exchanged Ultra Ball for mawile05.
Wednesday, August 11:
-Trade with Catherine: got mismagius10 for cleffa16.
-Trade with Malheur: got butterfree16 and mantyke10 for articuno06.
-Trade with Corbin: got smoochum20 for onix05.
-Trade with Chii: got smoochum10 for charmander17.
-Poke Ball Exchange: exchanged Dusk Ball for mismagius04.
-Poke Ball Exchange: exchanged Net Ball for butterfree08.
-Bulbasaur's Hidden Village: got swablu14, mawile16, and pupitar05; got chilanberry and chilanberry.
-Mastered butterfree: happiny16, cubone16, whitney10, piplup11, mightyena20, Max Potion, Big Mushroom, 750 PD.
-Mastered mismagius: staryu10, ralts13, leafeon17, feraligatr13, bellossom14, Blue Shard, Oran Berry, 750 PD.
-Exchanged four shards for eight Chilan Berries!
-Trade with Jchan: got pupitar06 and wurmple01 for skorupi07 and misdreavus18.
Tuesday, August 10:
-Upcoming Decks (last week): ledyba14 and caterpie11, thanks to Bloo~ |D ♥
-Got eight Safari Balls from the Safari Zone~
-Update Freebies (July 15): got beldum18 and lunatone17.
-Poliwag's Puzzle: [used giovanni & meganium + Aromatherapy] hoppip08, elekid19, seel20, Safari Ball, Coba Berry, Wacan Berry, Apicot Berry, 129 PD | -12HP
-Wild MissingNO. Appeared!: gyarados07, froslass07, mismagius13, aron15.
Jubilife TV Lotto: roserade02, chansey14; -200PD
Tricky Lock: mewtwo17, torchic14, raichu14, articuno06, Razz Berry, Kelpsy Berry, Chople Berry, Repeat Ball, Magost Berry, Apicot Berry, 177 PD | -8HP
-Unown Unscramble: [used giovanni & meganium + Reflect] pikachu17, weedle15, machop05, Mago Berry, Green Shard, 105 PD | +5HP
-Who's That Pokemon?: [used giovanni & meganium + Reflect] haunter19, chikorita01, Great Ball, 81 PD | +22HP
-Piplup's Puzzle: [used giovanni & meganium + Reflect] mantyke15, aron04, Max Elixir, 154 PD | +18HP
-Psyduck's Memory: [used giovanni & meganium + Reflect] snorunt17, poliwag16, charmeleon16, Belue Berry, 181 PD | +4HP
-Know-It-All: [used giovanni & meganium + Aromatherapy] wurmple11, cubone06, rotom01, Poke Ball, Sitrus Berry, Liechi Berry, Payapa Berry, 206 PD || -10HP
-Slot Machine: wobbuffet09, quilava09, gloom04, heracross16.
-Pom-Pom Puzzle: [used giovanni & meganium + Aromatherapy] blaine08, dragonair16, azurill18, pikachu19, Salac Berry, Kelpsy Berry, Rabuta Berry, Tamato Berry, Timer Ball, Nanab Berry, 313 PD || -11HP
-Tic Tac Togepi: [used giovanni & meganium + Aromatherapy] chimchar12, bagon06, Green Shard, TinyMushroom, 78 PD || -11HP
-Used an Ether on Meganium~
-Misty's Lure: [used giovanni & meganium + Reflect] vaporeon11, seadra17 || +7HP
-Princess Training: [used giovanni & meganium + Aromatherapy] morty01, lyra15, koga06, Hondew Berry, Belue Berry, Lum Berry, Master Ball, 158 PD || -11HP
-And I used a Potion on Meganium too. |D Actually, I think I used a Max Ether on him too. o_o'
-Dawn's Dress-Up: [used giovanni & no pkmn] whitney06, gary10, brock15, Poke Ball, Yache Berry, 93 PD
-Tall Grass: [used giovanni & grovyle + Fury Cutter] vulpix13, drifloon19, aron15 || -5HP
-Upcoming Decks: froslass01, flareon18.
-Got my weekly eight Safari Balls~
-Birthday Pikachu!: swampert19, ho-oh19, flaaffy20, froslass11, charizard03, trapinch01, skorupi07, natu19, Watmel Berry, Qualot Berry, Wepear Berry, Hondew Berry, Yache Berry, Chople Berry, Babiri Berry, Figy Berry, 1000 PD.
-Caption Contest (participation): gloom01, kirlia16; future Chilan Berry.
-Pokemon Snap (third place and participation): mantyke19, misty06, dragonair11, lunatone12, future 500 PD. OH and a future choice card once I go trade hunting and see something I need that no-one else has. |D
...but no Starf Berries or Pinap Berries. =\
-Trade with Kahare: got swablu09 for starly16.
-Trade with Mamori: got jynx09 for kris03.
-Trade with Shunna: got pupitar02, pupitar03, ninetales12, magnemite10, haunter14, dragonite09, smoochum12, smoochum17, and lucario16 for alakazam13, alakazam15, cherubi12, cherubi16, jolteon04, kadabra18, monferno08, and raikou18.
-Trade with Zags: got drifloon11 for skarmory13.
-Trade with Jchan: got snorunt12 for misdreavus20.
-Mastered jynx: lyra01, lanturn20, ralts18, koga01, Master Ball, 300 PD.
-Trade with Xtine: got flaaffy02 for giovanni12.
-Trade with Jannet: got butterfree20, jasmine04, and whitney09 for raichu04, raichu13, and raichu14.
-Trade with Hotaru: got seadra08 for sabrina11.
-Trade with Chikky: got mantyke09 and seadra06 for shinx05 and croconaw03.
-Trade with Usio: got snorunt05 for jessie03; Friend Cards.
-Trade with Renako: got mismagius17 for morty03.
-Trade with Becca: got smoochum06 for koga06; Friend Cards.
Wednesday, August 4:
-Trade with Jchan: got falkner04 for falkner05.
-Berry Trade with Jannet: got pechaberry and pechaberry for babiriberry and babiriberry.
Tuesday, August 03:
-Voting: magikarp05, omanyte19.
-Trade with Ayndin: got bugsy15 for bugsy04.
-Trade with Jannet: got mantyke05 for shinx20.
-Card Swap: got regirock07, groudon13, arceus12, manaphy02, suicune18, manaphy01, mew17, articuno06, latias18, and raikou18 for arceus20, celebi14, celebi14, entei09, raikou20, regirock19, mew05, articuno10, zapdos10, and moltres03.
Saturday, July 31:
-Trade with AmyK: got lanturn07, kirlia11, and lunatone05 for brock07, mareep19, and larvitar19.
-Tricky Lock: [used giovanni & meganium + Aromatherapy] gardevoir12, entei09, natu09, ponyta20, Charti Berry, Pomeg Berry, Liechi Berry, Hyper Potion, Figy Berry, Chople Berry, 198 PD || -11HP
-Used that Hyper Potion on Meganium~
-Pom-Pom Puzzle: [used giovanni & meganium + Aromatherapy] alakazam15, mew05, skarmory13, prinplup13, Colbur Berry, Poke Ball, Apicot Berry, Babiri Berry, Wacan Berry, Custap Berry, 321 PD || -4HP
-Poliwag's Puzzle: [used giovanni & meganium + Aromatherapy] igglybuff19, gold12, bayleef18, Blue Shard, Cornn Berry, Magost Berry, Dive Ball, Chesto Berry, Lum Berry, 81 PD || -6HP
-Jubilife TV Lotto: azumarill12, chimchar19; -400PD
-Unown Unscramble: [used giovanni & meganium + Aromatherapy] zigzagoon10, kirlia01, snorunt02, Safari Ball, Petaya Berry, Cheri Berry, Coba Berry, 163 PD || -8HP
-Psyduck's Memory: [used giovanni & meganium + Solar Beam] starly16, treecko16, kirlia01, Lansat Berry, Rowap Berry, 125 PD || -13HP
-Piplup's Puzzle: [used giovanni & meganium + Solar Beam] starmie10, dawn04, Grepa Berry, Salac Berry, 139 PD || -20HP
-Who's That Pokemon?: [used giovanni & meganium + Solar Beam] marshtomp13, spheal15, Babiri Berry, Tanga Berry, 175 PD || -18HP
-Princess Training: [used giovanni & gardevoir + Confusion] joy07, kris10, clair12, blaine06, silver08, Cheri Berry, Green Shard, 185 PD || -13HP
-Dawn's Dress-Up: [used giovanni & gardevoir + Confusion] brock06, sabrina11, barry02, ltsurge01, morty03, Aspear Berry, Nugget, 300 PD || -8HP
-Update Freebies (July sometime): got missingno04.
