(no subject)

Aug 18, 2005 15:32

First grade teachers name: Mrs. Williams
Last sentence you said: " I can't believe you put those by me"
Last song you sang: This old school song in Barbs car... I don't remeber what it is called
Last song stuck in your head: "Shake It Off" Mariah
Last person who you chatted with?: Anthony <3
Last movie you saw: Constantine
Last CD you bought: The new Fall Out Boy Cd

What's in your CD player: A Mix
What's under your bed: a trundle bed
What's the weather like: Perfect
What time did you wake up today: 10:30
What's playing on your TV: There is no TV at work
How many close friends do you have: about 8 I think
How many enemies do you have: I don't think any?

Who do you want to marry: My someone special in my life.
Are you going to college: Yes
Where do you want to go: I am going to MSU
What is your career going to be: Lawyer
Where are you going to live: Lol prolly going between countries
How many kids do you want: 2 or 3
Kids'names: I'm not sure
Where do you want your honeymoon: Puerto Rico
What kind of car will you have: I want a big truck

Name: Krysta
Nicknames: Krysta Marie, kryst, Krissy, Kris, K-dog, krystie
College: Michigan State University
Birthday: Jan. 1, 1987
Birthplace: Bloomfeild hills
Horoscope Sign: Capercorn (sp?)
Siblings: only child
Parents: Scott and Linda
Best Friends: Katie x2, Sharon, Rachel, Jess, Jamie, Sare, and Man
Marital Status: Single but waiting for someone
Pets: Rocky, and harriet. Eugene is dead
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: Blue
Glasses/Contacts: none
Height: 5'9
Piercings: None
Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrous?: Righty
What's one thing you would change about yourself?: Not have such a big ass haha
What's your most comfortable piece of clothing?: My jeans
Goal in Life: Not have any regrets
Song to Describe your life: I dont really have any. I have ones that remind me of situations.
Five words to describe yourself: Complex, outgoing, fun, layed back, happy

Best Girl Friend: I have a few not just one
Best Guy Friend: Anthony prolly
Where can you usually be found?: My house sleeping, Detroit, or Katie's house lol
Which friend would you like to be with right now?: Anthony.
Are you the center of attention?: Not really
What's your idea of a dream date?: Going to Aruba and partying at C&C then going back to his house haha
Where's the best hangout?: Katie's cribbbbbb haha or Detroit
Do you like being around people or being alone?: Depends on my mood most of the time with people
What's your biggest turn off in the opposite sex?: Pimp nails...uhh ew

Have you known the longest?: Katie Holmgren
Do you argue the most with?: None of them really we get into our fights but it usually is all of us that fight lol
Do you always get along with?: Sharon and Rachel
Is the most trustworthy?: hmm they all are
Makes you laugh the most?: Jess haha
Has been there through all the hard times?: all of them have been but Katie the most
Always has to have a man/woman?: SHARON
Is the most sensitive?: hmm not sure
Biggest loser?: Me
Most unique?: We all are unique in our own ways
Is the most encouraging?: everyone is
Is the most blunt?: Rachel lol
Is the shyest?: We all are shy to some point
Is the most outgoing?: Katie H, Sharon and Rachel
Is the most rebellious?: haha we all are
Is the horniest?: Anthony or Parth
Is the laziest?: All of us girls are pretty lazy at night
Is the most optimistic?: Sharon and Rachel
Is the most conservative?: dunno
Is most likely to become famous?: i dunno
Most likely to become rich?: Katie B.
Is most likely to end up in jail?: Anthony ha
Is most likely to have a million kids?: Sharon I can just see her pumping out those half black jewish kids
Is most likely never to have kids?: I can't see any of us with kids
Will get a boob job?: Jamie ( I love you!)
Will get married first?: prolly me I have a feeling
Will lose their virginity first?: It not a matter of will, its a matter of who lost
Always wears a smile?: Me most of the time
Is the smartest?: Katie
Complains the most?: we all complain
Complains the least?: see above
Is the biggest flirt?: Sharon, Rachel, or myself
Needs a good man/woman?: All my friends deserve the best
Has the best fashion sense?: Katiee
Has the weirdest taste in the opposite sex?: hmm not sure
Best form of entertainment?: Going to detroit and waving to men
Is a bad influence?: Katie

Color: Pink
Clothes: jeans
Animal: Germen shepard
Book: Kite Runner
Food: Pork tenderloin
Restaurant: Honey Tree
TV show: Desperate Housewives
TV star: Eva
Movie: Notebook!
Movie star: Ryan Gosling, or Paul Walker
Song: "Cater 2 U"
Music Video: Pimpin all over the world is hot
Car: GTO
Hobby: I dont really have a hobby
Holiday: New Years
Month: Janurary
Flower: Red Rose
Vacation: Aruba
School Subjuct: Math
Cartoon: Scooby Doo
Clothing Brand: American Eagle
Sports team: Pistons!
Athlete: i dunno
Game: dunno
Radio Station: 95.5 or 89X
Sport to Watch: football, or basketball
Soda: Dr. Pepper
Breakfast food: I dont eat breakfast but it would prolly ba a bagel
Candy: Sour patch kids or Mike and Ike
Place: My room
Shampoo: Herbel essences
Outrageous Hair color: Neon green
Cologne/Perfume: Love Spell
Nail polish color: pink
Gum: Orbit
Family Member: my mom
Fast food place: Wendy's
Alcoholic beverage: Triple Black
Dream: i dunno
Thing to say in a foreign language: Madushi
Stuffed Animal: Rex the german shepard
Beach: I love all beaches
Amusement park: Kings Island
Lip Gloss flavor: strawberry
Shoes: My converses
Thing to do when you're bored: be online, sleep, or watch Tv
Memories: Being in Aruba

STUPID QUESTIONS (aren't they all?)
Have you ever been suspected of committing a crime?: Yes
What do you want people to say about you when you die?: I want them to remeber the good times
How long does it take you to get ready to go out?: 30 minutes to a hour
What super power would you want?: Fly
What would you like to be reincarnated as?: someone famous
Do you make fun of your friends?: I tease
If you were an animal what would you be?: Dog
Do you enjoy talking to yourself?: nope
What's your biggest fear?: Losing Anthony
What would you have liked to be named?: Krysta
What's your most prized possession?: I have a few
What's the funniest word you can think of?: Penis
What songs bring back the most memories?: The murder she wrote song
What's the largest organ in the human body?: Skin
Do you have a bar trick?: no
Who/What are you thankful for?: I'm thankful for everything and everyone in my life
Do you believe in fate?: yea
Do you get along with your parents?: of course
Could a pack of wolves done a better job raising you?: nope
What time do you go to bed?: usually around 2 or 3
What do you look for in the opposite sex?: Personality, smile, and just the way they present themselves I guess
What was the most difficult thing you had to do?: Leave Aruba or leave Arizona
What's your most embarrassing moment?: I cant count the times I've forgotten to zip my pants at work
What's the Worst feeling in the world?: Losing someone you love
If you could meet anyone who ever existed who would it be?: Ryan Gosling
Have you ever been in love?: I am right now
What's your best physical feature?: Eyes, and smile
What's your summer job?: Law Firm
What's the biggest lie you've ever told?: That my grandma died just to not have the teacher hate me when she caught me cheating
What was the meanest thing you ever did as a little kid?: I didn't do anything mean
What's the best scam you've ever pulled and gotten away with?: Cheating scams
What was the worst punishment your parents inflicted?: grounded for 2 weeks
What have you learned about love?: It can be an amazing thing but at the same time it can hurt.
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