After the Rescue

Sep 20, 2006 22:12

Back at the Lieutenant General's house, getting settled before returning to the Nexus, having lemonaide and cookies, and determining what needs to be done from there.

Characters: superman_dead, kryptonite_al, light__of__day, ruthless_path.
NPCs: Black Hayate, Lt. General Graman

::took the plates and dishes out to the kitchen; everyone's sitting in the parlor::

::clinging to Ed's arm with one arm, holding a half-eaten cookie in his other hand::

::holding Black Hayate on her lap XD;; he's being clingy::

So... what are your plans now? ::how long are you people going to stay? ;_; especially you, Riza::

::You're damn right! I've missed mom!::

::Kinda fidgetting a bit, he's a bit uncomfortable:: Well, I think it's safe to say that my military career is officially as dead as it was unofficially when I transferred north...

I want to get back to the Nexus as quickly as possible. I don't want Alfons to worry more than he probably already has. Or anyone else who might know where we went somehow. >_> ... ::eyes Graman; glances at Riza:: +You want to stay longer?+ ::using German, speaking slowly so she can understand him::

... ::looking from her grandfather, to Roy, to Ed, to her grandfather, back to Ed - she's on eggshells here, honestly:: ... ::iiiiitty-bitty tiny little ;_; shrug-nod - please?::

Al and I can go on ahead. Get his room set up and settled, let Alfons know we're okay. I think Winry will wanna go visit her grandma now that the way home's open. And Al may wanna get some stuff. ::glances at Roy briefly:: I'll need time to arrange for things back in the Nexus for you.

Take all the time you need. I'm not exactly in a rush. ... I've got people I've gotta make some closure with, anyway. That'll take some time.

You're welcome to stay here, you know. You're AWOL - both of you ::eyes Riza:: - and here at least is a reasonable cover.

::Nods slightly:: >_> That's... that will do nicely. Thank you.

>_> That would work. Al and I can go on back ahead, to keep Alfons from worrying himself bald or stupid or something. I can make arrangements for you- ::to Roy:: -and Riza can visit with her grandparents. I'll come back to get you guys since we'll have to take the PIN to get back to Central. I have a couple stops I wanna make before I'd pick you up, though.

... A week, maybe. I don't think it'll take long to talk Greed into letting him have a job, but housing is more of a problem, unless he wants to stay at the apartments.

>_> ::Thinks about this:: ... It would take at least three days of driving to get to one of the locations I need to go to. They don't have phone service out there. ::Looks at Ed:: ... I'll pass on the apartments. ::thinking:: I need to talk to the Jean, Heymans, Kain, and Vato... visit Maes's grave one last time... ::Thinking::

You know you'll always be able to come back whenever you want.

To what, exactly?

... Edward told me that Havoc wishes to speak with me, so I do need to see the others too. We can go separately, if you wish. ::trying so damn hard to keep her voice from shaking::

To visit people. ::caught the 'one last time' in there:: ::small shrug::

::Okay, this is not something he's willing to discuss, looks at Riza:: ... It would make more sense to do it together.

::not missing any of this - not that you'd know to look at him, total absentminded granddaddy look down pat here - just *so* not getting involved in the young'ns love lives; they can sort it out themselves, and he'll say his piece if anyone brings it up with him, but until and unless, he's holding his peace::

... is that how you'd want it though?

::may talk to Graman himself -_-;::

It would make sense to not make two separate trips. I'm fine with it. ::Shrugs::

::tiny nod:: very well. ::not quite looking anyone directly in the eye here::

... ::Looks at Ed:: A week should be enough time, I would think. You're going to be able to find us whereever we are?

::nods:: Yeah. I'll assume you're back here, and if not, as long as you make sure he knows where you are, I can catch up easily enough. Or just laze about here with the cookies and lemonade until you get back. :D

::Thinking of going to talk to the men first, then to visit central, and from there to visit his family... if he needs to drive back to any other location, it's going to take a lot more time:: ... -_- You sound entirely too cheerful. ::Looks over at Al:: Have you got narcotic properties we don't know about?

... ::just smiiiiiiiiiiiiles:: ^_________^

It's the power of kittens and rainbows. :D Didn't you know? Every Al comes equipped with it at birth.

... if his alternate's anything to go by, I'd have to say yes.

... ::Tired sigh, a "what am I getting myself into?" sigh::

... ::studying the ice and the remaining lemonaide in her glass intently::

::looks at Al:: Not even to the Nexus and we're already making him sigh like that. He'll fit in fine.

^_^ Don't worry, Corporal. I'm sure you won't be bored there. Especially since I plan to keep visiting since I can do it easier now than when you were in the north <3 ^_^

::smothers a smirk; looks at Riza:: You'll be fine staying behind for awhile then?

::Eyes Al... smirks faintly:: Don't worry about it, Alphonse.

::grins:: I'm not worrying about it, I'm just planning to make up for it. <3 ^_^

... ::blinks, looks up and at Ed... ...smiles:: Of course.

All right. About a week, then? ::glancing at Roy:: Regardless of if you're here or not, I'll catch up to you. I'll have a PIN, so... Although, if you're gonna be taking his- ::motioning to Graman:: -car, maybe waiting here for everyone to get back would be better. I don't know if the PINs can transport a car or not.

... If we try it and fail, you're the one telling him about it. ::Yes, General, he knows you're still in the room :D::

What you kids do is up to you. You can sell the car and bring me back the money. ::doesn't drive anymore, and the missus never learned how to::

... >_> you're entirely too permissive, sir. ::Smirks::

::Nods to Ed:: A week, and if you have to wait, then so be it.

