So, going back in time a bit to the 27th of March, I decided to go into the main security office, to book off some time (the first day of which was this past saturday, which I'll get to later). Interestingly, this was also the day that the guy who was to replace my previous coworker (who left due to taking a job with the cops in a different jurisdiction), thought that it was in everyone's best interest for him to quit the site, because he knew too many people in the apartments.
Right then and there.
You got it, without notice. This meant that I needed to come in on my days off, Tuesday and Wednesday. And due to wednesday's schedule it also meant my not being able to play
D&D that week, which lead to the rest of the group not playing as well. Needless to say, there wasn't much in the way of happy feelings to the guy who quit the site (by the way, he's still working for the company, even though he screwed over both a guy with way more seniority and the guy that does all the scheduling, go fig).
Anyway, I didn't get much word about the *new* replacements until monday, when I had to train a woman to take over at least for tuesday and wednesday. I was significantly happier by this point, and celebrated on tuesday night, by getting blasted on a mix of Limited Edition Crown Royal and Coke, whilst watching
Robot Chicken on my iPod, in bed. It was fun. ^_^
Wednesday, at game, I still had a bit of a hangover, but I still had fun. I also started downloading the complete Gargoyles series that night, because my friend
Amy had been going on about it for a while, but had lent out the critcal first season. So I searched it out, and started the 12 gig download. Only one obstacle was stopping me: The fact that I had but 4+ gigs free on my hardrive, and didn't feel like cleaning out another 8. Okay, that's two obstacles, but you get my point. ^^;
A bit of clever batch splitting, downloading, burning and several days later, I have the complete Gargoyles series on three disks. Eventually I'll spring for an official set, but this will do for now. ♥ ♥ ♥
Anyway, back to last week. Thursday night, I come in to find a guy training to take over the other position permanently, thought with no news on if there's someone booked to take over for me on Saturday (the woman from monday can't do it, as she does other, better paying work on the weekends). This was slight cause for concern, as Sunday was my sole remaining grandmother's (grandparent, even) 80th birthday. The reason I needed Saturday night off, was to get a good night's sleep and be all rested the next day.
Friday came along, I called the office to see if any progress was made, and they had no news yet. It came right down to the wire, but when I arrived on the site that night, there was someone in, training to take over for saturday. Then around 3 am, dispatch pulled him from the site to cover a no-show down at the college (he was literally the last person they could find to take it, and he had general meme for my site down pat anyway). ;¬_¬
with 20 minutes to go on the friday shift (about 5:40 saturday morning) I get a call to come up to the 10th floor, to watch for rowdy peoples until the cops come, due to some smashed glass and blood in the elevator. Basically, some guy left an apartment (that's rumored to house underage prostitution) in a huff, punched the glass of the cabinet containing a firehose, kicked out two panes of glass in the hall window, and bled all over the inside of the elevator. Since there's no body, I'm guessing he made it to the hospital.
Anyway, Saturday night comes, I sleep for 9 hours, get up, go to the party, have a great time, come back, nap for another 2.5 hours, and wake up feeling a bit sick, though I didn't know it yet. Went to work, had to spend most of the night either laying down or in the bathroom. Monday night, still feeling a bit sick, called it in, got repalced for the night, went to sleep again around 11pm.
And now we're onto today. I'm feeling much better now, though just taking it easy, and not taking in any dairy products (we figure I had some of the flu that was going around, here).
And now, a meme: Snagged from
jetwolf and
mimisgrotto, Write a list of the five things that are most effective in bribing you. Lots and lots of cash is a given.
1. Transformable toys, though that doesn't exclude non-Transformers brand toys, as anything robotic that turns into something else will keep me happy for hours (the more complicated, the better). ^_^
2. Just about anything that has to do with Giant Robots, Batman, ultraviolence, and ridiculously stoic heroism. If you can give me something that mixes all four, I will love you forever. ♥ (The Big O comes close)
3. Fresh mozzarella sticks. Like an artery hardening Ambrosia, those things are. ^^;
4. Caffiene.
5. Booze.
And lastly,
what the fuck is wrong with people, these days? I ask you that.