Apr 11, 2009 00:02
- 14:54 finlly stopped procrastinating and registered for Open Source Bridge #
- 14:58 IMAP access to my email down a week now. Dreamhost no longer even replies to my support tickets. At least forwarding to gmail works. #
- 18:24 debating the evening's activity. Want to go have fun, but I'm riding 50 miles tomorrow morning, so not too much fun. #
- 18:44 @
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Apr 09, 2009 00:02
- 11:44 trying to tear myself away from this bug and head out to Lunch 2.0 #
- 16:31 Rails 2.3 seemed to have blown up our functional tests using Shoulda :-( #
- 18:23 I wonder if I'll ever be one of those people who files their taxes in January. #
- 19:36 how many geeks does it take to resize an X window session? #pdxpm #
- 22:27 learned about gmap-
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Apr 08, 2009 00:02
- 18:11 today's ride: Mt Tabor/ 41st / Woodstock / Springwater. 16mi. 1h05m. #RtB #
- 18:13 it's pretty fun (and a little terrifying) to outrun cars riding down Woodstock from 39th. Top speed 36.4mph #
- 21:51 Sour Brown @ Roots #ontappdx #
- 23:48 Dreamhost broke my email on Sat. Nothing since has gotten to me since. Msg me on Twitter or Facebook if it's
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Apr 07, 2009 00:03
- 11:10 Time Machine just backed up several GB, 800K files, virtually none of which changed in the last hour. Very suspicious. #
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Apr 06, 2009 00:02
- 12:18 realizing how many calories I'm burning cycling. Currently 4-5000/wk. Going to rise to twice that by the time of the century ride. #RtB #
- 12:19 making a second sandwich for lunch. With bacon. #
- 17:46 today's ride: Around & about Sauvie Island. 42.7mi, 2h26mi. #RtB #
- 18:29 eat or sleep? such a difficult question. #
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Apr 05, 2009 00:02
- 13:36 wondering if my neighbor plans to use the power saw on his back porch all afternoon. #
- 15:16 does not have enough time for a nap :-( #
- 15:17 not that I could if I did have the time. (See: neighbor, power saw) #
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Apr 04, 2009 00:02
- 07:52 slept 8 solid hours thanks to an Ambien. But I'm still tired. #
- 12:19 If your website is going to ask "how did you hear about us?", it seems like it would be good in include "on the internet" in the options. #
- 12:29 I'm riding the Reach the Beach century. Would you sponsor me and support lung disease research? Even $5 or 10 helps. bit.ly/
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Apr 03, 2009 00:02
- 13:35 Every time I think it's clearing up and I'll get to go for a ride today, the sky opens up. Might just have to resign myself to getting wet. #
- 13:37 @ kchrist Definitely. It took me years to figure out the mess of roads on the west end of the Ross Island. #
- 14:43 I think my net output for the day was 2 emails. But they were substantial emails
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Apr 02, 2009 00:02
- 11:39 'render :partial => "foo"' creates 10 stack frames before getting around to actually doing anything. Scary. #
- 17:36 @ chromatic_x you mean they *say* they use Scrum. Just doing the easy bits doesn't count. #
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