Eh, I'm sure there'll be more lemonade for me. :D Or chores, one of the two. I can wait.

Plenty of chores. ^_^

D: Shoot.

... .... I'm staying at this Nexus place then. ^_^ ::gives Ed a look:: Otherwise, if I come along, don't think I haven't forgotten your tricks to shove all the chore work off on me. XP

... XP Traitor.

::beams:: <3

Oh, you don't need to do that. ^__^ If I can make that one over there work ::idle gesture at Roy:: This one won't be a problem. ^__^

-_-; ::You'll note, he doesn't plan to stay here for too long... Is -tired- here...::

... >_>;; Gramma Graman? About the cookies and lemonade...? ::looking back towards the kitchen area where the lovely old lady disappeared to:: All right. So a week, I'll be back here. If you're a little late, it's all right, I'll still meet you here. I want to make a couple stops down South on my own, anyway.

::Leaning back a bit in the chair, glancing at Riza here... it's not missing his attention that she's keeping her head down in all of this::

::slight nod, glancing up enough to look at Ed:: That works.

::smiles gently at her:: +You'll be all right?+


Good. ::looks over at Roy, then at Graman:: I'll leave what you guys plan to do while I'm gone up to you, and I'll see you in a week. I hate to run off already, but Alfons is probably going out of his mind by now. ::and he's a bit tired, he wants to go home and just curl up with his brother for awhile::

All right. ::Nods slightly:: It's been a long day for all of us, so I imagine that some rest is in all of our futures anyway...

::nods:: Go back and assure everyone that everything's fine. ... and um. Remember to make sure the patio door's been fixed.

... ^_^;;; I'm sure Alfons has fixed it... ::smiles:: You guys get some rest, all right?

::Gives him a little wave:: Yeah, yeah... don't need to tell me twice.

::smiles, getting to his feet:: Good. ::looks at Riza:: +Walk with us to the door?+ ::wants a chance to say goodbye without rubbing anything into Roy's face::

... ::looking at Ed blankly for a moment, her grip on the language is still pretty damn shaky in places and some of those words aren't really familiar to her:: ... ::slow nod, thinks she understood the gist of that at least XD;;:: okay... ::getting up::

::don't feel bad if you don't understand what's being said, Al, Roy, and Grandpa - I barely do either XD;;::

!!! ::I was using that lap:: D: ::Whines and follows Riza::

::blinks, eyes him... tiny chuckle::

>_> You'll get that lap back in a second, Hayate. ::snerks, holding his hand out to help Al to his feet::

::getting up as well, and um... he's actually gonna want more than just cookies when we get home plz::

::yes, you need food. and rest. we'll take care of that back at the apartment <3::

::For the record, he's going to devote quite a bit of free time to learning German, just so he can eavesdrop on you... not that he'll let on about it, he just needs something to pass the time::

::knows French, too, and can easily learn other languages. <3 and bah, when're you gonna have a chance to use that anyway? XP::

::walking with Riza and Al to the foyer, out of sight of the parlor; stopping and kissing Riza lightly:: I love you. ::smiles:: I'll be back in a week to get you. You're sure you'll be all right?

::kissing him back, lips stretching into a smile as she draws back:: Of course. ::opening her eyes, looking at him:: Go home. <3

All right. If you need me sooner, call Havoc or someone in Central that you trust and tell them where the portal is, and have them come get me, all right?

I'll be -fine-, Edward. Don't worry. ::small smile:: Go on. Get him home. ::looks at Al briefly then at Ed again::

::gives her a look- a bit anxious about leaving her here with Roy; honestly, just anxious about leaving her here without -him- XD;; separation anxiety or something.:: All right. I'll see you in a week. ::grabbing Al's hand. or. actually, the mun thinks Al hasn't let -go- of his hand, so... nevermind. XD; pulling the PIN outta his pocket and setting it for the portal's coordinates. giving her one last smile before they teleport out::

::hasn't let go yet, nope:: I'll see you later, Miss Riza. <3 ^_^

Welcome back, Al. ::small smile:: I'll see you both in a week's time.

::and with that, Ed and Al are back at the church, leaving Riza to face Roy again! :D ... mun, -I- am not enthusiastic about that, thank you::

... ::looking at the building as they arrive:: ...

... ... ... ::swallows hard, clasping her hands together to make them stop shaking, a few deep breaths, then turns around, and walks back in::

::Hasn't really moved from his seat, just sitting back, his eye closed::

::glances at him, sticking the PIN back in his pocket... hugs him tightly. not even going to make a comment about 'irony' or anything of the sorts. see, Al? he's there. he really is there::

You two look like you've had a long day. Dinner will be in another hour and half, if you want a chance to freshen up or rest before then.

... Thank you, sir. ::Nods slightly:: Some rest before dinner would be best.

Riza, the room you had before is still open for you. ::getting to his feet, looking to Roy:: I'll show you to a guest room you can use while you're here.

Thank you. ... ::Getting up after a moment::

... ::silently turning and walking out to the stairs and going to her room::

... ::hugging Ed tightly, still looking at the church:: ... ... It hasn't changed much, down there.

... ::hugs him tighter:: You've gone back down?

... Yeah.

... ::closes his eyes:: I came home as quickly as I could. I'm sorry.

I know you did, Brother. ::cling!::

::nuzzles him:: Come on. Let's go home. ::smiles, pulling back::

::not that far, still clinging:: That sounds good. ::holding onto Ed, walking to the portal and into the post :D::

gamethreads, ic, brother

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