So, our digital camera has been eating batteries at an absurd rate, which means that when I pull it out to try to take a picture of the little one, I'm likely to be thwarted. My plan is to put "digital camera" on the xmas list for the folks to purchase, but I need to tell them *exactly* what to get, or we'll end up with something huge & unwieldy
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Comments 8
As a sidenote, the Steve's-Digicams site in the previous link has a lot of review info, and while every camera pretty much gets a good review (otherwise he probably wouldn't get cameras to review!), he's good about including the facts like shutter lag and features.
btw go here:
you can review cameras side by side. it was an invaluable source of information!
my sister upgraded to a $800+ model (i can find out which), i.e. a faster camera because her kids would move too fast for her to take a decent photo. :)
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