
Oct 29, 2005 00:06

Okay. Bri. My life isn't TOTALLY a waste. I did find quite a few plans for this weekend! Well, today I went to the game. Yep. I will just cut to the chase. We lost. We are now out of the playoffs. Hey. If not this game, it probably would have been the next game. Oh well. Had a good time though. Um, Steph, Taryn, Minkel, Little Minkel, Linds, ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

xbriana_mariex October 31 2005, 01:34:58 UTC
well since my friend was over all weekend and we were practially gone all weekend its nearly impossible to get online and email or comment. I'll email you about my eventful weekend cuz I dont feel like putting it in my lj that every1 can read. SO I will TTYL!
ohh ohh ohh wait! I'm glad you got plans I'm VERY happy! <3 football games...we won ours on friday 34-0

alright ttyl lyl!


londebay November 2 2005, 21:15:21 UTC
did i ever tell you that ur background is pretty much the most amazing backgroud i have ever seen?


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