M ran into a friend on Saturday in the grocery store. She asked if we were going to her partner's birthday party that evening. Whoops, totally forgot about that. We consequently scrambled, and made it to the party, with no one the wiser. I *really* need to pay more attention to my social calendar! (What? Huh? I have a life??)
Me: *yawn* Wishing I was outside enjoying the lovely weather. After re-reading what I've just written, I'm apparently a little grumpy today. Feeling less social than usual; maybe that's why I forgot about the above-mentioned party.
Home Sweet Home: Cleaned house this weekend - woo hoo! (OK, just the downstairs.) I was inspired. I even dusted, with Pledge, which is beyond rare. Next weekend: the upstairs. I really want some sort of fabric storage system, other than keeping it in a pile on the bed in the spare room/sewing room. Having trouble convincing the other half that this is necessary - she doesn't go in that room, so it doesn't affect her. *grumble*
Reading/Listening: (I took out "Watching," 'cause I don't watch a lot of movies.) Reading a really terrible fantasy (The Eyes of God by John Marco) that has most of the elements of books I can't stand: predictable plot (nice-but-boring young king with a beautiful new wife, who has an affair with the dangerous-yet-attractive knight who is the king's best friend - *blah*); omniscient third-person point of view, where on one page you are in the heads of each and every character; quest for mystical object that will cure the queen and make everything all right again. I can deal with this sort of thing if the book is written with a humorous perspective, but this one seems to think it's a serious novel. Oh, well, I'll probably finish it anyway, as it's the last of the stack I picked up from Powell's a while ago. But what a disappointment, especially after Left Hand of Darkness.
Eagerly Anticipating: Dinner. I'm starved. No, really - I'm very much looking forward to a whirlwind trip back east for a friend's wedding. Taking a red-eye after work Friday, Oct. 20, arriving in Boston Saturday morning. Going to wedding in the evening. Flying back home on Sunday. Hmm, wait, did I say I was looking forward to this?
SCA Projects: Um, yeah. Been sidetracked lately. Still working on the green wool overdress thing. I'd really like to get it done by the end of the month.
Other Projects: M and I are planning some home projects, including sanding and painting the stairs and beginning work on the living room. I'm also thinking about making some nice thermal light-blocking curtains for upstairs.
NaNo: Have been planning my story. Don't have much of a plot yet, but I'm sure one will develop. Right now all I have is a series of loosely related scenes. Next Monday the founder of
NaNoWriMo is coming to Powell's on Hawthorne, and I am *so* there.
Thinking on: See above. Other than that, not a lot of thinking going on.
Work: Had a weird conversation with a faculty member this morning; more like a lecture, really. He basically said, "I'm a big picture guy. I don't tell my staff what I need, but I expect you to deliver it anyway." I couldn't tell if he was criticizing me or just giving me a heads up. I mean, come on - I don't expect a ton of handholding, but I've only been here a couple of weeks. If you don't tell me what kind of follow-up you want - or that you want follow-up at all - how am I supposed to know? Zheesh. He also hinted that staff members that can't read his mind don't necessarily last very long here. Luckily, he's not in charge, and I think he's full of it. *sigh* Well, at least he informed me of his unreasonable expectations.