NOT keyword: HAD ( as in not anymore )
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: y do u hate me
Sam11xo: i dont hate you
Sam11xo: its kidna pathetic that you cant tell me yourself though
Sam11xo: kinda*
Sam11xo: who told you i hated you?
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: i woonted to tell u but there is other reasions y i dumped u
Sam11xo: yea i know aobut your other girlfriend
Sam11xo: i found out earlier today from my friend who knows ppl from your school
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: no not that i dumped her b/c i liked u more and that was just a joke
Sam11xo: and then i got a nice phone call from warren
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: well i dont know how to tell u wht i think rigtht now
Sam11xo: you confuse me
Sam11xo: so when did you start dating this other girl?
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: today but it was a joke but she htou it was 4 rea;
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: real
Sam11xo: oooh
Sam11xo: i heard it was like 2 days ago
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: no today
Sam11xo: oh
Sam11xo: but ya then i call you and some fucking immature thing you put ont he phone
Sam11xo: on the*
Sam11xo: and when i called you it was before i even talked to warren
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: wht that was my answer machine
Sam11xo: forest gump?
Sam11xo: is your answering machine?
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: yeah my mom put it on there call right now it will come o n
Sam11xo: no
Sam11xo: im fine
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: r u mads
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: mad
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: cuz
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: i didnt ownna dump u
Sam11xo: then why did you?
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: i still like i just didnt know wht to do
Sam11xo: well you probably shoulda thought about that one before you started dating the other girl
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: it wass a joke
Sam11xo: and yea you could say im a little mad (and when i say a little im being nice, because im really mad) and i really dont think dating rils should be a joke, and yea when i find out my boyfriend is dating anothing girl, then doesnt call me for like what 2 days, and decides to break up with me but yet doesnt have the balls to do it himself and he has to have one of my friends do it for him....its pathetic!
Sam11xo: yeah so i was probably a joke just like your other little friend rose mary or w/e the hell her name was
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: well im really srry and there is no word for wht i did and i still ike u and if u dont then well thats ook then i guesss im really srry and if u dont wonna talk to me any more its ok ill understanf
Sam11xo: we can still talk... and ya i still have feelings for you, but i dont trust you and ya you should be sorry.. and you probably owe that other girl an apology too..
Sam11xo: does she even knwo about me?
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: yeah i told her
Sam11xo: mmmkay
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: and i cryed cuz i fucked up big time and i dont knoww wht else to say
Sam11xo: yea id say you fucked up too
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: im really soryy sam i really am if i was looking at u right now i would tell u to look in my eyes and tel u im am so srry
Sam11xo: okay... but that doesnt make things okay
Sam11xo: i mean seriously i havent been cheated on since like 5th grade... i mean idk i just thought you were different then the other guys ive dated/liked in the past... guess i was wrong
Sam11xo: like seriously its bad enough you did that shit- then you dont even have the balls to tell me
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: im so srry i guess i am not good enof 4 u then ill leav u a lone now
Sam11xo: your not good enough for me? hello YOUR THE ONE WHO CHEATED ON ME REMEMBER!
Sam11xo: dont take this shit out on me, its not my fault im the one not good enough you had to go to some other slut and get some for her
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: sam i srry and i dont know and ill leav u a lone now and i didnt get any thing from her cuz i would think of u and i felt bad so yeah bye bye
Sam11xo: i mean i truly dont like being mean to you, but honestly do you expect me to be youe best friend after this?
Sam11xo: you dont have to leave me alone, i dont hate you
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: im srry but i do think u hate me and u dont wonna be with me or talk to me its ok ill undestand
Sam11xo: and i understand your sorry... and i accept your apology- but that doesnt change anything,
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: il leav
Sam11xo: i still wanna talk to you/ be your friend.... but no at the moment i dont wanna be with you as in a relationship- considering you broke up with me FOR ANOTHER GIRL
Sam11xo: youd otn have to leave stop saying that
Sam11xo: and when exactly did you tell warren to tell me that?
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: today
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: when i lost yo number
Sam11xo: ok g-unit
Sam11xo: that was my friends brother kyle
Sam11xo: but ya um i doubt you lost my number condsidering you probably coulda just looked on your caller ID because i did call you saturday and like 3 times today
Sam11xo: I mean did you think you wuold get away with that?
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: no i knew i wouldnt
Sam11xo: but i mean you could have atleast waited before you got with another girl
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: srry ssam
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: i really am
Sam11xo: atleast untill we werent goign out anymore
Sam11xo: ya im sure you are
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: no i really am
Sam11xo: mmmkay sure
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: omg i dpo
Sam11xo: are you still with the one chick?
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: no i dumped her like 5 hours a go
Sam11xo: ooo
Sam11xo: well 5 hours ago i didnt even know youw anted to break up
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: srry
Sam11xo: i just found out at like 10 tonight
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: :-(}
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: :-(*
Sam11xo: :-D
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: wht
Sam11xo: nvm
Sam11xo: I just dont get it
Sam11xo: I mean why?
Sam11xo: are you even there?
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: yes
Sam11xo: mmkay
Sam11xo: I dont even know what to say to you
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: im srry and its ok
Sam11xo: w/e
Sam11xo: iw as probably a "joke" just like the other girl
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: no
Sam11xo: im sure
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: no
Sam11xo: whatever...
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: maby not
Sam11xo: you lied beofer
Sam11xo: your probably lying now
Sam11xo: maybe not what???
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: no it wasnt a joke
Sam11xo: yeah okay
Sam11xo: just curous... what were you thinking in the first place?
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: i wasnt
Sam11xo: were you even going to tell me?
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: yes
Sam11xo: i guess it just hurts more that i had to hear it from my best friend who heard it from another firend! then i get a phne call from another friend and it pathetic that all these people knew before me
Sam11xo: are there any other girls i should have known about?
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: no just u and her
Sam11xo: see there shoulda been no "and her"
Sam11xo: wow... i feel like an idiot...
Sam11xo: but ya im sure your laughing your ass off over there because everything is just a "joke" to you
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: no sam its not
Sam11xo: well max it seems like it is
Sam11xo: and im sure all your friends are over there saying "haha max your a pimp, 2 girls at once" and allt hat other shit
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: no its not like that
Sam11xo: then whats it like?\
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: its like this imm srry and i feel bad
Sam11xo: well um i hate to be mean, but im being honest WHAT THE HELL YOU SHOULD FEEL BAD!
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: bye bye i just dont think we sould talk cuz u are to mad
Sam11xo: imt oo mad?
Sam11xo: im too*
Sam11xo: well did you expect be to be all thrilled to hear my boyfriend cheated on me?
Sam11xo: and now you dont wanna talk anymore because you cheated on me? um i thought i was being nice here... i mean i coulda been way meaner like i coulda told you my brother wants to kick your ass right now and your probably lucky he doesnt know where you live, i could tell you that most of rootstown hates you, but hey i didnt because i didnt wanna be too mean, but oops guess i just told you didnt I? ooops mmy bad
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: wht u mean thou
Sam11xo: i mean did you expect me to be happy that you cheated on me?
XxNiGhtSk8ErxXMe: no i knew this was coming ust didnt know how bad it was going to be
Sam11xo: well i guess you do now
Sam11xo: i mean i wasnt even gonna IM you
Sam11xo: because i knew it'd be ahuge arguement... just like this one
Sam11xo: whatever
Sam11xo: haha and i was worried about telling you I slow danced with other guys at teen night... haha
Sam11xo: well i dont feel bad anymore
Sam11xo: i probably shoulda made out with them while i had the chance too
Sam11xo: whatever though. Im over it. but i have to go
boys these days