In an effort to actually write posts in a timely fashion, rather than thinking about what I might write while I am not falling asleep and then never actually writing it which is pretty well useless for everyone...
Non-spoiler: loved it, as expected.
Reactions while watching:
- Is it a contractual obligation for Bruce Willis' characters to have much younger love interests?
- Prosthetics are good enough that they stopped distracting me after the first few minutes.
- Though WTF makeup department in the diner scene with old and young Joe?
- Excellent worldbuilding with Joe's friend and the cut-off fingers. A lesser film would've had clunky exposition for this. It shows both the time travel rules, and that Joe isn't a very noble person.
- Timestamps through the years did a pretty good job of using both actors believably. I mean, I was still thinking about it, but I bought them as the same person.
- I'm glad the trailers left out the entire plot with Sara and Cid. I thought it would be all about Joe and Joe having to team up to run or something. Thank you whoever for not spoiling the whole plot in previews.
- In the where-do-I-know-that-guy from game: Noah Segan ("kid blue") was in Brick, Seth is of course Paul Dano of a million movies including Little Miss Sunshine and There Will Be Blood, Abe is Jeff Daniels looking really fucking old who was also in The Lookout with JGL...
- First scene with Cid showing his powers was so intensely reminiscent of that scene in X-Men. You know the one? I can't remember the details or which of the trilogy it was in.
- Yay, JGL gets an age-appropriate love interest!
- Is this movie about the idea that Batman would actually be a psychopath?
- Or possibly, this is how you turn your kid into Rorschach.
- OMG this is a story about men and their mommy issues. Rock on. Turning every story about the lonely orphan who grows up to be a hero on its head.
- Alternately, perhaps this is Terminator from the other guys' perspective.
- I kept waiting for a reveal of a connection between Abe and the young gat-man (Noah Segan's character). My friend said after that he thought they were the same person. But not sure if it was ever clearly stated by the movie. Would be an interesting parallel, since young Joe isn't looking for his older self's approval.
- Joe talking about his childhood as an orphan to Cid was about 1000% better than John Blake talking about his to Bruce Wayne. Not the acting, the script.
- The JGL:Bruce Willis ratio was just about perfect for me. But maybe not for someone who loves Bruce Willis.
Oh, and we arrived a little late in the middle of a super-long promo for the new Les Mis movie which made it sound genuinely interesting. Not that I care about all the stuff about singing their parts live in their scenes, just the existence of Hugh Jackman plus Anne Hathaway singing my favorite song from the play was enough to sell me. I was only slightly snotty about the clips of Éponine singing "On My Own" and how freaking whiny the character is. Keep in mind that all my knowledge of the musical comes from being forced by my best friend in high school to listen to the soundtrack again and again, and her explaining the plot to me. I haven't seen the previous movie, read the original novel, or ever seen a production of it. So.
This entry was originally posted at Comment wherever.