Thursday, July 29:
-Trade with Jchan: got leafeon03 for luvdisc04.
-Trade with Ayndin: got snorunt14 and lucario13 for natu18 and sabrina05.
-Trade with Mamori: got swablu13 and dewgong19 for eevee19 and luvdisc20.
-Trade with Zags: got riolu13 for skitty17.
Saturday, July 24:
-Trade with Lethe: got mismagius12 and ledyba15 for blaine04 and poliwag03.
-Trade with Zags: got clair13, pryce04, and pryce08 for jasmine14, jasmine15, and morty13.
-Mastered dragonair: bayleef18, sudowoodo11, spoink18, pidgey06, Great Ball, 300 PD.
-Psyduck's Memory: [used giovanni & meganium + Aromatherapy] wartortle09, charmeleon20, riolu17, Enigma Berry, Leppa Berry, 180 PD || -8HP
-Know-It-All: [used giovanni & meganium + Aromatherapy] charmander17, rotom13, mightyena19, Rare Candy, Shuca Berry, Watmel Berry, Iapapa Berry, 152 PD || -2HP
-Unown Unscramble: [used giovanni & meganium + Aromatherapy] munchlax03, totodile12, wooper03, Nanab Berry, Ether, Durin Berry, Aguav Berry, 127 PD || -10HP
-Poliwag's Puzzle: [used giovanni & meganium + Aromatherapy] haunter03, meowth09, shinx20, Belue Berry, Big Pearl, Oran Berry, Grepa Berry, 55 PD || -6HP
-Piplup's Puzzle: [used giovanni & meganium + Reflect] ralts12, feebas16, buneary10, lyra03, Mago Berry, 145 PD || +25HP
-Who's That Pokemon?: [used giovanni & meganium + Solar Beam] pichu07, ekans03, Iapapa Berry, Passho Berry, 187 PD || -22HP
-Misty's Lure: [used giovanni & meganium + Solar Beam] piplup16, seel11 || -25HP
-Used a Potion on Meganium~
-Tic Tac Togepi: [used giovanni & meganium + Solar Beam] onix05, cherubi16, Babiri Berry, Rowap Berry, 72 PD || -5HP
-Tricky Lock: [used giovanni & meganium + Aromatherapy] magikarp04, zigzagoon16, pupitar16, totodile20, Aspear Berry, Premier Ball, Rindo Berry, Stardust, Hondew Berry, Babiri Berry, 198 PD || -5HP
-Used a Max Elixir on Meganium~
-Jubilife TV Lotto: flaaffy14; -200PD
-Slot Machine: bulbasaur18, gloom11, meganium08, psyduck16.
-Pom-Pom Puzzle: [used giovanni & meganium + Aromatherapy] wobbuffet04, misdreavus01, mantyke13, altaria07, Cornn Berry, Rabuta Berry, Super Potion, Grepa Berry, Kasib Berry, Red Shard, 258 PD || -8HP
-Tall Grass: [used giovanni & gardevoir + Psychic] pupitar14, growlithe05, trapinch19, pikachu17, cubone13, eevee19 || -20HP
-Used a Super Potion on Ruru~
-Princess Training: [used giovanni & gardevoir + Confusion] misty07, brock07, giovanni12, jenny10, ltsurge05, Big Pearl, Cornn Berry, 158 PD || -25HP
-Dawn's Dress-Up: [used giovanni & gardevoir + Confusion] blaine02, gary04, gold11, erika03, bugsy04, Poke Ball, Aguav Berry, 131 PD || -11HP
-Upcoming Decks: vulpix15, joy03.
-Got eight Safari Balls from the Safari Zone~
Friday, June 23:
-Trade with Starr: got scyther20, heracross09, and heracross14 for marill13, lyra05, and misty08; Friend Cards.
-Trade with Erianne: got dragonair08 for psyduck04; (future) Friend Cards.
-Pokemart: Bought Durin Berry for 1000 PD.
Wednesday, July 21:
-Trade with Barbar: got arceus20, morty03, morty13, chuck03, and seadra10 for arceus12, bugsy09, drifloon04, mareep16, and starly15.
-Trade with Xtine: got magnemite19 for jynx03; Friend Cards.
Monday, July 19:
-Berry Trade with Barbar: got liechiberry, liechiberry, pinapberry, pinapberry, and pinapberry for kelpsyberry, kelpsyberry, kelpsyberry, blukberry, and watmelberry.
-Trade with Allie: got seadra15 and morty13 for cherubi04 and buizel08.
-Trade with Norkia: got snorunt03 for pidgey03.
-Trade with Arianna: got swablu13 and swablu20 for totodile06 and chikorita07.
-Trade with Mamori: got dragonite06, snorunt05, and snorunt14 for charizard14, eevee11, and hoppip05.
Sunday, July 18:
-Mastered venusaur: brock14, trapinch20, bugsy09, skarmory11, gastly18, Mago Berry, Oran Berry, 750 PD.
-Trade with Jannet: got lanturn16 for dewgong04.
-Update Freebies (June 26): got mawile17 and heracross18.
-Trade with AJ: got seadra02 for magikarp10.
-Trade with Ademus: got dragonite08 for giovanni03.
-Trade with Kahare: got smoochum02 for snorunt16.
-Trade with Jchan: got raikou20, pryce01, smoochum14, smoochum18, lunatone09, and haunter09 for mewtwo13, whitney03, munchlax01, persian05, spoink09, and treecko03.
Saturday, July 17:
-Berry Trade with Mei: got liechiberry for nanabberry.
-Healed Ivysaur for 1500 PD.
-Psyduck's Memory: [used giovanni & ivysaur] persian17, spoink09, beldum15, Yache Berry, 117 PD || -6HP
-Piplup's Puzzle: [used giovanni & ivysaur] drifloon04, happiny19, Grepa Berry, 154 PD || -19HP
-Who's That Pokemon?: [used giovanni & ivysaur] pupitar12, teddiursa06, Ultra Ball, 171 PD || -7HP
-Got Dratini out of the Daycare; -2600 PD.
-Put Larvitar in the Party; -500 PD.
-Jubilife TV Lotto: torchic16; -200PD.
-Misty's Lure: [used giovanni & larvitar] marshtomp03, swampert13, mantine04 || -14HP
-Tic Tac Togepi: [used giovanni & larvitar] wynaut01, poochyena04, Great Ball, 70 PD || -15HP
-Slot Machine: feebas10, jynx03, blissey14, totodile17.
