Title: Anniversary Series: Weiss Kreuz Author: Krysana Rating: R Pairing/s: Aya x Ken. Summary: It's been a year. Disclaimer: Aya and Ken belong to Koyasu-sama. I just borrow them. Notes: Yaoi. Oneshot
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I've been dying to read something sweet all day, and what a wonderful surprise to come across this! :D I love it! It's very sweet, and full of RanKen goodness. And I love the ending, too.
Very nice piece. And Ken in skin-tight pants! Huffah! I enjoyed this piece very much. :)
hiya! thanks! *huggles* i wasn't sure it was very good, because i wrote it so quickly and all i can seem to write at the moment is ayaken smut. but i'm really happy u liked it! *beams* and yes, ken is HOT in tight clothing!
btw, the canoe concept is very hard! i'm having trouble imagining how they're gonna do it while the canoe's in the water. it's so gonna capsize. but i could be wrong - i've never canoed before. any suggestions? i'm definitely seriously pondering this one!
i'm having trouble imagining how they're gonna do it while the canoe's in the water.
Well, that is the issue, isn't it? Hm... Carefully? ^^;
it's so gonna capsize.
Aa! I was so hoping so! Hurrah!
but i could be wrong - i've never canoed before. any suggestions?
I have been canoe-ing, unfortunately. And much like my traumatising skate-boarding experience, it is a revent that will probably only be relived through hypnotherapy. :/ All I can say is: stay away from tree-debris. It works pretty much the same way as a row-boat, it's just narrower and rounder. If two adult-sized males were to do it in a canoe, I could definately see a capsize happening. o_o
I have a really crazy idea, but I think that would be writing the story for you so I'll resist. ^^ I really want to see what you come up with!
That was wonderful! So sweet, and cute and funny and smushy and gooey...delicious, no da! I wasn't expecting the bit of lime at the end. What a pleasant surprise.
Love the possessive Ran...^__^ and Ken angsting over why Ran was with him is so cuddly. *snuggles* Silly Kenken!
Awww...too bad you have to go back to study, ne? *pets you*
*laugh* it's always a tossup in my fics as to who is seme. in this fic, aya practically demanded it. (and ken was only too happy to comply!) i'm not sure kenken could go commando all the time, and still be able to blush like he does. maybe aya can convert him, ne?
Comments 14
Very nice piece. And Ken in skin-tight pants! Huffah! I enjoyed this piece very much. :)
btw, the canoe concept is very hard! i'm having trouble imagining how they're gonna do it while the canoe's in the water. it's so gonna capsize. but i could be wrong - i've never canoed before. any suggestions? i'm definitely seriously pondering this one!
Nonsense! You can do it. ;)
i'm having trouble imagining how they're gonna do it while the canoe's in the water.
Well, that is the issue, isn't it? Hm... Carefully? ^^;
it's so gonna capsize.
Aa! I was so hoping so! Hurrah!
but i could be wrong - i've never canoed before. any suggestions?
I have been canoe-ing, unfortunately. And much like my traumatising skate-boarding experience, it is a revent that will probably only be relived through hypnotherapy. :/ All I can say is: stay away from tree-debris. It works pretty much the same way as a row-boat, it's just narrower and rounder. If two adult-sized males were to do it in a canoe, I could definately see a capsize happening. o_o
I have a really crazy idea, but I think that would be writing the story for you so I'll resist. ^^ I really want to see what you come up with!
Good luck!
That was wonderful! So sweet, and cute and funny and smushy and gooey...delicious, no da! I wasn't expecting the bit of lime at the end. What a pleasant surprise.
Love the possessive Ran...^__^ and Ken angsting over why Ran was with him is so cuddly. *snuggles* Silly Kenken!
Awww...too bad you have to go back to study, ne? *pets you*
Though I hafta admit, Youji stole the story for me with this line:
Aya used to be the cold anal leader who you used to bang occasionally and now..."
*giggles* He's so naughty!
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r u feeling better yet? *huggles*
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