Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with six random facts about yourself. In the end you need to choose six people to be tagged and list their names.
1. I'm only having my dinner now
2. We actually finished work early tonight, but due to a problem with the tills didn't get out till an hour later. Usually I would have been able to go, but we have derro faggots bum around outside work, manager doesn't like locking up without a guy around *Flexes e-muscles*
3. Once again I'm not prepared for my tute/lecture tomorrow.
4. Mum doesn't want a dog. But I know if I came home with a puppy she couldn't refuse. I'm gonna stop by the animal shelter and pick up a dog one of these days =D
5. I had my first non-close shift on Saturday. Pity I thought I'd have a 1/2 hour nap before going out. I woke up at 9am Sunday morning >__<
6. My fucked wisdom tooth is getting worse.
RANDOM okay now I tag;
Whoever the fuck wants to be tagged.