-Unown Unscramble: [used giovanni & larvitar] plusle13, turtwig15, azurill15, Max Elixir, Chople Berry, 139 PD || -25HP
-Poliwag's Puzzle: [used giovanni & larvitar] skitty07, ponyta19, kris03, Belue Berry, TinyMushroom, Custap Berry, 248 PD || -5HP
-Know-It-All: [used giovanni & larvitar] shinx05, wigglytuff06, vaporeon04, Pomeg Berry, Super Potion, 71 PD || -30HP
-Tall Grass: [used giovanni & gardevoir + Confusion] spoink12, eevee11, combusken03, wynaut05, magnemite18 || -12HP
-Princess Training: [used giovanni & gardevoir + Confusion] morty14, jenny01, ltsurge13, silver04, chuck02, Poke Ball, Mago Berry, 70 PD || -5HP
-Dawn's Dress-Up: [used giovanni & gardevoir + Confusion] james08, jessie01, clair06, kris07, joy07, Potion, Wacan Berry, 204 PD -23HP
-Pom-Pom Puzzle: [used giovanni & gardevoir + Confusion] lotad04, smoochum11, horsea17, barry02, celebi13, haunter01, Passho Berry, Micle Berry, Yellow Shard, 202 PD || -11HP
-Used a Potion on Ruru~
-Tricky Lock: [used giovanni & no pkmn] falkner05, giovanni03, chikorita07, charizard14, Wepear Berry, Yellow Shard, 194 PD (darn I forgot to set Ruru back as my main Pokémon. ¬_¬)
-Upcoming Decks: marshtomp12, feraligatr05.
-Got eight Safari Balls from the Safari Zone~
-Sold sellable items for 5100 PD~
-Card Swap: got arceus12, articuno10, regirock19, raichu04, chuck01, froslass04, jynx12, gold15, smoochum01, and togepi12 for entei02, lugia19, suicune03, azumarill20, bellossom10, typhlosion05, marshtomp04, marshtomp07, wynaut01, and clefairy12.
-Trade with Emma: got torterra13 for gold08.
-Update Freebies (June 05): got froslass16 and alakazam13.
-Poor Broken Randomizer Freebie: got whitney02, jasmine14, bugsy08, and morty15.
-Pokemon Snap (Participation): Pokemon Snap: mareep16, ledyba19, 500 PD.
-Caption Contest (Participation): Caption Contest: squirtle16, bulbasaur17, Chilan Berry.
-Donations: dragonite07.
-Donations: froslass13, luvdisc04, wigglytuff19.
-Mastered grovyle: kadabra18, lunatone12, lucario02, gengar07, Ganlon Berry, 300 PD.
-Update Freebies (June 12): got whitney15.
-Psyduck's Memory: [used giovanni & grovyle] mareep19, ditto04, cleffa12, Ganlon Berry, 68 PD || -25HP
-Piplup's Puzzle: [used giovanni & grovyle] minun16, starmie10, Ganlon Berry, 113 PD || -18HP
-Unown Unscramble: [used giovanni & grovyle] croconaw03, gloom07, munchlax01, Max Ether, Nanab Berry, 161 PD || -16HP
-Who's That Pokemon?: [used giovanni & grovyle + Fury Cutter] wooper01, spheal18, Premier Ball, Chesto Berry, 196 PD || -11HP
-Poliwag's Puzzle: [used giovanni & grovyle + Fury Cutter] natu18, cherubi08, wooper09, Aguav Berry, Iapapa Berry, Ganlon Berry, 78 PD || -17HP
-Jubilife TV Lotto: charizard09; -200PD.
-Used a Max Elixir on Ruru~
-Princess Training: [used giovanni & gardevoir + Psychic] dawn02, misty08, gold11, barry03, james05, jasmine15, Leppa Berry, Bluk Berry, 96 PD || -11HP
-Dawn's Dress-Up: [used giovanni & gardevoir + Psychic] giovanni10, whitney03, brock11, james08, ash04, kris10, Rawst Berry, Bluk Berry, 232 PD || -24HP
-Used a Super Potion on Ruru~
-Tricky Lock: [used giovanni & gardevoir + Psychic] chuck13, pichu14, charmeleon19, sabrina05, mudkip16, ash15, mightyena07, Micle Berry, 152 PD || -21HP
-Pom-Pom Puzzle: [used giovanni & gardevoir + Psychic] gary15, magnemite08, gengar16, houndour19, jasmine07, celebi13, totodile02, Red Shard, Aspear Berry, Micle Berry, 377 PD || -18HP
-Got eight more Safari Balls from the Safari Zone~
-Upcoming Decks: blaine04, charmeleon03.
Thursday, July 01:
-Trade with Mahorka: got leafeon11, houndour14, and skarmory04 for koga11, pichu05, and pichu16.
Wednesday, June 30:
-Trade with Mousey: got seadra01 and seadra05 for meganium12 and metapod03.
-Trade with Michael: got seadra14 and torterra09 for metapod04 and snorlax09.
-Trade with Kels: got mareep13 and pupitar18 for mightyena19 and cyndaquil06.
-Trade with Zags: got skarmory16 and smoochum05 for kirlia01 and kirlia17.
Monday, June 28:
-Berry Trade with Bear: got starfberry for payapaberry.
-Trade with Barbar: got seadra13, swablu11, swablu17, and whitney11 for snorunt09, chuck10, and arceus04.
-Trade with Ayndin: got swablu08 for caterpie09.
-Trade with Zags: got drifloon06, rotom17, and swablu01 for eevee10, swampert04, and swampert14.
-Trade with Mei: got drifloon01 and swablu05 for bulbasaur12 and bulbasaur19.
-Trade with Nyaasu: got mareep11 for meowth17; Friend Cards.
-Trade with Lethe: got pupitar17 and pupitar19 for gary01 and jessie02; Friend Cards.
-Trade with Icera: got snorunt16 for vulpix06.
-Trade with Mamori: got drifloon13, mismagius06, bugsy14, and clair05 for pidgey10, torterra15, bugsy09, and jasmine14.
Sunday, June 27:
-Trade with Kahare: got pryce05 for falkner14.
-Trade with Bear: got flaaffy17 and mismagius07 for charizard15 and charmeleon09.
Saturday, June 26:
-Mastered trapinch: happiny03, totodile06, azumarill20, 150 PD.
-Mastered falkner: gengar17, feraligatr05, aipom06, chikorita15, Safari Ball, 400 PD.
-Got Naetoru out of the Daycare; -3500 PD.
-And Naetoru learned Bite! =]
-Put Horsea into the party; -500 PD
-Used a Potion on Naetoru, used a Hyper Potion on Ivysaur, used a Max Potion on Ruru, and used an Elixir on Ruru~
-Psyduck's Memory: [used giovanni & ivysaur] buizel08, vulpix05, poliwag05, Safari Ball, 139 PD || -11HP
-Piplup's Puzzle: [used giovanni & ivysaur] poliwag03, cubone05, Wiki Berry, 70 PD || -12HP
-Unown Unscramble: [used giovanni & ivysaur] grotle08, larvitar19, ditto06, Iapapa Berry, Blue Shard, 121 PD || -24HP
-Who's That Pokemon?: [used giovanni & ivysaur] cherubi12, turtwig10, Jaboca Berry, 72 PD || -23HP
-Jubilife TV Lotto: lucario05; -400PD.
-Poliwag's Puzzle: [used giovanni & ivysaur] onix03, turtwig09, budew02, Nest Ball, Tanga Berry, Poke Ball, 157 PD || -9HP
-Got eight Safari Balls from the Safari Zone~
-Princess Training: [used giovanni & gardevoir + Psychic] barry09, jasmine14, sabrina14, koga11, chuck10, blaine09, Master Ball, Watmel Berry, 199 PD || -8HP
-Dawn's Dress-Up: [used giovanni & gardevoir + Psychic] sabrina03, jessie03, giovanni01, morty07, bugsy09, falkner14, Red Shard, Lum Berry, 103 PD || -16HP
-Pom-Pom Puzzle: [used giovanni & gardevoir + Psychic] umbreon08, jolteon04, arcanine06, treecko15, bonsly13, blaziken20, milotic18, Razz Berry, Premier Ball, Yellow Shard, 211 PD || -17HP
-Tricky Lock: [used giovanni & gardevoir + Confusion] feraligatr07, ekans05, bellossom10, charmeleon09, torterra15, empoleon10, Aguav Berry, Enigma Berry, Haban Berry, 153 PD || -16HP
-Upcoming Decks: skorupi05, abra01.
-Voting: skorupi12, meganium12.
-Trade with Icera: got butterfree03 and grovyle06 for flareon10 and rapidash05.
