Nov 18, 2011 02:24

njdkngjksngkjdfg OKAY

I'm not going to go on and on about the show because everyone knows he's awesome and blah blah blah. So, when I get there I see his brother Andrew walking all around and boy is sexy. Like, I was staring at him like it was my job and he probably noticed because I was like 10 feet from him at all times. I tweeted him 'hi. you're hot' not thinking he'd see it til later. No. I look over and see him looking at his phone and I'm like... omg watch him be on twitter. He looks up in my direction and starts laughing. MY PHONE VIBRATES. I look down and he responded with 'thanks.' I was so embarrassed. I tried not to look at him for the rest of the show.

Cook came on and was awesome. I love a lot of voices but his literally makes my eardrums orgasm. It's just so deep and gksndkjfg god I want to get in his pants. When he sang Fade Into Me without the mic and just his acoustic, I was having a religious experience. (the concert was in a church!) It was beautiful. The entire room was dead silent.

Okay, after the show I text my friends and they are still like 45 minutes away and it's FREEZING. Nobody but me and two girls were waiting by the bus and I was just there because I had nowhere else to go. I want for like a half hour-ish. His band walk by like 45435 times but I don't really know of them like I do with Kris and Adam's bands, so I didn't say anything. We're sitting there and this girl comes up and asks us if we want to meet him. We thought she was joking but she was legit. They let her in and us behind her.

So we go in and see him and they didn't want us to go because the line was around the other side but I misheard them and thought they weren't going to let us at all. I pouted and David saw me and was like 'what's wrong?' and I told him they woudln't let us meet him. He said he was sorry but he's not in charge so he can't do anything. It didn't matter because two seconds later I was in line to meet him.

I wait for like 10 minutes and Andrew was at the merch booth right next to me so I spent the whole time staring at his ass while he put stuff in boxes. my friends were there at that point and they could see me through the window as I met him. This is how our conversation went.

David: Hi! How are you?
Me: Good blah blah blah
*take a picture*
David: So are you friends with those girls who flipped their car? (long story)
Me: No, why?
David: Okay, good. I can talk about them then.
*Me, him, and the dude taking pictures talk about it for a minute*
David: I'm sorry. I shouldn't be talking about people.
Me: It's okay. We were all talking about them too.
*David notices me waving at my friends*
David: Who are they?
Me: My friends
David: Why aren't they in here?
Me: They didn't want to come to the show
David: Tell them to come in here.
Me: Are you serious?
David: Yeah go get them

So I leave line and get my friends. The dude wouldn't let them in and I'm like "David said it's okay" (I felt so cool being able to say that) So the security dude went to see if I was telling the truth and David's like "Yeah let them in!"

My friends come in and he's shaking their hands and saying hi. He was so nice even though they didn't see the show. I got a hug and a picture somewhere in the whole situation. Basically David Cook is the nicest guy EVER! He just let my friends walk in and he talked to them. I love him.

We left and I died.

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