
Apr 23, 2006 02:52

Okay.. I am going to share something with you.. because I think it's frikken hilarious...

Here is a photo of me singing in the Wesley choir for the Dawn Service at the Opera house on Easter Sunday...

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Comments 8

danascully April 23 2006, 00:33:59 UTC
Not sure if you got the message or not but Jono was trying to call you the other night to see how you are doing and if you want to come see our band soon - this Saturday afternoon! I hope you are still free. I didn't have your email so I thought I'd just post the details here:

Saturday 29th April
Starts 3pm
Address is 2 Fredereich St Petersham (right near station)
$5 entry
There's going to be a BBQ there if you want to bring meat to cook.
We're playing with a band from Melbourne called The Triangles, they're on the web at www.thetriangles.net
Also, we're on myspace now at www.myspace.com/caxtonband if you're on that.

Bring your sister too, it's been ages since I've seen her!


philhybels April 23 2006, 02:48:59 UTC
March 2004
Phil: Hey Kris, you should get into My Bloody Valentine, they are great you would love them. Why not give it a try, I'll even lend you their cd.
Kris: Shut up! I don't want to listen to you! I am sure their music is bad even though I have never heard it!

March 2006
Blue Bottle Kiss guy: Hey Kris, maybe listen to My Bloody Valentine.
Kris: Yes, sir! I love you, and I love them!


kristofferp April 23 2006, 12:23:36 UTC
Yes. I am sorry Phil. My lack of foresight led me to not appreciate your all-knowingness. Please forgive me. They are truely the best musical discovery I have made in the last two or three months.

But I have to say.. I kinda was paying for Jamies time.. So I might have been paying a bit more attention.. ;)


We should hook up real soon.


kristofferp April 23 2006, 13:15:01 UTC
Yes!! I meant to call and say thank you for thinking of me!! I would love to come.

I lost my mobile so only got the message yesterday or somethig i think it was.

Tell your dear husband thank you!

I shall let Felicity know...

hope you're well!


__prelude April 23 2006, 05:43:49 UTC
i can't see anything!


__prelude April 23 2006, 05:45:40 UTC
... )


motionblur April 24 2006, 08:50:07 UTC
I am so glad you are into My Bloody Valentine. Because from now on, i'm not speaking to anyone who doesn't own Loveless.


motionblur April 24 2006, 09:36:34 UTC
PS, you have a funny shaped head.


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