-Trade with AJ: got venusaur09 for giovanni01.
Thursday, June 24:
-Trade with Cici: got trapinch13 for quilava11.
-Mastered seel: lapras19, ekans01, eevee10, 150 PD.
-Mastered mantine: jynx17, dewgong04, chansey12, pidgey10, Pecha Berry, 300 PD.
-Mastered skorupi: froslass14, snorunt09, cleffa17, 150 PD.
-Mastered profoak: jessie02, koga07, altaria07, 200 PD.
-Update Freebie (May 23): falkner13~!
Wednesday, June 23:
-Trade with Chanda: got dragonair17 for blaine15.
-Trade with Corbin: got swablu06, lanturn15, and mantyke08 for onix01 and darkrai03.
Tuesday, June 22:
-Pokemart: Bought Teachy TV for 1250 PD.
-Trade with Zags: got pupitar12 for combusken05.
-Trade with Arianna: got mismagius19 for marill01.
Monday, June 21:
-Trade with Chikky: got mareep07 for jessie06.
-Trade with Renako: got drifloon18, mismagius05, and mismagius18 for natu19, kris07, and kris11.
-Trade with Barbar: got butterfree02 for gardevoir12.
-Trade with Justaway: got scyther11 for bellossom03.
-Trade with Minalover: got mareep08 for caterpie04.
-Trade with Tari: got mismagius03 and mismagius11 for misty07 and pachirisu16.
Sunday, June 20:
-Trade with Jchan: got dewgong04 for empoleon05.
-Trade with Shunna: got mantine04 for kris01.
-Trade with Jannet: got mismagius09 for grovyle04.
-Trade with Allie: got falkner02 for chuck12.
-Trade with Eri: got hitmonlee11 and dewgong20 for silver09 and silver13.
-Trade with AmyK: got seadra16, dragonite03, lanturn20, kirlia01, swablu16, and snorunt16 for brock11, dratini18, eevee13, erika05, mareep04, and cubone12.
-Trade with Bear: got trapinch09, profoak08, profoak10, and torterra16 for darkrai15, charmeleon06, and barry01.
-Trade with Sullee: got snorunt19 and jolteon09 for erika08 and oddish15.
-Trade with Mousey: got skorupi15 for giovanni08.
-Poke Ball Exchange: exchanged Poke Ball for skorupi16.
Saturday, June 19:
-Tricky Lock: [used giovanni & gardevoir + Psychic] grovyle13, hoppip05, bulbasaur03, torchic06, manaphy02, caterpie04, swampert14, Payapa Berry, 183 PD || -11HP
-Got Dratini out of the Daycare; -700 PD~
-Used a Hyper Potion on Dratini, a Max Elixir on Ruru, and a Super Potion on Ruru~
-Psyduck's Memory: [used giovanni & dratini] prinplup13, phanpy02, dratini18, Rabuta Berry, 166 PD || -28HP
-Piplup's Puzzle: [used giovanni & dratini] lyra07, oddish15, Big Mushroom, 195 PD || -29HP
-Unown Unscramble: [used giovanni & dratini] poochyena08, combusken20, drifloon16, Kelpsy Berry, Green Shard, 185 PD || -13HP
-Who's That Pokemon?: [used giovanni & dratini] cleffa02, combusken05, Passho Berry, Star Piece, 132 PD || -3HP
-Jubilife TV Lotto: mareep09; -200PD.
-Misty's Lure: [used giovanni & dratini] azumarill01, luvdisc20 || -19HP
-Used an Ether on Ivysaur~
-Tic Tac Togepi: [used giovanni & ivysaur + Razor Leaf] clefairy16, meowth17, Pecha Berry, Big Pearl, 88 PD || -16HP
-Slot Machine: clefairy15, lyra09, marill13, roserade06.
-Know-It-All: [used giovanni & ivysaur + Razor Leaf] jenny05, gloom11, bonsly17, Max Potion, Enigma Berry, Bluk Berry, 111 PD || -12HP
-Poliwag's Puzzle: [used giovanni & meganium + Reflect] grovyle04, riolu15, seel02, Ultra Ball, Nugget, 82 PD || +10HP
-Princess Training: [used giovanni & gardevoir + Psychic] kris01, dawn05, ash05, gold07, morty08, giovanni08, Jaboca Berry, Lum Berry, 103 PD || -15HP
-Dawn's Dress-Up: [used giovanni & gardevoir + Psychic] ash15, jessie06, bugsy06, erika08, brock11, kris08, Pamtre Berry, Payapa Berry, 274 PD || -24HP
-Tall Grass: [used giovanni & gardevoir + Psychic] entei02, arceus04, lugia19, moltres03, darkrai03 || -22HP
-Got eight Safari Balls from the Safari Zone~
-Upcoming Decks: prinplup06, munchlax06.
-Pom-Pom Puzzle: [used giovanni & gardevoir + Psychic] zapdos06, cherubi04, rotom20, flareon10, articuno17, morty05, charizard15, Blue Shard, Kasib Berry, Nomel Berry, 312 PD || -24HP
-Mastered poliwag: ash13, pikachu15, riolu19, 150 PD.
-Mastered starmie: eevee13, glaceon03, chuck12, marshtomp04, Cornn Berry, 300 PD.
-Mastered lotad: feraligatr07, cubone12, joy04, 150 PD.
Friday, June 18:
-Trade with Catherine: got lotad07, seel04, and seel11 for jigglypuff12, jigglypuff13, and meowth18.
-Update Freebies (May 22, June 12): got kadabra03, houndour03, buizel16, and
Wednesday, June 16:
-Trade with Minalover: got drifloon03 for ltsurge15.
-Trade with Kels: got seel16 and snorunt07 for mudkip03 and mudkip19.
-Pom-Pom Puzzle: [used giovanni & gardevoir + Psychic] arceus08, silver09, persian15, swampert04, wartortle05, mareep04, latios10, Super Potion, Sitrus Berry, Babiri Berry, 283 PD || -6HP
Tuesday, June 15:
-Berry Trade with Mei: got pinapberry and liechiberry for aguavberry and aguavberry.
-Upcoming Decks: bonsly12, staryu15.
-Poliwag's Puzzle: [used giovanni & gardevoir + Psychic] houndour13, jenny03, bellsprout20, metapod03, mantine09, caterpie09, Coba Berry, Chesto Berry, Green Shard, 172 PD -10HP
-Piplup's Puzzle: [used giovanni & gardevoir + Psychic] marill15, piplup07, grotle11, gold14, magikarp10, Wacan Berry, 91 PD -12HP
Sunday, June 13:
-Trade with Renako: got starmie16 for magikarp06; got liechiberry for blukberry.
-Trade with Chikky: got drifloon05 for brock03.
-Trade with Eri: got venusaur03 for erika05.
-Trade with Arianna: got drifloon14 and drifloon16 for staryu07 and staryu16.
-Trade with Shunna: got mantine15 for ralts06.
-Trade with Boom: got mantine10 for dratini17.
Saturday, June 12:
-Update Freebies (May 15): got profoak06 and falkner15.
-Poke Ball Exchange (Timer Ball): gardevoir20.
-Mastered lyra: cubone11, persian05, blaziken14, 200 PD.
-Mastered gary: skorupi13, combusken19, cyndaquil06, 200 PD.
-Mastered gardevoir: snorunt06, azumarill20, barry05, quilava11, bulbasaur12, Kelpsy Berry, Pearl, 750 PD.
-Got Dratini out of the Daycare; -600 PD.
