Name: Elwen Rhiannon
Age: 28
Zodiac Sign: Monkey :p
Favorite Quote and/or Lyric: "If you should throw away your heart, you will become nothing more than true yasha(...)You must not abandon yourself. Don't give up until the very end"
abelarda, House M.D., Mirage of Blaze (my no.1 anime, actually), wide open spaces, second hand bookshops (much more fun than with normal ones), coffee and green tea, researches, heated discussions, teaching, staying up all night and sleeping till noon, reading and learning in general, watching ten or more episodes of anime or non-anime (though that's rare) series in a row
Dislikes: forced limitations and being not allowed to show your skills, tough mindness (I'd say "idiots", but that would be quoting doctor House...), animals "more equal than others", my boss [*coughs*], dishonesty, grapefruits, raw meat and food looking at me while being eaten
Strong points: civility, sense of humor, ability to stay calm and think during the crisis
Weak points: books I love and books I want to have, problems with self-confidence, no head for alcochol and computers
Pet Peeves: geting up to work before down - I'm everything but a morning person; for the rest, see: dislikes
Hobbies: mythologies, old Celtic and Japanese culture, 19th century in general, languages
Talents: fast reading, creativity, languages, not the worst writer, well-read, not minding public speaking
Your biggest fear: that I'll stop waiting for anything
Optimistic or pessimistic? as in my all ratings: "hoping for the best but expecting the worst"
Impulsive or cautious? cautious
Mature or immature? being 28 and unmarried without children, writing PhD thesis with a plushy vampire over the desk, geting a driving licence after first attempt and not driving for ten years, quitting scholar lectures for the mangas I know almost by heart, not believing people at all and still believing them too much - and so on, in other words: decide yourselves
Extroverted or introverted? both
Outgoing or shy? rather shy, but much depends on the company I'm with
Emotional or collected? I manage to keep my emotions on hold at the moment
Predictable or unpredictable? hell knows
Patient or impatient? beware the fury of a patient man...
Confident or modest? ...
Realistic or dreamer? too realistic
Logical or intuitive? intuitive
Rude or polite? polite, unnecessary rudeness is stupid
Determined or passive? determined, and as one of my teachers used to say, "wise or stupid, but consequent"
Dominant or submissive? sometimes submissive, but much depends on what will help me to get or learn what I want; generally people tend to make a mistake judging me by my quietness
Leader or follower? quiet yet cautious observer, prefering to go her own way; not minding to follow a just and competent leader but taking the lead herself when the incompetence of the others becomes too obvious
Compassionate or just? compassionate
What color do you think relates most to you and why? blue, the colour of wide open skies
Can you put your trust in people? no
Do you prefer working with a group or alone? if the group is doing something interesting, than why not; besides, I want to be a university teacher
What's most important to you? freedom and loyalty
Deadly Sin you relate to the most and why? envy towards people whose lives have taken the turn I would like mine to
Deadly Sin you don't relate to at all and why? gluttony; although not a diet person, I just don't eat much
Number one goal in life: being someone people respect
Favorite Koutetsu Sangokushi character? Why? I actually watched the series for Koumei: a silver haired character with the voice of Koyasu Takehito (Loveless, anyone? ^^) suggested an explosive mix. He intrigued me: I was curious where his true loyalties lie. And, as ending spoilers are forbidden by the rules of this community, I'd say that some kinds of sacrifices have always made an impression on me.
Least favorite Koutetsu Sangokushi character? Why? I couldn't stand Sonken, before a friend pointed out to me that it's actually a girl in disguise: with this interpretation, I started to like her...
If you were given the chance to become one of the characters for a short period of time, who would you choose? Why? Rikuson, I would finally know whether he slept with Koumei or not...
What kingdom would you belong in and why? preferably none
If you had the opportunity to use the Seal, would you use it? I was always curious how is it build... speaking seriously, tonight I might say "oh no, it's too dangerous" but it's weekend and when I return to work on Monday, it's very possible that I'll change my mind...
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