
Apr 09, 2004 23:14

I want ya'll to make an anyonmus reply to this telling me what u think about me. Like what kind of person i am, and what you like about me, and what u don't like, and if u could change me what would u change, and u know great stuff like that sooooo yea post on

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Comments 9

kevin... ambera89 April 11 2004, 22:34:46 UTC
kevin!! you are one of the coolest people i know. you are very open and know exactly where you stand. you are always full of advice and discussion when i most need you and even when i think i dont need you - you are there. you are so sincere and considerate, halarious, full of new games (you know which one im talkin about), new jokes. i can always talk to you and rely on you for support - especially when i need you to put my english journal back in the box ;) you are one of my best friends and i would never want to change you
Love, Amber


anonymous April 12 2004, 13:37:25 UTC
yeah she pretty much summed it up. you are one of the downright coolest guys out there. you're always kind, considerate and your never bitchy/mean. its awesome. there's not much more to say except keep on being you, thats the best way to be.


anonymous April 12 2004, 17:16:08 UTC
I met you about a year ago...or more in Model UN (trying to bribe me with that candy haha!) yea...everytime I talk to ya, you make me laugh and smile. you are an awesome guy, you're never rude. and all that good stuff, you are basically the perfect guy. dizzam, I wish I went to your school haha. ugh too bad I have to keep this anonymous...I'll just tell ya that I'm from Lausanne..and I think that will give it away. haha later Kevkev


aharkess89 May 16 2004, 21:11:26 UTC
haha i wonder who that is...coughhelencough?


anonymous April 13 2004, 14:53:58 UTC
gosh what the hell are you people on? i mean really.. who the hell likes kevin szu-tu? i cant believe anyone likes you. ewww, sickos. i bet theyre just using you for the movies! so watch out, they might not pull through with movie plans. anyways, youre a bitch to me, esp since you got on 12 chicks in one night at nerd camp. WHEN YOU HAD A GIRLFRIEND TOO!!! gosh you slut. i hope this post teaches you a lot about yourself. you need to change. FAST. and in case i ddint get it across, and not to be harsh but...I HATE UR GUTS BIYATCH!


more like what are YOU on... anonymous April 15 2004, 21:45:58 UTC
ok obviously you don't know kevin that well. i'm not saying i do, but I LOVE KEVIN!!! hes always nice and no one is using him for the freaking movies..obviously youre a little bit bitter or something but seriously, i doubt that kevin was a bitch to you bc hes always nice to everyone and hes so sweet and considerate. About the whole camp thing, whatever! youre probably just jealous that you didnt get with im, and even if he was dating someone their relationship was practically over so it doesnt even matter all that much. get over yourself and love kevin as much as everyone else does!


Re: more like what are YOU on... anonymous April 18 2004, 11:52:31 UTC
yeah YOU must be on something because you don't know kevin very well either because... he may not have been a jerk to you... but that doesn't mean that he wasn't to anyone... once upon a time.. he fooled me into believing that he was the sweetest guy ever... and I have to admit that he is still pretty nice... but the one person he was a jerk to was me... and i forgive him and all but that still means that he can be pretty hurtful sometimes. sorry kevin, its the complete truth. I love ya and all... but its the truth.


ok dude it was a joke people, dont spaz anonymous April 20 2004, 12:38:50 UTC
i was just joking dude. i love kevin, i dotn see how anyone could dislike him!! i jsut said that to see what people would say and stuff, to cause controversy.. but yea obviously it worked! mission accomplished! kevin rocks my socks off like no other! yaayyyy kevin is the coolest!


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