-Used a Super Potion on Dratini~
-Psyduck's Memory: [used giovanni & dratini] natu19, magikarp06, azurill20, Custap Berry, 171 PD || -7HP
-Unown Unscramble: [used giovanni & dratini] riolu02, metapod04, cubone05, Babiri Berry, Lum Berry, 124 PD || -10HP
-Who's That Pokemon?: [used giovanni & dratini] gary01, chansey12, Hyper Potion, Ether, 195 PD || -24HP
-Jubilife TV Lotto: manaphy11, mewtwo13, gengar04, typhlosion05, blaziken08, cherubi12, skarmory13, bulbasaur08, Rindo Berry, Kebia Berry, Potion, Spelon Berry; -200PD (fffffffffff I knew my strategy would pay off one day! XP XP XP I'm swimming in cards wtf~ ♥)
-Princess Training: [used giovanni & dratini] lyra05, giovanni10, jenny01, Poke Ball, Haban Berry, 71 PD || -24HP
-Dawn's Dress-Up: [used giovanni & gardevoir + Psychic] silver13, erika05, giovanni12, jasmine09, brock03, kris08, Wacan Berry, Max Elixir, 227 PD || -10HP
-Got eight balls from the Safari Zone~
-Trade with Sullee: got ninetales03, mantyke14, and skarmory20 for giovanni05, giovanni12, and milotic06.
-Trade with Kahare: got ninetales15 for gengar04.
-Trade with Mamori: got dragonair12, poliwag10, and profoak13 for swablu09, skarmory13, and venusaur19.
-Trade with Allie: got whitney03 and drifloon09 for wigglytuff16 and wigglytuff20.
-Trade with Emma: got trapinch20 for staryu13.
-Trade with Azurei: got drifloon20 for cubone05.
Thursday, June 10:
-Trade with Ayay: got gardevoir10 for pikachu11; Friend Cards.
-Exchanged a Red Shard for a Rare Candy.
-Used the Rare Candy on Ruru~
Wednesday, June 09:
-Trade with Ademus: got gardevoir15 for abra15; Friend Cards.
-Trade with Ayndin: got butterfree11 and lyra02 for jasmine02 and blissey03.
Tuesday, June 08:
-Trade with Shunna: got bugsy01 for jasmine10.
-Trade with Arianna: got seadra09, swablu02, and swablu10 for ltsurge15, ivysaur01, and ivysaur19.
-Trade with Icera: got gardevoir19 for wobbuffet17.
Monday, June 07:
-Trade with Allie: got mantine13 and falkner09 for growlithe08 and falkner08.
-Trade with Kahare: got grovyle07 and seadra07 for riolu07 and riolu12.
-Trade with Aidee: got trapinch03 for meowth04; Friend Cards.
-Trade with Justaway: got trapinch15 and torterra04 for gold05 and gold13.
-Trade with Mamori: got jynx20 for skarmory09.
Sunday, June 06:
-Trade with Azurei: got seel09 and gary12 for charmeleon11 and charmeleon17.
-Trade with Hotaru: got gary09 for gold15.
-Card Swap: got luvdisc10, pachirisu16, venusaur18, blissey03, empoleon05, ltsurge15, treecko03, mudkip19, cleffa16, and staryu07 for sudowoodo01, ash08, ash10, swampert03, roserade18, feraligatr05, geodude11, cleffa14, wynaut04, and wynaut05.
-Trade with Tari: got croconaw02 and dragonair09 for ralts04 and roselia08.
-Trade with Sullee: got croconaw10 for feebas18; Friend Cards.
Saturday, June 05:
-Donations (Alakazam): turtwig13, lucario01, swablu09, suicune03.
-Error Reports: gold15, starly15.
-Mastered jessie: mightyena19, seadra03, growlithe08, 200 PD.
-Got Dratini out of the Daycare; -600 PD.
-Psyduck's Memory: [used giovanni & dratini] charmeleon06, ivysaur19, psyduck04, Bluk Berry, 68 PD || -2HP
-Piplup's Puzzle: [used giovanni & dratini] dratini17, barry01, Pomeg Berry, 89 PD || -6HP
-Unown Unscramble: [used giovanni & dratini] joy01, azurill15, roselia08, Pamtre Berry, Figy Berry, 56 PD || -25HP
-Who's That Pokemon?: [used giovanni & dratini] meowth04, marshtomp04, Kelpsy Berry, 77 PD -13HP
-Jubilife TV Lotto: giovanni03, falkner08; -400PD.
-Poliwag's Puzzle: [used giovanni & dratini] zigzagoon07, ivysaur01, ralts06, Tanga Berry, Petaya Berry, 199 PD || -11HP
-Misty's Lure: [used giovanni & dratini] lanturn17, croconaw05, manaphy16, marshtomp09 || -3HP
-Tic Tac Togepi: [used giovanni & dratini] clefairy03, wynaut01, Cornn Berry, 65 PD || -22HP
-Slot Machine: cleffa20, scyther04, kris07, togepi19.
-Know-It-All: [used giovanni & dratini] minun08, pachirisu14, combusken08, Custap Berry, Net Ball, 155 PD || -25HP
-Used a Max Potion and Max Ether on Ruru~
-Princess Training: [used giovanni & kirlia + Confusion] jasmine10, morty12, whitney07, pryce10, barry04, Aguav Berry, Kebia Berry, 200 PD || -10HP
-Dawn's Dress-Up: [used giovanni & kirlia + Confusion] erika05, gold08, dawn10, ltsurge15, jasmine02, Super Potion, Tamato Berry, 79 PD || -13HP
-Wishmaker Jirachi: clair10.
-Tall Grass: nothing.
-Pom-Pom Puzzle: [used giovanni & kirlia + Confusion] gardevoir12, ekans11, wobbuffet17, rapidash05, wigglytuff16, snorlax09, Leppa Berry, Rindo Berry, Poke Ball, 321 PD || -8HP
-Got eight Safari Balls from the Safari Zone~
-Upcoming Decks: venusaur19, vulpix06.
-Pokemon Snap (Participation): kris11, riolu04, 500 PD.
-Caption Contest (Participation): onix01, haunter02, Chilan Berry.
Friday, June 04:
-Pokemart: Bought Water Stone for 750 PD.
Wednesday, June 02:
-Trade with Norkia: got jessie12 for giovanni05.
-Error Reports: bulbasaur19, riolu06.
Tuesday, June 01:
-Trade with Eli: got grovyle16 and mareep10 for minun03 and bellsprout10; Friend Cards.
-Trade with Boom: got trapinch16 for squirtle01.
-Trade with Katoshi: got jynx03, lotad03, and seel13 for caterpie05, caterpie08, and marshtomp16.
-Trade with Barbar: got mantine14, seel08, trapinch08, lyra13, gary06, and jessie05 for ho-oh15, vulpix15, dragonair02, dragonair18, and kris12.
Monday, May 31:
-Trade with Malheur: got trapinch12 and hitmonlee05 for abra09 and growlithe09.
-Trade with Shunna: got dragonair01 for abra06.
-Trade with Zags: got profoak14 for cyndaquil20.
-Trade with Renako: got lyra14 for trapinch14.
-Trade with Wing: got jessie01, jessie13, gary05, jynx15, and marshtomp16 for dawn01, dawn07, dawn08, ash01, and squirtle07.
-Trade with Cici: got jynx19 and seel17 for koga06 and piplup10.
-Trade with Kebin: got gary04 for james07; Friend Cards.
Sunday, May 30:
-Trade with Kahare: got jynx12, jynx13, and trapinch10 for drifloon06, drifloon20, and croconaw19.
-Trade with Kels: got trapinch02 for ninetales15.
-Trade with Chii: got dragonair13, smoochum02, and vaporeon04 for blaine10, gary03, and ditto01.
-Trade with Mamori: got lotad15 for charmeleon08.
-Trade with Azurei: got trapinch01 for silver11.
-Donations: raichu13.
-Trade with Tari: got jessie03, jessie10, mantine18, profoak02, and seel18 for riolu14, altaria02, altaria18, koga06, and misty15.
-Trade with SasuraChan: got trapinch14 for skitty11.
-Trade with Chikky: got lyra03 and mantine11 for jigglypuff14 and croconaw20; Friend Cards.
Saturday, May 29:
-Update Freebies (May 01): got lotad19 and wigglytuff20.
