I noticed that! They are really sticking with the East/Northeast these days! I guess it's all about concentrated population. We'll see though--I bet there are gonna be shows added.
God, and I just realized that Bloomington is ILLINOIS, not Indiana... I didn't even know there was a Bloomington in IL! Well, that pretty much scraps that show.
I'm happy for the Covington show (what a strange city to choose this time), but man... I don't think I can make any of the other dates.
Covington is really just a suburb of Cincy, so I'm sure that's our replacement for Bogarts. Which is cool. But, I'll probably be crying cuz I can't see or something ;)
Yeah, I yahoomap'd Bloomington IL and it's like 4 and a half hours or something. Poopy.
*grumbes at the guys* they're playing 2 shows in PA while I'm still at school but its during finals week!!! Though I shouldn't complain, the first leg of the tour was amazing. Met te guys, almost stole Tay's shoes
Re: *grumbles8krystal0211February 25 2008, 16:19:30 UTC
Not stealing Taylor's shoes has got to be some good karma--go you!!!
Yeah, if it wasn't during the week, which would make my daughter miss school, I'd treat it like a road trip. But the traveling back and forth makes it not quite work. Poop on finals!!! I wish Hanson would tour in the summer like they used to!!
Damn. Not a snowball's chance in hell I'll see any of those shows. I'm on the road constantly myself from mid-March to mid-June.
And I soooo agree Krystal, it sure does suck growing up. I'm mourning the loss of those early, titillatingly exciting, and agonizingly frustrating Hanson fan years. Always being nearly bursting with anticipatory anxiety as we waited and somehow survived on tiny tidbits and morsels. A new fanfic, a recent pic, a snippet of an interview, a few bars of a new song, a rumor, or hint of something happening 'soon,' etc. etc. etc. Still, it's lovely not to have the constant ache inside that I'll miss something nowadays. It was exhausting. I loved my 2 fall shows in LA and Vegas with my 'girls' and I can wait calmly and patiently now for another opportunity to see the guys - and to see you gals!! Amy p.s. sure hope someone gets the chance to film some of the SXSW stuff though. That'd be cool.
I know!! Ditto to everything you just said! I was just telling Stephanie that I need a new obsession. This one seems to have run it's course and I feel like I'm bored all the time now. And yet, I don't seem to have the spare time I used to. It sucks.
I just saw two panels that Taylor is going to be on for SXSW and I'd LOVE to see some vids pop up of that stuff (and everything else I'm sure they'll be doing!)
LOL A "new" obsession. Yikes. I'm still a recovering Hanaddict - I'm not ready for a new one yet. I'm kind of enjoying the respite. hehe It's allowing me to catch up on my reading. ;) Sometimes it actually scares me a little how much time I devoted to these guys at the expense of some other things. It's just nice to not feel so pressured and stressed by it. I have a tendency to get too caught up. I'm liking just checking in at H.net and Hitz to get the latest and not worrying if I'm missing anything, etc. I'm looking for some new good music though. Any suggestions? Have you heard the new K D Lang album? Amy
Comments 11
I'm happy for the Covington show (what a strange city to choose this time), but man... I don't think I can make any of the other dates.
Yeah, I yahoomap'd Bloomington IL and it's like 4 and a half hours or something. Poopy.
Yeah, if it wasn't during the week, which would make my daughter miss school, I'd treat it like a road trip. But the traveling back and forth makes it not quite work. Poop on finals!!! I wish Hanson would tour in the summer like they used to!!
And I soooo agree Krystal, it sure does suck growing up. I'm mourning the loss of those early, titillatingly exciting, and agonizingly frustrating Hanson fan years. Always being nearly bursting with anticipatory anxiety as we waited and somehow survived on tiny tidbits and morsels. A new fanfic, a recent pic, a snippet of an interview, a few bars of a new song, a rumor, or hint of something happening 'soon,' etc. etc. etc. Still, it's lovely not to have the constant ache inside that I'll miss something nowadays. It was exhausting. I loved my 2 fall shows in LA and Vegas with my 'girls' and I can wait calmly and patiently now for another opportunity to see the guys - and to see you gals!!
p.s. sure hope someone gets the chance to film some of the SXSW stuff though. That'd be cool.
I just saw two panels that Taylor is going to be on for SXSW and I'd LOVE to see some vids pop up of that stuff (and everything else I'm sure they'll be doing!)
I'd SO recommend Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers to anyone and everyone. And the fact that they're opening for Hanson has now made my life complete!
Also loving the Robert Plant / Alison Krauss beauty!!
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