Just your standard 'counter-star' with the EVs skewed to fit my imperfect IVs.
Designed to outspeed and OHKO Timid/Jolly Salamence, Jolly Garchomp and outspeed and 2HKO Gyarados with one Dragon Dance who ain't doing shit to Starmie with only Waterfall and Ice Fang. Surf also does a number to Rhyperior but you gotta watch out for Megahorn.
Also absorbs status like a pro with natural cure.
No one should leave home without one ^___^
Rest of my movesets are secret for now because they're not so standard (well apart from Weezing who's standard to cover my previous Heracross weak.)
Don't think I'd be up for the face-painting or general day-care aspects of this, lol, but you get as many Mews as you have gba carts and I know some Smogon-ites who are going down and would be up for some sparring.
Comments 11
If so, now you need all of them in male, female and hermaphrodite. Otherwise you'll hae a terrible feeling of incompleteness
Your cooties!
Cool team.
What are Starmie's stats?
IVs HP:22 / A:30 (lol) / D:26 / SPA:27 / SDF:31 / SPD:25
EVs HP:134 / SPA:136 / SPD:240
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Recover
Just your standard 'counter-star' with the EVs skewed to fit my imperfect IVs.
Designed to outspeed and OHKO Timid/Jolly Salamence, Jolly Garchomp and outspeed and 2HKO Gyarados with one Dragon Dance who ain't doing shit to Starmie with only Waterfall and Ice Fang. Surf also does a number to Rhyperior but you gotta watch out for Megahorn.
Also absorbs status like a pro with natural cure.
No one should leave home without one ^___^
Rest of my movesets are secret for now because they're not so standard (well apart from Weezing who's standard to cover my previous Heracross weak.)
You think he's good enough to stand up against most of the OU's?
And like I said, pretty much there to cover my Hera weak as I'm not a fan of the extra 4x Ice problem Gliscor would bring.
Don't think I'd be up for the face-painting or general day-care aspects of this, lol, but you get as many Mews as you have gba carts and I know some Smogon-ites who are going down and would be up for some sparring.
It's not in manchester though.
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