-Got Ivysaur out of the Daycare; -2700 PD.
-Mastered eevee: blaine10, vaporeon19, dragonair16, 150 PD.
-Ivysaur learned Razor Leaf~
-Pokemart: Bought Hyper Potion for 700 PD.
-Psyduck's Memory: [used giovanni & ivysaur + Razor Leaf] cyndaquil20, clefairy12, pichu16, Wiki Berry, Rindo Berry, 186 PD || -11HP
-Piplup's Puzzle: [used giovanni & ivysaur + Razor Leaf] pidgey03, chikorita07, Green Shard, Potion, 84 PD || -11HP
-Unown Unscramble: [used giovanni & ivysaur + Razor Leaf] mantine01, gary03, dragonair18, Starf Berry, Babiri Berry, Cheri Berry, 55 PD -9HP
-Who's That Pokemon?: [used giovanni & ivysaur + Razor Leaf] abra09, growlithe09, Chilan Berry, Rawst Berry, Lansat Berry, 182 PD || -5HP
-Jubilife TV Lotto: charmander20, ditto01; -200PD.
-Poliwag's Puzzle: [used giovanni & ivysaur + Razor Leaf] mantyke11, clefairy17, piplup10, Tanga Berry, Enigma Berry, Hyper Potion, 63 PD || -24HP
-Princess Training: [used giovanni & kirlia + Confusion] whitney04, chuck07, bugsy13, koga09, misty15, Aspear Berry, Passho Berry, 129 PD || -24HP
-Used an Elixir on Ruru!
-Dawn's Dress-Up: [used giovanni & kirlia + Confusion] brock12, bugsy02, ash01, morty14, giovanni05, Payapa Berry, Pecha Berry, 296 PD || -20HP
-Pom-Pom Puzzle: [used giovanni & kirlia + Confusion] abra06, jolteon19, kirlia09, bellossom03, caterpie08, monferno01, Kasib Berry, Haban Berry, Colbur Berry, 285 PD || -6HP
-Got eight more Safari Balls at the Safari Zone~ now I'm up to thirty-four. XP
-Sold Nugget, Big Pearl, and Big Pearl for 4000 PD~
-Upcoming Decks: lanturn05, abra15.
-Voting: jynx17, caterpie05.
-Got Dratini out of the PC and stuck it in the Daycare; -500 PD.
Thursday, May 27:
-Trade with Icera: got trapinch11 for pikachu08.
-Trade with Jchan: got jynx01 and smoochum19 for monferno02 and bayleef04.
Wednesday, May 26:
-Trade with Boom: got profoak11 for james15; Friend Cards.
-Trade with Ayndin: got grovyle15 and lyra10 for misdreavus02 and spheal01.
-Trade with Shunna: got profoak15 for luvdisc17; got rowapberry for blukberry.
-Trade with Barbar: got mantine08, mantine09, trapinch17, and trapinch18 for feebas18, blastoise08, togetic07, and azurill08.
Tuesday, May 25:
-Trade with Hotaru: got mantine19 and trapinch19 for gary07 and bulbasaur19.
-Trade with Kels: got eevee02 for poochyena13.
-Trade with Mahorka: got profoak07 and trapinch05 for suicune02.
-Trade with Tari: got torterra06 for brock07.
-Poke Ball Exchange: exchanged Great Ball for eevee11.
-Trade with Minalover: got lyra09 and profoak01 for mightyena01 and caterpie17.
-Trade with Malheur: got butterfree12 and mantine16 for charmander09 and pidgey11.
Monday, May 24:
-Trade Machine: got lyra07 for jynx08.
-Trade with Allie: got mantine03, mantine07, falkner04, grovyle08, and profoak04 for squirtle09, squirtle10, lyra12, chikorita19, and staryu13.
-Trade with Zags: got lyra11, mareep01, and profoak12 for eevee06, erika11, and erika12.
-Trade with Bear: got starmie03 and trapinch07 for gastly02 and barry15.
-Trade with Jannet: got bugsy03, mantine05, and mantine18 for falkner10, empoleon05, and starly01.
-Trade with SasuraChan: got butterfree19, lotad20, and profoak04 for gary01, gary13, and eevee14; Friend Cards.
-Trade with Cici: got hitmonlee10 and mantine06 for azurill17 and quilava04.
-Trade with Mei: got mantine12 and blastoise06 for pikachu02 and erika02.
-Trade with Wunder: got profoak03 for abra06; Friend Cards.
Saturday, May 22:
-Psyduck's Memory: [used giovanni & meganium + Reflect] eevee06, persian11, smoochum03, Big Pearl, 51 PD || +16HP
-Piplup's Puzzle: [used giovanni & meganium + Reflect] mantyke16, smoochum15, Mago Berry, 58 PD || +22HP
-Who's That Pokemon?: [used giovanni & meganium + Reflect] pikachu11, seadra04, Lansat Berry, 111 PD || +7HP
-Misty's Lure: [used giovanni & meganium + Magical Leaf] seel14, swampert03, piplup18, lanturn09, marill04, dewgong02 || -25HP
-Tic Tac Togepi: [used giovanni & meganium + Magical Leaf] piplup13, drowzee11, staryu13, Wacan Berry, 128 PD || -18HP
-Taught Meganium Solarbeam~ =]
-Unown Unscramble: [used giovanni & meganium + Solar Beam] grotle15, misdreavus20, bellsprout10, Aguav Berry, Micle Berry, Fast Ball, 93 PD || -7HP
-Jubilife TV Lotto: ash10, erika11; -200PD.
-Poliwag's Puzzle: [used giovanni & meganium + Magical Leaf] smoochum08, eevee14, shinx06, bulbasaur19, Nugget, Big Pearl, 88 PD || -20HP
-Slot Machine: mightyena01, wigglytuff01, marill01, charmeleon08.
-Know-It-All: [used giovanni & meganium + Magical Leaf] metapod14, jynx08, ralts04, quilava04, Bluk Berry, Hyper Potion, 245 PD || -7HP
-Princess Training: [used giovanni & kirlia + Confusion] gold05, profoak05, erika02, gary11, blaine15, Liechi Berry, Pomeg Berry, 164 PD || -18HP
-Used a Hyper Potion on Ruru!
-Dawn's Dress-Up: [used giovanni & kirlia + Confusion] koga06, ash08, profoak09, brock07, joy01, Custap Berry, Safari Ball, 105 PD || -18HP
-Used an Elixir on Ruru!
-Pom-Pom Puzzle: [used giovanni & kirlia + Confusion] zapdos10, pikachu02, empoleon05, gastly02, squirtle10, staryu13, Lansat Berry, Blue Shard, Passho Berry, 326 PD || -11HP
-Tall Grass: nothing, again. =\
-Got eight Safari Balls from the Safari Zone~
-Upcoming Decks: monferno08, sudowoodo01.
-Trade with Jchan: got whitney13 for falkner10.
Friday, May 21:
-Trade with AmyK: got vaporeon06 and mantine17 for erika12 and jessie14.
-Trade with Chii: got grovyle03 for eevee08; Friend Cards.
-Bulbasaur's Hidden Village: got mantyke07, oddish20, and vulpix15.
-Trade with Shunna: got drifloon04 for prinplup16.
-Trade with Bear: got grovyle10, mismagius08, mismagius16, skorupi07, starmie05, eevee19, and profoak05 for arceus14, ditto17, ralts15, pichu03, brock02, and koga07.
-Trade with Azurei: got lotad16 for dratini04.
-Berry Trades: err... got cornnberry and cornnberry and starfberry for cheriberry, yacheberry, and rawstberry. I think. from Renako and Mamori.
-Took Treecko out of the Daycare; -4100 PD.
Saturday, May 15:
-Psyduck's Memory: [used giovanni & gyarados] swablu04, grotle03, monferno02, Enigma Berry, 132 PD || -17HP
-Used a Hyper Potion on Gyarados!
-Piplup's Puzzle: [used giovanni & gyarados] zigzagoon05, bulbasaur01, Rabuta Berry, 168 PD || -6HP
-Who's That Pokemon?: [used giovanni & gyarados] silver11, persian12, Razz Berry, 150 PD || -10HP
-Unown Unscramble: [used giovanni & gyarados] lyra01, clefairy12, charmeleon17, Nomel Berry, Starf Berry, 108 PD || -14HP
-Used a Max Elixir on Meganium!
-Jubilife TV Lotto: riolu14; -200PD.
-Poliwag's Puzzle: [used giovanni & meganium + Magical Leaf] drifloon20, squirtle09, starly01, lyra12, Cornn Berry, Spelon Berry, 131 PD || -17HP
-Used a Max Ether on Ruru!
-Princess Training: [used giovanni & kirlia + Confusion] barry15, brock02, kris12, gary07, dawn05, TinyMushroom, Pearl, 80 PD || -29HP
-Pom-Pom Puzzle: [used giovanni & kirlia + Confusion] misdreavus02, bellossom10, ho-oh15, azurill17, eevee13, chikorita19, Starf Berry, Colbur Berry, Nanab Berry, 307 PD || -6HP
-Dawn's Dress-Up: [used giovanni & kirlia + Confusion] jessie04, falkner10, morty09, gary01, jasmine05, Fast Ball, Coba Berry, 258 PD || -18HP
-Upcoming Decks: drifloon07, riolu12.
-Sold Pearl and TinyMushroom for 350 PD.
-Got eight Safari Balls from the Safari Zone.
Friday, May 14:
-Mastered horsea: blastoise08, togetic07, azurill08, 150 PD.
-Mastered kris: minun03, whitney08, eevee08, 200 PD.
-Trade with Ayndin: got lyra06 for jynx14.
-Trade with Mamori: got lotad12 and lyra04 for barry12 and jenny02.
-Trade with AmyK: got grovyle05 for eevee05.
-Trade with Jchan: got altaria02 and altaria18 for mew16.
Tuesday, May 11:
-Update Freebies (May 08): got lyra15, mantine20, and trapinch05.
-Trade with Kahare: got trapinch04 for trapinch05.
Monday, May 10:
-Trade with Kahare: got trapinch06 and lyra05 for erika08 and giovanni13.
-Trade with Shunna: got horsea13 and butterfree05 for meowth08 and persian01.
-Trade with Mei: got hitmonlee07 and starmie02 for gyarados02 and misty10.
-Trade with Heathy: got lotad11 for misty10.
-Trade with Luna: got snorunt10, lyra08, and lotad13 for charmander07, vulpix11, and vulpix12.
-Trade with Corbin: got hitmonlee18, venusaur17, starmie14, and lotad09 for ralts09, dragonite16, kirlia04, and eevee01.
-Trade with Katoshi: got skorupi14 for bulbasaur05.
-Bulbasaur's Hidden Village: got gardevoir16, jynx02, and snorlax05; got nomelberry and nomelberry.
-Trade with Renako: got butterfree15 for bellsprout18.
-Trade with Arianna: got lyra12 for totodile18.
Sunday, May 09:
-Used a Hyper Potion on Meganium!
-Psyduck's Memory: [used giovanni & meganium + Aromatherapy] cleffa19, seadra19, misdreavus18, Liechi Berry, Aguav Berry, 72 PD || -3HP
-Piplup's Puzzle: [used giovanni & meganium + Aromatherapy] squirtle07, wynaut04, Liechi Berry, Pearl, 107 PD || -4HP
-Who's That Pokemon?: [used giovanni & meganium + Reflect] growlithe15, ralts09, Rowap Berry, 59 PD || +14HP
-Jubilife TV Lotto: trapinch14; -200PD.
-Tic Tac Togepi: [used giovanni & meganium + Reflect] dratini04, ekans20, Iapapa Berry, 119 PD || +24HP
-Misty's Lure: [used giovanni & meganium + Reflect] mantine02, gyarados02, lanturn10 || +12HP
-Poliwag's Puzzle: [used giovanni & meganium + Magical Leaf] barry12, geodude01, dawn11, growlithe16, Rawst Berry, Tamato Berry, 132 PD || -25HP
-Slot Machine: meowth18, teddiursa10, charmander07, jigglypuff13.
-Know-It-All: [used giovanni & meganium + Magical Leaf] erika08, vulpix11, clair09, roserade18, Pearl, Kasib Berry, 54 PD || -4HP
-Princess Training: [used giovanni & kirlia + Confusion] erika12, gold08, giovanni13, chuck04, misty10, Max Potion, Lansat Berry, 95 PD || -23HP
-Used Max Potion on Ruru!
-Dawn's Dress-Up: [used giovanni & kirlia + Confusion] misty10, jenny02, dawn01, joy13, erika12, Passho Berry, Magost Berry, 281 PD || -18HP
-Tall Grass: nothing~
-Pom-Pom Puzzle: [used giovanni & kirlia + Confusion] staryu05, swablu12, bayleef04, grotle09, starmie01, darkrai15, Yache Berry, Aguav Berry, Nest Ball, 233 PD || -25HP
-Unown Unscramble: [used giovanni & gyarados] geodude11, meowth08, kirlia04, TinyMushroom, Nugget, 79 PD || -15HP
-Upcoming Decks: dragonair02, swablu18.
-Safari Zone: 8 Safari Balls, -200 PD.
-Sold Nugget, Pearl, Pearl, and TinyMushroom for 3100 PD.
-Trade with Zags: got dewgong13, jynx18, mantyke18, and seadra12 for mudkip12, marshtomp04, marshtomp07, and marshtomp10.
-Trade with Ayndin: got hitmonlee15 for erika06.
-Trade with Allie: got lotad14 and blastoise17 for starmie01 and lucario17.
-Trade with Icera: got kris09 and lotad05 for growlithe15 and growlithe16.
-Trade with Sei: got mareep03 and skorupi03 for snorunt10 and snorunt11.
Friday, May 07:
-Trade with Barbar: got horsea12, lotad04, lotad18, and poliwag08 for latias08 and regirock16.
Thursday, May 06:
-Berry Trade with Jchan: got pinapberry, pamtreberry, pamtreberry, pamtreberry, aguavberry, pamtreberry, pamtreberry, pamtreberry, pamtreberry, liechiberry, and liechiberry for colburberry, iapapaberry, aspearberry, asperberry, pomegberry, durinberry, aspearberry, aspearberry, aspearberry, and tangaberry.
-Trade with Icera: got hitmonlee06 and grovyle18 for koga13 and koga15.
-Trade with Minalover: got horsea14 for cubone20.
Tuesday, May 04:
-Trade with Shunna: got skorupi02 for shinx02.
-Donations (Lyra): jigglypuff14, skarmory09, koga07, mew16.
-Trade with LiCobra: got starmie20 for monferno01.
Monday, May 03:
-Trade with Sei: got lotad02 and snorlax02 for gastly09 and sudowoodo01.
-Trade with Jannet: got snorunt15 for starmie12.
-Trade with Azurei: got lotad01 for treecko03.
-Trade with Wing: got lotad17 for pikachu09.
Sunday, May 02:
-Trade with Malheur: got snorunt08 and starmie15 for lugia02.
-Trade with Norkia: got skorupi17 and poliwag16 for silver01 and silver05.
-Trade with Catherine: got skorupi18 and jynx05 for ponyta03 and ponyta17.
-Trade with Hotaru: got hitmonlee20 for pachirisu17.
-Trade with Corbin: got grovyle12 for prinplup15; Friend Cards.
-Trade with Zags: got torterra03 and lotad08 for sabrina08 and james14.
-Mastered gyarados: pidgey11, milotic06, joy11, spheal01, dragonite04, Leppa Berry, Enigma Berry, 750 PD.
Saturday, May 01:
-random, belated Trade with Pasqui: got gary02, jynx10, jynx11, jynx16, lanturn13, seel06, espeon01, espeon03, flareon01, jolteon07, glaceon20, umbreon16, dewgong17, dragonite16, dragonite19, and lucario15 for snorlax11, snorlax13, ekans04, ekans17, geodude04, chikorita14, cyndaquil20, charmander07, moltres09, moltres13, phanpy09, phanpy17, azurill15, and budew07; got rindoberry for lansatberry.
-Mastered spheal: snorunt11, gloom18, munchlax20, 150 PD.
-Mastered gastly: persian01, piplup19, james15, 150 PD.
-Took Magikarp out of the Daycare; -700 PD.
-Psyduck's Memory: [used giovanni & meganium + Reflect] poliwag14, geodude08, eevee01, Nomel Berry, 176 PD || +11HP
-Piplup's Puzzle: [used giovanni & meganium + Aromatherapy] torchic17, pikachu09, Chople Berry, Iapapa Berry, 160 PD || -11HP
-Who's That Pokemon?: [used giovanni & meganium + Aromatherapy] eevee08, vulpix12, Timer Ball, Red Shard, 164 PD || -7HP
-Poliwag's Puzzle: [used giovanni & meganium + Magical Leaf] ditto09, pikachu08, jessie02, Qualot Berry, Yellow Shard, Big Mushroom, 180 PD || -5HP
-Unown Unscramble: [used giovanni & meganium + Magical Leaf] pichu03, skarmory19, smoochum13, Enigma Berry, Max Ether, 160 PD || -23HP
-Princess Training: [used giovanni & kirlia + Confusion] kris01, clair07, koga15, bugsy09, erika06, Yache Berry, Salac Berry, 147 PD || -6HP
-Used a Max Ether on Ruru!
-Dawn's Dress-Up: [used giovanni & kirlia + Confusion] clair10, silver05, koga13, falkner10, jasmine14, Safari Ball, Lansat Berry, 121 PD || -14HP
-Pom-Pom Puzzle: [used giovanni & kirlia + Confusion] bayleef01, piplup03, mudkip03, mewtwo16, brock12, charmander09, Chople Berry, Max Elixir, Max Ether, 395 PD || -9HP
-Jubilife TV Lotto: jigglypuff12, james14, bayleef05, Charti Berry; -200PD.
-Upcoming Decks: abra06, starmie04.
-Safari Zone: lotad10, drifloon08, grovyle02, jynx06; -200 PD.
-Sold Big Mushroom for 500 PD.
-Trade with Tari: got grovyle11, hitmonlee03, and skorupi06 for eevee08, torchic11, and torchic17.
-Trade with Kahare: got lucario20, skorupi09, and starmie08 for sabrina12 and manaphy11.
-Trade with Ayndin: got lotad06, starmie10, and starmie17 for brock12 and mewtwo16.
-Trade with Mamori: got clair02 and skorupi08 for whitney05 and ditto09.
-Caption Contest (participation): bulbasaur05, ralts15; Chilan Berry.
Thursday, April 29:
-Trade with Azurei: got gastly10 and skorupi12 for prinplup07 and prinplup12.
-Poke Ball Exchange: exchanged Dusk Ball for gastly06.
Wednesday, April 28:
-Trade with Kaylee: got butterfree18, hitmonlee14, mareep06, and starmie01 for erika10, erika12, skorupi13, and skorupi19.
Tuesday, April 27:
-Trade with Barbar: got falkner07 and hitmonlee02 for togetic08 and wartortle19.
-Trade with Wing: got snorunt01 for dawn10.
Monday, April 26:
-Trade with Shunna: got mantyke13, mantyke20, and kris04 for kris02, kris15, and glaceon17.
-Trade with Tari: got seel14, mismagius15, hitmonlee13, and swablu19 for giovanni06, onix13, and entei01.
Sunday, April 25:
-Trade with Justaway: got grovyle13 for staryu08.
-Berry Trade with Shunna: got aguavberry for magoberry.
-Trade with Mamori: got grovyle19, hitmonlee12, and mareep19 for torterra08, venusaur04, and charmeleon18.
-Trade with Icera: got gyarados16, phanpy07, and phanpy17 for pikachu20, gloom18, and sabrina03.
-Safari Zone: eevee05, ekans17; -400 PD.
-Update Freebie: spheal19.
-Poke Ball Exchange: exchanged Poke Ball for spheal09.
Saturday, April 24:
-Card Swap: got staryu08, clefairy15, chikorita14, gastly09, teddiursa07, blaine14, luvdisc17, feraligatr05, sabrina03, and umbreon20 for swampert20, roserade10, clefable09, clefable15, altaria20, wynaut04, aipom17, bonsly08, staryu16, and torchic17.
-Pokemart: Bought Hyper Potion for 700 PD.
-Used Max Potion on Ruru!
-Used Max Ether on Ruru!
-Used Max Elixir on Meganium!
-Took Magikarp out of the Daycare; -700 PD.
-Psyduck's Memory: [used giovanni & magikarp] wynaut11, ekans04, geodude04, Starf Berry, 129 PD || -19HP
-Piplup's Puzzle: [used giovanni & magikarp] gloom18, azurill15, Elixir, 56 PD || -13HP
-Who's That Pokemon?: [used giovanni & magikarp] mantyke02, kirlia19, Lum Berry, 175 PD || -13HP
-Misty's Lure: [used giovanni & magikarp] lanturn12, starmie12, suicune02, marshtomp04 || -17HP
-Tic Tac Togepi: [used giovanni & magikarp] cyndaquil20, chimchar02, Shuca Berry, 158 PD || -12HP
-Unown Unscramble: [used giovanni & meganium + Reflect] jynx04, torchic11, ponyta17, Great Ball, Shuca Berry, 107 PD || +5HP
-Poliwag's Puzzle: [used giovanni & meganium + Magical Leaf] charmeleon18, skorupi19, charmander07, ponyta03, Kasib Berry, Lansat Berry, Pomeg Berry, 114 PD || -5HP
-Know-It-All: [used giovanni & meganium + Aromatherapy] leafeon15, marshtomp07, happiny07, Ether, Pomeg Berry, Durin Berry, Blue Shard, 248 PD || -5HP
-Princess Training: [used giovanni & kirlia + Confusion] dawn07, whitney05, erika10, sabrina08, ltsurge05, Wepear Berry, Shuca Berry, 121 PD || -13HP
-Dawn's Dress-Up: [used giovanni & kirlia + Confusion] giovanni06, sabrina12, dawn08, clair01, kris15, Timer Ball, Colbur Berry, 222 PD || -7HP
-Tall Grass: [used giovanni & kirlia + Confusion] moltres13, lugia02, jirachi02, latias08 || -21HP
-Pom-Pom Puzzle: [used giovanni & kirlia + Confusion] caterpie17, gastly01, dawn15, moltres09, togetic08, skitty19, Salac Berry, Max Elixir, Dusk Ball, 285 PD || -10HP
-Jubilife TV Lotto: squirtle04; -200PD
-Slot Machine: budew07, erika12, venusaur04, jasmine02.
-Upcoming Decks: torterra08, larvitar14.
-Trade with Sei: got snorunt10 for larvitar14.
-Trade Machine: got scyther13 for ltsurge05.
-Trade with Ayndin: got gastly13 for happiny07.
-Trade with AmyK: got hitmonlee16 and spheal08 for blaine14 and squirtle04.
-Trade with Allie: got venusaur16 for bellossom18.
Friday, April 23:
-Donations: snorlax13, abra14, skorupi13.
Thursday, April 22:
-Trade with Akkhima: got gardevoir09, gastly07, and gastly18 for sabrina13, hoppip01, and ditto14.
-Trade with Zags: got spheal01 for brock12.
-Trade with Jannet: got butterfree10 and pryce06 for celebi07.
-Pokemart: Bought Hyper Potion for 700 PD.
-Trade with Kels: got spheal10 and starmie18 for plusle04 and plusle13; Friend Cards.
older logs HERE! )